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A New Efficient Hybrid Approach for Machine Learning-Based Firefly Optimization
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     Optimization is the task of minimizing or maximizing an objective function f(x) parameterized by x. A series of effective numerical optimization methods have become popular for improving the performance and efficiency of other methods characterized by high-quality solutions and high convergence speed. In recent years, there are a lot of interest in hybrid metaheuristics, where more than one method is ideally combined into one new method that has the ability to solve many problems rapidly and efficiently. The basic concept of the proposed method is based on the addition of the acceleration part of the Gravity Search Algorithm (GSA) model in the Firefly Algorithm (FA) model and creating new individuals. Some standard objective functions are used to compare the hybrid (FAGSA) method with FA and the traditional GSA to find the optimal solution. Simulation results obtained by MATLAB R2015a indicate that the hybrid algorithm has the ability to cross the local optimum limits with a faster convergence than the luminous Fireflies algorithm and the ordinary gravity search algorithm. Therefore, this paper proposes a new numerical optimization method based on integrating the properties of the two methods (luminous fireflies and gravity research). In most cases, the proposed method usually gives better results than the original methods individually.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Computers, Communications, Control & Systems Engineering (ijccce)
Efficient Iris Image Recognition System Based on Machine Learning Approach
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient Hybrid DCT-Wiener Algorithm Based Deep Learning Approach For Semantic Shape Segmentation
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    Semantic segmentation is effective in numerous object classification tasks such as autonomous vehicles and scene understanding. With the advent in the deep learning domain, lots of efforts are seen in applying deep learning algorithms for semantic segmentation. Most of the algorithms gain the required accuracy while compromising on their storage and computational requirements. The work showcases the implementation of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), where DCT exhibit exceptional energy compaction properties. The proposed Adaptive Weight Wiener Filter (AWWF) rearranges the DCT coefficients by truncating the high frequency coefficients. AWWF-DCT model reinstate the convolutional l

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
A new smart approach of an efficient energy consumption management by using a machine-learning technique
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Many consumers of electric power have excesses in their electric power consumptions that exceed the permissible limit by the electrical power distribution stations, and then we proposed a validation approach that works intelligently by applying machine learning (ML) technology to teach electrical consumers how to properly consume without wasting energy expended. The validation approach is one of a large combination of intelligent processes related to energy consumption which is called the efficient energy consumption management (EECM) approaches, and it connected with the internet of things (IoT) technology to be linked to Google Firebase Cloud where a utility center used to check whether the consumption of the efficient energy is s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
AlexNet-Based Feature Extraction for Cassava Classification: A Machine Learning Approach
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Cassava, a significant crop in Africa, Asia, and South America, is a staple food for millions. However, classifying cassava species using conventional color, texture, and shape features is inefficient, as cassava leaves exhibit similarities across different types, including toxic and non-toxic varieties. This research aims to overcome the limitations of traditional classification methods by employing deep learning techniques with pre-trained AlexNet as the feature extractor to accurately classify four types of cassava: Gajah, Manggu, Kapok, and Beracun. The dataset was collected from local farms in Lamongan Indonesia. To collect images with agricultural research experts, the dataset consists of 1,400 images, and each type of cassava has

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics
A New Proposed Hybrid Learning Approach with Features for Extraction of Image Classification
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Image classification is the process of finding common features in images from various classes and applying them to categorize and label them. The main problem of the image classification process is the abundance of images, the high complexity of the data, and the shortage of labeled data, presenting the key obstacles in image classification. The cornerstone of image classification is evaluating the convolutional features retrieved from deep learning models and training them with machine learning classifiers. This study proposes a new approach of “hybrid learning” by combining deep learning with machine learning for image classification based on convolutional feature extraction using the VGG-16 deep learning model and seven class

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics
A New Proposed Hybrid Learning Approach with Features for Extraction of Image Classification
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Image classification is the process of finding common features in images from various classes and applying them to categorize and label them. The main problem of the image classification process is the abundance of images, the high complexity of the data, and the shortage of labeled data, presenting the key obstacles in image classification. The cornerstone of image classification is evaluating the convolutional features retrieved from deep learning models and training them with machine learning classifiers. This study proposes a new approach of “hybrid learning” by combining deep learning with machine learning for image classification based on convolutional feature extraction using the VGG-16 deep learning model and seven class

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 09 2024
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A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning-Based System Using Deep Learning Techniques and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Various Medical Datatypes Classification
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Medicine is one of the fields where the advancement of computer science is making significant progress. Some diseases require an immediate diagnosis in order to improve patient outcomes. The usage of computers in medicine improves precision and accelerates data processing and diagnosis. In order to categorize biological images, hybrid machine learning, a combination of various deep learning approaches, was utilized, and a meta-heuristic algorithm was provided in this research. In addition, two different medical datasets were introduced, one covering the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain tumors and the other dealing with chest X-rays (CXRs) of COVID-19. These datasets were introduced to the combination network that contained deep lea

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of a Kinematic Neural Controller for Mobile Robots based on Enhanced Hybrid Firefly-Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
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The paper present design of a control structure that enables integration of a Kinematic neural controller for trajectory tracking of a nonholonomic differential two wheeled mobile robot, then  proposes a Kinematic neural controller to direct a National Instrument mobile robot (NI Mobile Robot). The controller is to make the actual velocity of the wheeled mobile robot close the required velocity by guarantees that the trajectory tracking mean squire error converges at minimum tracking error. The proposed tracking control system consists of two layers; The first layer is a multi-layer perceptron neural network system that controls the mobile robot to track the required path , The second layer is an optimization layer ,which is impleme

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fusion: Practice And Applications
A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Approach for Test Case Prioritization and Optimization
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The application of the test case prioritization method is a key part of system testing intended to think it through and sort out the issues early in the development stage. Traditional prioritization techniques frequently fail to take into account the complexities of big-scale test suites, growing systems and time constraints, therefore cannot fully fix this problem. The proposed study here will deal with a meta-heuristic hybrid method that focuses on addressing the challenges of the modern time. The strategy utilizes genetic algorithms alongside a black hole as a means to create a smooth tradeoff between exploring numerous possibilities and exploiting the best one. The proposed hybrid algorithm of genetic black hole (HGBH) uses the

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Machine Learning Approach for Facial Image Detection System
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     Face detection systems are based on the assumption that each individual has a unique face structure and that computerized face matching is possible using facial symmetry. Face recognition technology has been employed for security purposes in many organizations and businesses throughout the world. This research examines the classifications in machine learning approaches using feature extraction for the facial image detection system. Due to its high level of accuracy and speed, the Viola-Jones method is utilized for facial detection using the MUCT database. The LDA feature extraction method is applied as an input to three algorithms of machine learning approaches, which are the J48, OneR, and JRip classifiers.  The experiment’s

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