The new type of paranormal operators that have been defined in this study on the Hilbert space, is paranormal operators. In this paper we introduce and discuss some properties of this concept such as: the sum and product of two paranormal, the power of paranormal. Further, the relationships between the paranormal operators and other kinds of paranormal operators have been studied.
In this paper, we will give another class of normal operator which is (K-N)*
quasi-n-normal operator in Hilbert space, and give some properties of this concept
as well as discussion the relation between this class with another class of normal
Let m ≥ 1,n ≥ 1 be fixed integers and let R be a prime ring with char (R) ≠2 and
(m+n). Let T be a (m,n)(U,R)-Centralizer where U is a Jordan ideal of R and T(R)
⊆ Z(R) where Z(R) is the center of R ,then T is (U,R)- Centralizer.
Through this study, the following has been proven, if is an algebraically paranormal operator acting on separable Hilbert space, then satisfies the ( ) property and is also satisfies the ( ) property for all . These results are also achieved for ( ) property.
In addition, we prove that for a polaroid operator with finite ascent then after the property ( ) holds for for all .
This research aims to present some results for conceptions of quasi -hyponormal operator defined on Hilbert space . Signified by the -operator, together with some significant characteristics of this operator and various theorems pertaining to this operator are discussed, as well as, we discussed the null space and range of these kinds of operators.
The m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F linear and circular system consists of n sequentially connected components; the components are ordered on a line or a circle; it fails if there are at least m non-overlapping runs of consecutive-k failed components. This paper proposes the reliability and failure probability functions for both linearly and circularly m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F systems. More precisely, the failure states of the system components are separated into two collections (the working and the failure collections); where each one is defined as a collection of finite mutual disjoint classes of the system states. Illustrative example is provided.
In this paper the queuing system (M/Er/1/N) has been considered in equilibrium. The method of stages introduced by Erlang has been used. The system of equations which governs the equilibrium probabilities of various stages has been given. For general N the probability of j stages of service are left in the system, has been introduced. And the probability for the empty system has been calculated in the explicit form.
Let R be a commutative ring with non-zero identity element. For two fixed positive integers m and n. A right R-module M is called fully (m,n) -stable relative to ideal A of , if for each n-generated submodule of Mm and R-homomorphism . In this paper we give some characterization theorems and properties of fully (m,n) -stable modules relative to an ideal A of . which generalize the results of fully stable modules relative to an ideal A of R.
Despite ample research on soft linear spaces, there are many other concepts that can be studied. We introduced in this paper several new concepts related to the soft operators, such as the invertible operator. We investigated some properties of this kind of operators and defined the spectrum of soft linear operator along with a number of concepts related with this definition; the concepts of eigenvalue, eigenvector, eigenspace are defined. Finally the spectrum of the soft linear operator was divided into three disjoint parts.
Through this study, the following has been proven, if is an algebraically paranormal operator acting on separable Hilbert space, then satisfies the ( ) property and is also satisfies the ( ) property for all . These results are also achieved for ( ) property. In addition, we prove that for a polaroid operator with finite ascent then after the property ( ) holds for for all.
The aim of this research is to prove the idea of maximum mX-N-open set, m-N-extremally disconnected with respect to t and provide some definitions by utilizing the idea of mX-N-open sets. Some properties of these sets are studied.