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Association of SCARB1 Gene Expression with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Progression in a Sample of Iraqi Patients

     The present research design examines the relationship between SCARB1 gene expression and the progression of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in Iraqi patients. The variations in gene expression between patients with CML and healthy controls were investigated. The gender and age correlations with CML patients were included, as was the association of gene expression folding of the SCARB1 gene with clinical data (WBC, RBC, hemoglobin, platelets, and BCR-ABL gene). The results displayed a significant difference in the mean gene expression level (∆Ct) of the CML group when compared to the matching ∆Ct values in the healthy control group. The gene expression folding of the SCARB1 gene indicates considerable changes in expression, which reached 0.134. There was no significant correlation for CML patients in regards to their age or gender, and with all studied clinical parameters except WBC and the BCR-ABL gene, there was no significant correlation. Our findings suggest that the degree of SCARB1 gene expression may serve as a determinant biomarker for CML prognosis.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Isotherms and Kinetics Study for Adsorption of Nitrogen from Air using Zeolite Li-LSX to Produce Medical Oxygen

This research investigates the adsorption isotherm and adsorption kinetics of nitrogen from air using packed bed of Li-LSX zeolite to get medical oxygen. Experiments were carried out to estimate the produced oxygen purity under different operating conditions: input pressure of 0.5 – 2.5 bar, feed flow rate of air of 2 – 10 L.min-1 and packing height of 9-16 cm. The adsorption isotherm was studied at the best conditions of input pressure of 2.5 bar, the height of packing 16 cm, and flow rate 6 Lmin-1 at ambient temperature, at these conditions   the highest purity of oxygen by this system 73.15 vol % of outlet gas was produced. Langmuir isotherm was the best models representing the experimental data., and the m

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Calculation of the localized and extended energy states density for Ge60Se40-xTex alloy prepared by melting point method

The DC electrical conductivity properties of Ge60Se40-xTex alloy with x = 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20). The samples were formed in the form of discs with the thickness of 0.25–0.30 cm and the diameter of 1.5 cm. Samples were pressed under a pressure of 6 tons per cm2 , using a ton hydraulic press. They were prepared after being pressed using a ton hydraulic press using a hydraulic press. Melting point technology use to preper the samples. Continuous electrical conductivity properties were recorded from room temperature to 475 K. Experimental data indicates that glass containing 15% Te has the highest electrical conductivity allowing maximum current through the sample compared to Lu with other samples. Therefore, it is found that the DC co

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Studying Some Technical Indicators of the Local Manufactured Machine and Its Effect on the Wheat Crop “Tamuz cultivar”
Abstract<p>The effect of compound machine on wheat "Tamuz cultivar" was studied based on some technical indicators which were tested under three practical speed (PS) of 2.015, 3.143, and 4.216 and three tillage depth (TD) of 11, 13, and 15cm. The split-split plot arrangement in RCBD with three replications was used. The results showed that the PS of was major best than other two speed in all studied conditions, physical properties (SBD and TSP), mechanical parameters (FD, (DP and LAS), and yield and growth parameters (PVI, BY and HI). The TD of 11cm was major effect to the other two levels TD of 13 and TD of 15cm in all studied conditions. All interactions were significant, </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Studying Some Technical Indicators of the Local Manufactured Machine and Its Effect on the Wheat Crop “Tamuz cultivar”
Abstract<p>The effect of compound machine on wheat "Tamuz cultivar" was studied based on some technical indicators which were tested under three practical speed (PS) of 2.015, 3.143, and 4.216 and three tillage depth (TD) of 11, 13, and 15cm. The split-split plot arrangement in RCBD with three replications was used. The results showed that the PS of was major best than other two speed in all studied conditions, physical properties (SBD and TSP), mechanical parameters (FD, (DP and LAS), and yield and growth parameters (PVI, BY and HI). The TD of 11cm was major effect to the other two levels TD of 13 and TD of 15cm in all studied conditions. All interactions were significant, </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 07 2023
Journal Name
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
Enhancing load-bearing performance of hybrid recycled aggregate concrete-filled columns using SBR, steel fibers and polypropylene fibers

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Optimum Condition of Pullulanase Production by Liquid State and Solid State Fermentation (SSF) Method from Bacillus Licheniforms (BS18)

Select 30 isolate from Bacillus to detect the ability to produce pullulanase enzyme in liquid and solid state fermentation, and use the isolate Bacillus licheniformis (Bs18) because the highest production of enzyme, the optimum condition for the production of enzyme by liquid state fermentation (LSF) in growen with: media contains starch + pullulan as a carbon source, peptone as a nitrogen source, inoculums size 2 ml, and incubated at 40 C° with pH 7 for 48 hrs. In addition pullulanase production by solid state fermentation (SSF) was investigated using isolated Bacillus licheniformis (Bs18). Optimization of process parameters were carried out ,the optimum solid substrate , Temperature , pH , incubation period , inoculation size , hydrat

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Engenharia Agrícola

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 22 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Experimental Evaluation of Moisture Damage and Rutting Resistance for SBS Modified Warm Mix Asphalt Incorporating Recycled Asphalt Concrete

The efforts embedded in this paper have been devoted to designing, preparing, and testing warm mix asphalt (WMA) mixtures and comparing their behavior against traditional hot mix asphalt mixtures. For WMA preparation, the Sasobit wax additive has been added to a 40/50 asphalt binder with a concentration of 3%. An experimental evaluation has been performed by conducting the Marshall together with volumetric properties, indirect tensile strength, and wheel tracking tests to acquire the tensile strength ratio (TSR), retained stability index (RSI), and rut depth. It was found that the gained benefit of reduction in mixing and compaction temperatures was reversely associated with a noticeable decline in Marshall properties and moisture s

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of the Variational Iteration Method for the time-fractional Kaup-Kupershmidt Equation and the Boussinesq-Burger equation

     The variational iteration method is used to deal with linear and nonlinear differential equations. The main characteristics of the method lie in its flexibility and ability to accurately and easily solve nonlinear equations. In this work, a general framework is presented for a variational iteration method for the analytical treatment of partial differential equations in fluid mechanics. The Caputo sense is used to describe fractional derivatives. The time-fractional Kaup-Kupershmidt (KK) equation is investigated, as it is the solution of the system of partial differential equations via the Boussinesq-Burger equation. By comparing the results that are obtained by the variational iteration method with those obtained by the two-dim

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
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The Journal Of Contemporary Dental Practice
The Relationship Between Orthodontic Force Applied by Monoblock and Salivary Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Enzymes

Aim: The current study was aimed to determine the relationship between the orthodontic force applied by monobloc and the salivary level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymes, considering the time factor after insertion of the appliance and whether there is a correlation between these enzymes. Materials and methods: A sample of 28 growing patients requiring orthodontic treatment with myofunctional appliance (Monoblock) was taken for the current study with an age range 9 to 12 years,all patients had Angle's class II division 1 malocclusion with no or mild crowding, the sample was selected using simple random sampling. Only 16 subjects (10 males and 6 females) were included who follow certain inclusion criteria.

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