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Review of Automatic Speaker Profiling: Features, Methods, and Challenges
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Automatic Speaker Profiling (ASP), is concerned with estimating the physical traits of a person from their voice. These traits include gender, age, ethnicity, and physical parameters. Reliable ASP has a wide range of applications such as mobile shopping, customer service, robotics, forensics, security, and surveillance systems.  Research in ASP has gained interest in the last decade, however, it was focused on different tasks individually, such as age, height, or gender. In this work, a review of existing studies on different tasks of speaker profiling is performed. These tasks include age estimation and classification, gender detection, height, and weight estimation This study aims to provide insight into the work of ASP, available datasets, feature extraction techniques, and learning models. Further, the performance of current speaker profiling systems is investigated. Finally, the challenges of speaker profiling are presented at the end of this review.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Review of Challenges and Solutions for Genomic Data Privacy-Preserving
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     The dramatic decrease in the cost of genome sequencing over the last two decades has led to an abundance of genomic data. This data has been used in research related to the discovery of genetic diseases and the production of medicines. At the same time, the huge space for storing the genome (2–3 GB) has led to it being considered one of the most important sources of big data, which has prompted research centers concerned with genetic research to take advantage of the cloud and its services in storing and managing this data. The cloud is a shared storage environment, which makes data stored in it vulnerable to unwanted tampering or disclosure. This leads to serious concerns about securing such data from tampering and unauthoriz

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy (ijep)
E-learning in the Cloud Computing Environment: Features, Architecture, Challenges and Solutions
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The need to constantly and consistently improve the quality and quantity of the educational system is essential. E-learning has emerged from the rapid cycle of change and the expansion of new technologies. Advances in information technology have increased network bandwidth, data access speed, and reduced data storage costs. In recent years, the implementation of cloud computing in educational settings has garnered the interest of major companies, leading to substantial investments in this area. Cloud computing improves engineering education by providing an environment that can be accessed from anywhere and allowing access to educational resources on demand. Cloud computing is a term used to describe the provision of hosting services

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Automatic Segmentation and Identification of Abnormal Breast Region in Mammogram Images Based on Statistical Features
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Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases among women;
Mammography is at present one of the available method for early detection of
abnormalities which is related to breast cancer. There are different lesions that are
breast cancer characteristic such as masses and calcifications which can be detected
trough this technique. This paper proposes a computer aided diagnostic system for
the extraction of features like masses and calcifications lesions in mammograms for
early detection of breast cancer. The proposed technique is based on a two-step
procedure: (a) unsupervised segmentation method includes two stages performed
using the minimum distance (MD) criterion, (b) feature extraction based on Gray

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Advances In Science And Technology Research Journal
Vein Biometric Recognition Methods and Systems: A Review
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al – Bahith Al – A A‚lami
Gender Profiling of ads in Egyptian Channel MBC
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The study begins with the idea that advertising is a form of culture. Therefore, it is not possible to be surrounded by an actual briefing from one-sided premises such as those that are based solely on the artistic, aesthetic or technical aspects, without linking it to the culture in which it is produced. The researcher attempts to shed light on the relation between the advertising letter and the concept of gender. And here lies the importance of the research as the content of the ads and their form and implicit values in the text and image reflect the cultural values that must be identified as well as the most important roles that are stereotyped in advertisements and their relationship to the culture of society. Advertising is an importan

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Gender Profiling of ads in Egyptian Channel MBC
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The study begins with the idea that advertising is a form of culture. Therefore, it is not possible to be surrounded by an actual briefing from one-sided premises such as those that are based solely on the artistic, aesthetic or technical aspects, without linking it to the culture in which it is produced.
The researcher attempts to shed light on the relation between the advertising letter and the concept of gender. And here lies the importance of the research as the content of the ads and their form and implicit values in the text and image reflect the cultural values that must be identified as well as the most important roles that are stereotyped in advertisements and their relationship to the culture of society.
Advertising is

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Walter Lippmann, speaking about man, says : ” Gradually he makes for himself a trustworthy picture inside his head of the world beyond his reach. “. This means that the picture, whether it was good or bad, it doesn’t happen for nothing, but rather for intentional purposes. Some orientalists make their judgements even before getting to the place concerned with the study.

The mental image is one of the most misused terminology, although the world today has become the world of image, it witnessed the disappearance of the theories that used to consider the media as a reflective mirror for society, also it was confirmed that the media creates what varies from reality and sometimes completely different from reality. The image of

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 24 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
Human Recognition Using Ear Features: A Review
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Over the past few years, ear biometrics has attracted a lot of attention. It is a trusted biometric for the identification and recognition of humans due to its consistent shape and rich texture variation. The ear presents an attractive solution since it is visible, ear images are easily captured, and the ear structure remains relatively stable over time.  In this paper, a comprehensive review of prior research was conducted to establish the efficacy of utilizing ear features for individual identification through the employment of both manually-crafted features and deep-learning approaches. The objective of this model is to present the accuracy rate of person identification systems based on either manually-crafted features such as D

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Face mask detection methods and techniques: A review
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Corona virus sickness has become a big public health issue in 2019. Because of its contact-transparent characteristics, it is rapidly spreading. The use of a face mask is among the most efficient methods for preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Wearing the face mask alone can cut the chance of catching the virus by over 70\%. Consequently, World Health Organization (WHO) advised wearing masks in crowded places as precautionary measures. Because of the incorrect use of facial masks, illnesses have spread rapidly in some locations. To solve this challenge, we needed a reliable mask monitoring system. Numerous government entities are attempting to make wearing a face mask mandatory; this process can be facilitated by using face m

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Features of misleading thought in Quranic discourse and methods of confronting it
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Research summary

The Quranic discourse focused on a lot of vocabularies that carry goals that help man to acquire good, according to a methodology relies on adopting lofty ideas and values. The individual towards society, and the responsibility of society towards the individual. In our present age, the Muslim individual lives in a state of confrontation with deviant ideas, which unfortunately possess the means that make their impact great on society. The study concluded that the Holy Quran contains indicators and determinants of misguided and deviant thought, Which must be avoided because of the seriousness of its effects. Religion, in its general sense, represents a culture that transcends the limits of human ins

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