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Utilization of an eco-friendly bioactive yellow pigment from Streptomyces thinghirensis AF7 for making colored antimicrobial fabrics
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     Despite their long successful use, synthetic dyes have several problems due to their carcinogenic and toxic effects. Besides providing bright colors, some natural pigments have shown notable antimicrobial activity; thus, they could be utilized as functional dyes in many applications such as making colored antimicrobial textiles. In this work, a yellow pigment produced by Streptomyces thinghirensis AF7 and has a notable antimicrobial activity was used to produce a colored antimicrobial textile. The extracted yellow pigment was subjected to a purification step using silica gel column eluted with di ethyl ether solvent. The FTIR, GC-MS and NMR analysis showed that the colorings in this type of product are due to the presence of chromopeptides. The purified yellow pigment was effectively used to dye two types of fabrics (cotton and polyester). Results showed that polyester had more affinity for yellow pigment than cotton. The stability of dyed fabrics was verified based on ISO 105-E01:2013 which demonstrated that both dyed cotton and polyester fabrics had a considerable degree of fastness to water, seawater and detergent. Moreover, yellow dyed Polyester fabric exhibited more stability against acid than yellow dyed cotton fabric, and both were unstable against alkaline solution. Finally, the yellow dyed fabrics showed antibacterial properties against S. aureus proving that the antibacterial activities of the yellow pigment could be retained when the pigment is bound to the fabric.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study on Using Cement Kiln Dust and Plastic Bottle Waste to Improve the Geotechnical Characteristics of Expansive Soils in Sulaimani City, Northern Iraq
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In this study, stabilization of expansive soils using waste materials namely; Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), and waste plastic bottles (WPB) was experimentally investigated. Using CKD and WPB are exponentially increasing day by day, due to their capability to solve both environmental and geotechnical problems successfully. Expansive soils were collected from locations with a wide range of plasticity index (PI) (15 - 27) and liquid limit (LL) (35% - 64%). Stabilizer percentages were varied from 0% to 20%, and curing durations for CKD cases were 7 and 28 days. Results showed the best percentages of CKD and WPB are 12% of each one respectively. LL, plastic limit (PL), and swelling percent (SP) loss were observed, which are 46%, 55%, and 96% respec

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Applied Energy
Hourly yield prediction of a double-slope solar still hybrid with rubber scrapers in low-latitude areas based on the particle swarm optimization technique
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Meta Gene
Cytokine gene variations and their impact on serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IL-12 among Iraqi Arabs
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
The slenderness ratio effect on the response of closed-end pipe piles in liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers under coupled static-seismic loading
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Abstract<p>This study presents the findings of a 3D finite element modeling on the performance of a single pile under various slenderness ratios (25, 50, 75, 100). These percentages were assigned to cover the most commonly configuration used in such kind of piles. The effect of the soil condition (dry and saturated) on the pile response was also investigated. The pile was modeled as a linear elastic, the surrounded dry soil layers were simulated by adopting a modified Mohr-Coulomb model, and the saturated soil layers were simulated by the modified UBCSAND model. The soil-pile interaction was represented by interface elements with a reduction factor (R) of 0.6 in the loose sand layer and 0.7 in t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Study of Bismarck Brown Dye Adsorption onto Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide-Grafted-Poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic Acid)
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The adsorption behavior of Bismarck brown (BB) dye from aqueous solutions onto graphene oxide GO and graphene oxide-g-poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) GO-g-pBCM as adsorbents was investigated. The prepared GO and GO-g-pBCM were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR, which confirmed the compositions of the prepared adsorbents. Adsorption of BB dye onto GO and GO-g-pBCM was explored in a series of batch experiments under various conditions. The data were examined utilizing Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The Langmuir isotherm was seen as increasingly reasonable from the experimental information of dye on formulating adsorbents. Kinetic investigations showed that the experimental data were fitted ve

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Assessment of salivary immunoglobulin A, interleu-kin-6 and C-reactive protein in chronic kidney dis-ease patients on hemodialysis and on conservative treatment
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Background: Chronic kidney disease is a gradual loss of kidney function with diabetes and hypertension as the leading cause. Chronic kidney disease is one of these systemic diseases that can affect salivary contents. Aims: This study aimed to assess salivary immunoglobulin A, interleukin-6 and C- reactive protein in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis and those on conservative treatment in comparison with control subjects. Materials and methods: Ninety subjects were included in this study divided into three groups: 30 patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis for at least 6 months ago; 30 patients with chronic kidney disease on conservative treatment and 30 healthy control subjects. Secretory immunoglobulin A, inte

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
AhR Activation Leads to Alterations in the Gut Microbiome with Consequent Effect on Induction of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells in a CXCR2-Dependent Manner
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Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a potent ligand for AhR and a known carcinogen. While AhR activation by TCDD leads to significant immunosuppression, how this translates into carcinogenic signal is unclear. Recently, we demonstrated that activation of AhR by TCDD in naïve C57BL6 mice leads to massive induction of myeloid derived-suppressor cells (MDSCs). In the current study, we investigated the role of the gut microbiota in TCDD-mediated MDSC induction. TCDD caused significant alterations in the gut microbiome, such as increases in Prevotella and Lactobacillus, while decreasing Sutterella and Bacteroides. Fecal transplants from TCDD-treated

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The semiotic of the Islamic blazon - a related analytical study between the Islamic blazon and its publicity message: رغده بنت فيصل بن خضر الدعواني
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This study discusses the semiotic of the Islamic blazon - a related analytical study between the Islamic blazon and its visual publicity message. The aim of the current study is to explore the related relationship between the Islamic blazon and its visual publicity message. The sample is contained Five of Islamic blazon in the Mamelukes period which is between 1250 to 1517. The methodology is descriptive-analytical, and the result is that there is a clear relation between the Islamic blazon with its visual publicity message. This study's recommendation is to go towards analyzing the meanings of the cultural legacies of the Islamic civilization, and researching the implicit meanings accompanying these features leads to a deeper understand

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The features of the linguistic and cultural component in teaching Russian language to Arab students: Особенности лингвокультурологической составляющей в преподавании русского языка арабским учащимся
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The author addresses the issue of the linguoculturological component in the process of teaching Russian to Arabic students, focuses on the peculiarities of the national character of students. The author also refers to the long-standing ties of Russian and Arab cultures, thus emphasizing the relevance of this aspect for the current state and situation of the Russian language in Arab countries.

Автор статьи обращается к вопросу лингвокультурологической составляющей в процессе преподавания русского языка арабским студентам, останавливается на особенностях национального хара

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of Managerial Accounting Information System in Improving the Value Chain and its Impaction Evaluation Performance: دراسة حالة في الشركة العامة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية
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The performance measures and traditional methods used in management accounting is no longer able to provide convenient to evaluate the performance of economic units in the modern manufacturing environment information، and so this information is more important and feasibility must be Mistohat of all the company's activities and functions، and it is a problem Find the inadequacy of information management accounting that contribute to meet the needs of the upper levels of management to cope with the problems resulting from the increased size and complexity of the business، and lack of management accounting information and methods used in the performance evaluation، which reflected negatively on the value chain activities and then on the

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