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A Smishing Detection Method Based on SMS Contents Analysis and URL Inspection Using Google Engine and VirusTotal
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    Smishing is the delivery of phishing content to mobile users via a short message service (SMS). SMS allows cybercriminals to reach out to mobile end users in a new way, attempting to deliver phishing messages, mobile malware, and online scams that appear to be from a trusted brand. This paper proposes a new method for detecting smishing by combining two detection methods. The first method is uniform resource locators (URL) analysis, which employs a novel combination of the Google engine and VirusTotal. The second method involves examining SMS content to extract efficient features and classify messages as ham or smishing based on keywords contained within them using four well-known classifiers: support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), adaptive boosting (AdaBoost), and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost). The best results of the proposed method were 98.5%, 96.9%, 93.1%, and 95.05% in terms of accuracy, precision, detection rate, and F1-score, respectively. Furthermore, the evaluation results of the proposed method outperformed the state-of-the-art and showed that the proposed method is effective in detecting smishing messages.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Performance Improvement of Generative Adversarial Networks to Generate Digital Color Images of Skin Diseases
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     The main task of creating new digital images of different skin diseases is to increase the resolution of the specific textures and colors of each skin disease. In this paper, the performance of generative adversarial networks has been optimized to generate multicolor and histological color digital images of a variety of skin diseases (melanoma, birthmarks, and basal cell carcinomas). Two architectures for generative adversarial networks were built using two models: the first is a model for generating new images of dermatology through training processes, and the second is a discrimination model whose main task is to identify the generated digital images as either real or fake. The gray wolf swarm algorithm and the whale swarm alg

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceptions of Iraqi EFL Pre-service Teachers of Sustainable Development
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Sustainable development (SD) is an improvement that meets present needs but jeopardizes the ability of new populations to do the same. It is vital to acquaint EFL students with the terminology and idiomatic expressions of this discipline. Nowadays, sustainable development and the environment have been prioritized in every aspect of life. Since culture and the teaching of Foreign language English cannot be separated, the English language becomes the mean of communication in health, economics, education, and politics. Thus, integrating sustainable development goals within language learning and teaching is very important. This descriptive quantitative study aims to investigate the perception of EFL pre-service teachers of sustainable develo

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Science
Cheating in E-learning from the perspective of lecturers within Iraqi universities
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Online examination is an integral and vital component of online learning. Student authentication is going to be widely seen when one of these major challenges within the online assessment. This study aims to investigate potential threats to student authentication in the online examinations. Adopting cheating in E-learning in a university of Iraq brings essential security issues for e-exam . In this document, these analysts suggested  a model making use of a quantitative research style to confirm the suggested aspects and create this relationship between these. The major elements that might impact universities to adopt cheating electronics were declared as Educational methods, Organizational methods, Teaching methods, Technical meth

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architecture to Detect COVID-19 from Chest X-Ray Images
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      Today, the world is living in a time of epidemic diseases that spread unnaturally and infect and kill millions of people worldwide. The COVID-19 virus, which is one of the most well-known epidemic diseases currently spreading, has killed more than six million people as of May 2022. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) after an outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19 is a severe and potentially fatal respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was first noticed at the end of 2019 in Wuhan city. Artificial intelligence plays a meaningful role in analyzing medical images and giving accurate results that serve healthcare workers, especially X-ray images, which are co

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Nahrain Mobile Learning System (NMLS)
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The work in this paper involves the planning, design and implementation of a mobile learning system called Nahrain Mobile Learning System (NMLS). This system provides complete teaching resources, which can be accessed by the students, instructors and administrators through the mobile phones. It presents a viable alternative to Electronic learning. It focuses on the mobility and flexibility of the learning practice, and emphasizes the interaction between the learner and learning content. System users are categorized into three categories: administrators, instructors and students. Different learning activities can be carried out throughout the system, offering necessary communication tools to allow the users to communicate with each other

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Some of Estimation methods of Stress-Strength Model: R = P(Y < X < Z)
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In this study, the stress-strength model R = P(Y < X < Z)  is discussed as an important parts of reliability system by assuming that the random variables follow Invers Rayleigh Distribution. Some traditional estimation methods are used    to estimate the parameters  namely; Maximum Likelihood, Moment method, and Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator and Shrinkage estimator using three types of shrinkage weight factors. As well as, Monte Carlo simulation are used to compare the estimation methods based on mean squared error criteria.  

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Maximizing the Coverage Range of Wireless Sensor Networks
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The issue of increasing the range covered by a wireless sensor network with restricted sensors is addressed utilizing improved CS employing the PSO algorithm and opposition-based learning (ICS-PSO-OBL). At first, the iteration is carried out by updating the old solution dimension by dimension to achieve independent updating across the dimensions in the high-dimensional optimization problem. The PSO operator is then incorporated to lessen the preference random walk stage's imbalance between exploration and exploitation ability. Exceptional individuals are selected from the population using OBL to boost the chance of finding the optimal solution based on the fitness value. The ICS-PSO-OBL is used to maximize coverage in WSN by converting r

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the learning organization in the behavior of the work teams \ exploratory research in the Rasheed Bank
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This research aims to examine the relationship between learning organization and behavior of work teams. The variable of the learning organization took four dimensions depending on the study (sudhartna & Li, 2004): Common cultural values ​​, communication, knowledge transfer and the characteristics of workers. The behavior of teams was identified on the basis of realizing of the respondents of their organization to work as a team where the research relied concepts applied in the study (Hakim , 2005) , and chose to research the case of a service organization for the study and relied on four dimensions of coordination , cooperation , sharing of information , the performance of the team, and was a curriculum approach and des

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pulse Profile Rule in Laser Heating of Opaque Targets in Air
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A theoretical model is developed to determine time evolution of temperature at the surface of an opaque target placed in air for cases characterized by the formation of laser supported absorption waves (LSAW) plasmas. The model takes into account the power temporal variation throughout an incident laser pulse, (i.e. pulse shape, or simply: pulse profile).
Three proposed profiles are employed and results are compared with the square pulse approximation of a constant power.

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