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Microfacies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of Oligocene formations within Bai Hassan oil field, Northern Iraq
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     Bai Hassan Oil field is considered one of the important north Iraq oil fields. The giant oil field of Bai-Hassan is located near Kirkuk City in North Iraq. The field consists of two domes (in SE – NW direction) Kithka Dome and Dauod Dome separated by a narrow saddle called Shashal saddle.

The current study is focused on microfacies analysis to interpret the stratigraphic sequence of the Palani Formation (early – lower Oligocene age), Baba, Bajawan and Tarjil Formations (middle Oligocene age).

The Bajawan Formation consists basically of five microfacies easily recognizable throughout the thin section. These microfacies are Lime Mudstone Microfacies, Miliolid Packestone Microfacies, Miliolid Grainstone Microfacies and Dolostone Microfacies. The Baba Formation comprises four microfacies: Rutalia - Nummulites Packstone Microfacies, Coral Boundstone Microfacies and Dolostone Microfacies. Two microfacies have been recognized in Tarjil Formation, these are Lime Mudstone Microfacies and Planktic foraminiferal packstone microfacies. In addition to two microfacies within Palani Formation are Lime Mudstone and Planktonic foraminifera Wackstone Microfacies.

The depositional environment of the studied formations and the analysis of their facies components showed that they were deposited within the three parts of the ramp environment, where the Palani Formation was deposited in the deeper part from the outer ramp during TST and HST stages, while the Tarjil Formation was deposited at the distal part of upper slope area from middle ramp environment during HST stage. The Baba Formation was deposited on the swelling parts of the approximal part for the middle ramp at the lower part (TST), and it was reached separately by MFS from the distal part of inner ramp sediments which were deposited during HST as two cycles. The Bajawan Formation with its two parts was deposited at the approximal part from the inner ramp environment during the early and late HST stage.


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2024
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Application of Taguchi orthogonal array in optimization of the synthesis and crystallinity of metal organic framework 5 (MOF 5)
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Purpose: To use the L25 Taguchi orthogonal array for optimizing the three main solvothermal parameters that affect the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks-5 (MOF-5). Methods: The L25 Taguchi methodology was used to study various parameters that affect the degree of crystallinity (DOC) of MOF-5. The parameters comprised temperature of synthesis, duration of synthesis, and ratio of the solvent, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) to reactants. For each parameter, the volume of DMF was varied while keeping the weight of reactants constant. The weights of 1,4-benzodicarboxylate (BDC) and Zn(NO3)2.6H2O used were 0.390 g and 2.166 g, respectively. For each parameter investigated, five different levels were used. The MOF-5 samples were synthesi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This study was carried out at the Dept. Hortic. and Land.Gard., Coll. Agric. Eng.Sci., University of Baghdad during fall season of 2019-2020, in order to evaluate the effect of nutrient solution type under hydroponic system (NFT) on growth, yield and quality of broccoli Brassica oleracea var.italica. Two experiments were carried out which were the standard solution experiment (Cooper) and the alternative solution experiment (ABEER) prepared from fertilizers. Results revealed that  the type of solution used in the hydroponics system had non significant effect on the leaves content of N,K, Mg, Fe, Cu, B, Chlorophyll, leaves number, root length, weight of the main heads, number of side heads were not significantly affected. 13nt, refl

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Plant Science Today
Extraction of Synephrine from Waste Peels of Citrus sinensis and Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles from it against Dermatophytes
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The main object of the current work was to determine the antifungal efficiency of secondary metabolites product called synephrine that extracted from Citrus sinesis peels and the ability of synephrine to biosynthesis gold nanoparticles from HAucl4 which consider environmentally favourable method, then determine their activity against pathogenic human dermatophyte. The identification of synephrine done by Thin layer chromatography (TLC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The characterization of gold nanoparticles by using Ultra Violet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Field – Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), confirmed the biosynt

