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Computational Study of the Flow of Newtonian Fluid Through A Straight Channel and Lid-Driven Cavity

     This article aims to introducenumerical study of two different incompressible Newtonian fluid flows. The first type of flow is through the straight channel, while the second flow is enclosed within a square cavity and the fluid is moved by the upper plate at a specific velocity. Numerically, a Taylor-Galerkin\ pressure-correction finite element method (TGPCFEM) is chosen to address the relevant governing equations. The Naiver-Stoke partial differential equations are usually used to describe the activity of fluids. These equations consist of the continuity equation (conservation of mass) and the time-dependent conservation of momentum, which are preserved in Cartesian coordinates. In this study, the effect of Reynolds number (Re) variation is presented for both problems. Here, the influence of Re on the convergence rate and solution behavior is provided. Findings display that, there is a significant impact of Re upon the temporal convergence rates of velocity and pressure. As well, the rate of convergence increases as the values of Re are risen. For the cavity problem, one can infer that, as the Reynolds number rises, the size of the vortex is reduced.

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Pharmacological Research
Resveratrol-mediated attenuation of superantigen-driven acute respiratory distress syndrome is mediated by microbiota in the lungs and gut

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Business Economics For Applied Research
The Relationship between Authentic leadership and Knowledge Sharing through the mediating Role of Creative work Behaviors: An applied study on a sample of managers in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Monitoring and controlling the speed and direction of a DC motor through FPGA and comparison of FPGA for speed and performance optimization

<span lang="EN-US">We are living in the 21<sup>st</sup> century, an era of acquiring necessity in one click. As we, all know that technology is continuously reviving to stay ahead of advancements taking place in this world of making things easier for mankind. Technology has been putting his part in introducing different projects as we have used the field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) development board of low cost and programmable logic done by the new evolvable cyclone software is optimized for specific energy based on Altera Cyclone II (EP2C5T144) through which we can control the speed of any electronic device or any Motor Control IP product targeted for the fan and pump. Altera Cyclone FPGAs’ is a board thro

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News coverage of Arab revolutions in satellite channels An analytical study of the news bulletins in Al - Tijah satellite channel

The news media material to any means of mass media, and increasingly

 important in TV; what the associated word and image effects, which do different cover events (political, economic, sports, and social .... etc.) directly from the event site and gather the news and do prepared formulation and arranged within the framework provided by the newsletter, as it requires the viewer to provide the public with information about this news correlated; to achieve the greatest gravity following the shapes and styles and technical fees (Alkraveks) during the submission. What we are witnessing today from technological developments help existing staff to cover the news activity quickly and efficiently prohibitivel

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study of water quality changes using GIS and remote sensing for Tigris River through Salah Al-Din province, Iraq

The most significant water supply, which is the basis of agriculture, industry and human and wildlife needs, is the river. In order to determine its suitability for drinking purposes, this study aims to measure the Water Quality Index (WQI) of the Tigris River in the Salah Al-Din Province (center of Tikrit), north of Baghdad. For ten (9) physio-chemical parameters, namely turbidity, total suspended sediments, PH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, chloride, nitrogen as nitrate, sulphate, and then transported for examination to the laboratory, water samples were collected from 13 locations along the Tigris river. Using the weighted arithmetic index method, the WQI was measured and found to be 105,87 in up-stream, wh

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Stability and Flow of Asphalt Concrete Produced with Waste Brick Tile Powder as a Filler

The utilization of recycled brick tile powder as a replacement for conventional filler in the asphalt concrete mix has been studied in this research. This research evaluates the effectiveness of recycled brick tile powder and determines its optimum replacement level. Using recycled brick tile powder is significant from an environmental standpoint as it is a waste product from construction activities. Sixteen asphalt concrete samples were produced, and eight were soaked for a day. Samples contained 5% Bitumen, 2% to 5% brick tile powder, and conventional stone dust filler. The properties of samples were evaluated using the Marshall test. It was observed that the resistance to stiffness and deformation of asphalt concrete

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biochemical and Histological Study of Aminoacylase-1 Purified from Amniotic Fluid in Rats with Oxidative Stress Induced by Lead Acetate

This work involves separating and studying the aminoacylase-1 (ACY1) of amniotic fluid from healthy pregnant, mainly one peak with higher activity has been isolated by DEAE-Cellulose ion exchange from the proteinous supernatant produced by deposition of proteins using ammonium sulfate  (65%) after dialysis. The purification folds reaching to 19 folds also gave one protein peak when injected into the gel filtration column, a high ACY1 purity was obtained, with 38 folds of purification. It was found that the molecular weight of the isolated ACY1 was up to 46698 Dalton when using gel chromatography technique.The effect of ACY1 isolate was studied on rats with oxidative stress caused by lead acetate(LA) at 40 mg / kg body weight and compare

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi satellite channel marketing the Iraqi national identity during the protests: Research extracted from a doctoral thesis

The escalating development of technology is one of the distinctive features of the communication environment in the field of sending and receiving satellite broadcasts of television channels in general and Iraqi satellite channels in particular, which contributed to the wide and rapid spread and reaching outside the drawn boundaries and bypassing even natural obstacles, and what is important in this is the communication content that these broadcasts Channels and its impact on the recipient due to the media, cultural, educational and entertainment content it provides, and in our research we will analyze the communication content of the Iraqi satellite channel by choosing one of its dialogue programs that coincided with the events of the l

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Structural Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of a Welded Demountable Shear Connector through Horizontal Pushout Tests

A novel welded demountable shear connector for sustainable steel-concrete composite structures is proposed. The proposed connector consists of a grout-filled steel tube bolted to a compatible partially threaded stud, which is welded on a steel section. This connector allows for an easy deconstruction at the end of the service life of a building, promoting the reuse of both the concrete slabs and the steel sections. This paper presents the experimental evaluation of the structural behavior of the proposed connector using a horizontal pushout test arrangement. The effects of various parameters, including the tube thickness, the presence of grout infill, and the concrete slab compressive strength, were assessed. A nonlinear finite element mode

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biodiversity and Structure of Rotifera Communities in the Great Garraf Drain Channel, Southern Iraq

     Three sites, selected on the Great Garraf Drain Channel (GGDC) demonstrated the first ever study dealing with rotifers biodiversity features from August 2019 till July 2020. Seventy-two taxonomic units were identified. The high densities of rotifera ranged from 733.32 - 32300 Ind./m3. Brachionus urceolaris, Keratella quadrata (long spin), Keratella quadrata (short spin) and Syncheta obloga were the most common relative abundance recorded in the index. In contrast the results of the constant index showed that there were nine constant taxonomic units. The species richness index was recorded from 1.489- 6.900. Jaccard presence similarity index revealed a strong link between stations 2

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