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Preparation and Characterization of BeO-Supported Feldspar Porcelain
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Due to the specific characteristic of porcelain, the insertion of Beryllium oxide has been studied. The basic materials and quantities were selected carefully. In this work, porcelain containing 32 wt% feldspar, 24 wt% quartz and 44 wt% clay was synthesized and  beryllium oxide (BeO) (1 wt.%, 3 wt.%, 5 wt% and 7wt%) were add. The basic and new composition porcelain powders were uniaxially compacted into standard samples dimensions and fired at various sintering temperatures, 1100°C, 1300°C, and 1450°C then  held for 2 hour in a furnace.

The effects of sintering temperatures and beryllium oxide content on mechanical, electrical and structural properties were studied. The increasing of sintering temperature on the basic porcelain leads to an enhancement in bulk density and compressive strength. Basic porcelain which suffering lower sintering temperature (1300°C) introduces higher dielectric constant values in contrast with that suffering higher temperature (1450°C).  The addition of BeO to the basic porcelain leads to decrease the bulk density and compressive strength. Porcelain with lower sintering temperature introduces higher έ values in contrast with higher temperature. The FTIR measurement show the existence of absorption at 800 cm-1 which attributable to Si-O-Si symmetrical stretching vibration band in all prepared samples. Band near 780 cm-l is attributed to the vibration of a beryllium atom moving in a tetrahedron of fixed oxygen atoms, while the absorption bands in the region 400-1500 cm-1 are due to the Be-O stretching and bending vibrations.



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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geomorphological Phenomena of the Tigris River between Dojama and Sindia Villages, Al Khalis District, Diyala Province
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Differences in transversal sections and activities of geomorphological operations led to forming geomorphological shapes as river turns and river isles in watercourse in the area of study. The study showed three river turns that are Sindia turn with length 4723m, turn wave 3599 average width 267.6, Zanbour turn length 11374m, turn wave 7110 average width 307.5m,and Dojama turn with length 5876m, turn wave 4982m average width 313.4m. This difference is caused by the activity of erosion and sedimentation that led to the appearance of the length rivers turn.
The study showed that the turn of Dojama is the only corresponding turn, whereas the phenomena of corresponding never appeared in other turns in the area of study. The study also sho

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Spectrophotometric Methods for Estimation of Diosmin in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using Batch and FIA Systems: Abstract
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A new attempt is made to determine diosmin (DIO) in its pure form and in dietary supplements by using spectrophotometric flow injection analysis (FIA) assay method conjugated with batch method. The analysis was achieved depending on the oxidative coupling reaction with N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DMPD) to form a green dye which is measured at wavelength of 677 nm. The tested methods were found to be economical, delicate, precise and sturdy. The validation variables of the batch and FIA methods gave linearity in the determination range of DIO (1-35) μg/mL and (5-120) μg/mL demonstrated calibration graphs with linearity coefficient  values of  r2 =0.9989 and r2 =0.9991, respectively. Limits of quanti

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Organic Geochemistry and Thermal Maturity Assessment of Cretaceous Balambo Formation from Selected Sites, Kurdistan, NE Iraq
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The Cretaceous Balambo Formation from three sections in Kurdistan Region of Northern Iraq was studied. The selected sections are located in the Zagros Fold -Thrust Belt. Eleven rock samples were analyzed by means of the organic geochemical method, Bitumen extraction method, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to determine the bitumen and hydrocarbon content, kerogen types, origin of organic matter, thermal maturity level, and depositional environment. The analyzed samples are considered to have an excellent potential in Baranan-1.G1 and Sazan sections, with poor to fair potential in Baraw section. The Baranan-1.G1 source rocks are of type II kerogen (oil prone), whereas Sazan and Baraw samples are of type II/III (oil/ gas prone). De