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The reality of the heroic graduate students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Rustamiyah treatment plant effluent on concentration of some heavy metals in water and sediment of Diyala river
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      Concentrations  of  four  heavy  metals, Zinc , Copper , Lead  and  Cadimium  were  determed  in  water  and  sediment  samples   collected bi-weekly  from  six  sampling sites  on  the  lower  part  of  River  Diyala    during  low  flow  period  (August  to  October)  and   high  flow  period  (April  to  June). A  reference  point site (1)  was  situated   upstream the  effects  of  the  effluent. Present  work  describes  the  e

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 13 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
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Sn(II) complex of the type, [Sn(SMZ)2]Cl2 was synthesized by the interaction of Sulfamethoxazole ligand and Tin Chloride, the complex was confirmed on the basis of results of elemental analyses, FT-IR, UV-Vis, molar conductance (Ëm). The elemental analysis data, suggests the stoichiometry to be 1:2 (metal: ligand) and determination of the formula of a coordination a complex formed between the Sn(II) ion and the SMZ using Job’s method of continuous variations. The study of (Ëm), indicated the electrolytic nature type 1:2. The [Sn(SMZ)2]Cl2 was screened for antibacterial activity against Gram-ve (Escherichia coli and Gram+ve (Staphylococcus aureus) and (Candida albicans) antifungal. The IR spectral data suggested that the coordination sit

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The crime of stirring up hatred "between the problematic interpretation of Quranic texts and the effectiveness of national legislation
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            That the guarantee of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms requires that all individuals within society be treated equally, and that the State, as the primary guarantor of the rights and freedoms of individuals, must provide adequate protection and combat any cause that would create discrimination or instigate a sense of hatred among the inhabitants of our beloved country, What we know is that the greatest factor that has lost lives is the hate factor throughout history, and the extremist groups have found no more effective reason than the creation of the hate factor. Hatred was the weapon for which many people were killed. The record of preparations for the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The adequacy of foreign reserves and their role in the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
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Many countries are very important in their interest not only in diversifying foreign reserves, but in determining and planning their volume in accordance with the goals set, namely facing potential external shocks, as the research aims to determine the extent of the strength of foreign reserves in the possession of the Central Bank in relation to every influential variable in the Iraqi economy. , in order to determine the minimum level of reserves that requires reconsideration of the exchange rate, as the research adopted the inductive analytical method in analyzing real (Quantitative data) for the research variables in the years of study, as the research adopted a set of analytical indicators approved by the International Moneta

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mapping of Soil Erosion Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Case of The Oued Bouhamdane Watershed (North-East of Algeria)
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     The northern region of Algeria is experiencing a real threat to the spatial extension of soil erosion. The Oued Bouhamdane watershed, part of this region, brings together all the natural and anthropogenic conditions that accelerate its degradation. This study is based on the use of remote sensing and GIS to map soil erosion in the Oued Bouhamdane watershed in north-eastern Algeria, using the Gavrilovic equation. The combination of data from different sources and field observation has made it possible to draw up a contextualized map of all the factors of soil erosion. Integrating the model into the GIS made it possible to give a first estimate of the annual volume of eroded soils, i.e., 14.57% of the total area of the Oued Bouham

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extracts of Punica granatum L. Pericarp on Hemolysin Production of several Bacterial species
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Four local hemolysin producer bacterial isolates were selected, tow of them gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ,Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) and the other two were gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus cereus ). Minimum inhibitory concentration of the aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Punica granatum L. pericarp were determined towards the four bacterial isolates ,results obtaind showed that MICs of the aqueous extract were 200 mg/ml for E .coli and P. aeruginosa isolates while were 5 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml for B. cereus, S. aureus , respectively The MICs for the ethanolic extract were 50 mg/ml , 20 mg/ml ,1 mg/ml ,0.5 mg/ml for E. coli ,P. aeruginosa ,B. cereus ,S. aureus , respectively. The effect of Sub-MICs o

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