The goal of this research is to solve several one-dimensional partial differential equations in linear and nonlinear forms using a powerful approximate analytical approach. Many of these equations are difficult to find the exact solutions due to their governing equations. Therefore, examining and analyzing efficient approximate analytical approaches to treat these problems are required. In this work, the homotopy analysis method (HAM) is proposed. We use convergence control parameters to optimize the approximate solution. This method relay on choosing with complete freedom an auxiliary function linear operator and initial guess to generate the series solution. Moreover, the method gives a convenient way to guarantee the convergence of series solutions via the control parameter curve graphical method to rate the convergence and obtain the best solution. Decoding and analyzing potential Korteweg-de-Vries, Benjamin, and Airy equations, followed by convergence analysis to demonstrate the applicability of the method. By using the programs Mapel and Mathematica, the obtained results are very effective, accurate, and convergent to the exact solution after a few iterations, as shown in the tables and figures of this work.