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Tilt Angle, Surface Azimuth and Mirror in Solar Cell Panel Output in Baghdad.
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In this research (100* 40* 4 cm) solar cell panel was used in Baghdad at autumn season (2010), to get best solar cell panel angles experimentally, and then a mirror (40*50 cm) is use to concentrate incident sunlight intensity on a panel. At first case we get (Tilt angle ?P =60°and Surface Azimuth angle ?P =36°E) is the best angles and other case, we add a mirror at angle = 120° at bottom of panel, then we get output power (27.48watt) is bigger than without using a mirror (25.16watt). We can benefit from these cases in variety applications.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structure dependence of gamma ray irradiation effects on polyurethane and epoxy resin studied by PAL technique
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Positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) technique has been employed to
study the microstructural changes of polyurethane (PU), EUXIT 101
and epoxy risen (EP), EUXIT 60 by Gamma-ray irradiation with the
dose range (95.76 - 957.6) kGy. The size of the free volume hole and
their fraction in PU and EP were determined from ortho-positronium
lifetime component and its intensity in the measured lifetime spectra.
The results show that the irradiation causes significant changes in the
free volume hole size (Vh) and the fractional free volume (Fh), and
thereby the microstructure of PU and EP. The results indicate that
the γ-dose increases the crystallinity in the amorphous regions of PU
and increas

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological Security and Its Relation to Motivation for Achievement of Social Researchers Working in the Courts
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The research aims to measure the psychological security of social working in the courts, to measure the motivation of achievement for social researchers working in the courts. In addition to, identify the Psychological security and its relation to the motivation of achievement for social researchers working in the courts. To achieve these aims, the researcher adopted two scales: Maslow scale for Psychological security, which was translated to Arabic by Dwany and Dirany 1983 consisted of (75) items. The second scale is Othman scale for achievement motivation 2014 consisted of (24) items. The two scales had been applied to a sample consisted of (100) social researchers working in the courts of Baghdad with its two branches Al-karkh and Al-

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Focus groups strategy and its impact on the achievement of primary school students in art education
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Art education is one among the fundamental subjects for elementary school students, because it contributes to assembling learners’ personalities and developing their technical skills. For this reason, this research comes, which aims to understand the effect of the task groups’ strategy in developing the performance of elementary school students in art education. to realize the goal of the research, the researcher put the subsequent hypotheses:
-There is not any statistically significant difference at the amount (5%) between the typical many students between the experimental group that studied consistent with the strategy of task groups and therefore the control group that studied in keeping with the same old method that they obt

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Optimizing and coordinating the location of raw material suitable for cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate, Iraq
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Abstract<p>The cement industry is considered one of the strategic industries, because it is directly related to construction work and cement is used as a hydraulic binder. However, it is a simple industry compared to major industries and depends on the availability of the necessary raw materials. This study focuses on optimizing and coordinating the location of raw materials needed for the cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate in Iraq. Field works include detailed reconnaissance, topographic work, and description and sampling of 24 lithological sections that represent the carbonate deposits, which crop out in the area. The investigated area has the following specifications: The weighted aver</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Surface Contamination and Dose Rate Verification of Fertilizers common in Iraqi Plantations using RadEye B20 Detector
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Twenty three samples of granular chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers commonly utilized in Iraqi ranches were collected. The samples were prepaid and stored in a Marinelli beaker to measure; dose rate, general count rate and surface contamination of the samples using the RadEye B20 detector, firstly with shield, secondly without the shield to estimate the effect of shielding on the measurements. The results showed that using shield made a significant decrease in the radiation measurements reached about 25%. However the mean value of surface contamination, dose rate and general count rate with shield were 0.54Bq/cm2, 0.65µsv/h, and 0.28Cps respectively, and without shield being 0.34Bq/cm2, 1.33µsv/h, and 1.52Cps respectively

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Dynamical Behavior of an eco-epidemiological Model involving Disease in predator and stage structure in prey
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An eco-epidemic model is proposed in this paper. It is assumed that there is a stage structure in prey and disease in predator. Existence, uniqueness and bounded-ness of the solution for the system are studied. The existence of each possible steady state points is discussed. The local condition for stability near each steady state point is investigated. Finally, global dynamics of the proposed model is studied numerically.

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