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Lithostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of the Shiranish Formation (Late Campanian- Maastrichtian) in Diana area, Northern Iraq
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       The lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies of the Shiranish Formation in the Diana area, Erbil, Northern Iraq, were conducted to distinguish the main lithostratigraphic units, depositional environment and the formation age. The Shiranish Formation in the study area can be divided into three rock units. The lower and upper units consist of marly limestone, marl and limestone deposited in the outer shelf environment, while the middle unit is dominated by laminated calcareous shale and marl deposited in the upper bathyal environment. Calcareous nannofossils showed the presence of about 20 species/genera in the studied Shiranish Formation. Three biozones are identified; Misceomarginatus pleniporus biozone; Ceratolithoides aculeus biozone, and Uniplanarius sissinghii biozone. From a regional perspective, these biozones were compared with other nannobiozones, leading to the conclusion that the studied section is of Middle Campanian age.

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biostratigraphy of Yamama Formation in Faihaa Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The Yamama Formation was studied in three wells (Fh-1, Fh-2, and Fh-3) within Faihaa oil field, south Iraq. Thin sections were studied by using the polarizing microscope examination in order to determine microfossils and biozone. Thirty-five species of benthic foraminifera were recognized, including four index species. In addition,  twelve species of calcareous green algae were recognized, including  two index species. Other fossils that were recognized in Yamama Formation include Gastropoda, Bryozoa, Coral, Rudist, and Pelecypoda.

Six biozones were observed, which are Charentia cuvillieri sp. (Range Zone of Berriasian age), Psudochryalidina infracretacea

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biostratigraphy of Dammam Formation Succession in Boreholes N2 and S1 in Al-Najaf and Al-Samawa Area
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The Dammam Formation in S and SW of Iraq is an Eocene carbonate succession consisting of limestone and dolostone. Two boreholes are selected in Al-Najaf and Al-Samawa area to investigate the biostratigraphy. The biostratigraphy of Dammam Formation consist of 22 species which belong to 13 genera of fossils foraminifera.
Two biozones were distinguished in Dammam Formation depending on benthonic foraminifera Nummulites. These biozones are; Nummulites gizehensis range zone and Alveolina sp. – Coskinolina sp. assemblage zone. According to thESE biozones the age of Dammam Formation represent Middle Eocene , whereas absent of these biozone represent Early and Late Eocene.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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A detailed systematic study of calcareous nannofossils was carried out for the Jaddala Formation in (Aj-10) well, Central Iraq. Seventy one species belong to twenty four genera of calcareous nannofossils were identified including sixty two of them were previously named and nine species were identified for the first time and they would not be given names until more information is obtained in the future to support this identification.
It is a recorded of five biostratigraphic zone, which suggested the age of the Jaddala Formation to be of early to late Eocene. The recorded biozone includes the following: Reticulofenestra dictyoda (Deflandre in Deflandre & Fert, 1954) Stradner & Edwards, 1968 Partial Range Biozone (CNE 5); Discoa

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Biostratigraphy of the Mauddud Formation from selected Boreholes, central Iraq
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The Mauddud Formation was one of the important and widespread Lower Cretaceous period formations in Iraq. It has been studied in three wells (EB. 55, EB. 58, and EB. 59) within the East Baghdad Oil Field, Baghdad, central Iraq. 280 thin sections were studied by microscope to determine fauna, the formation composed of limestone and dolomitized limestone in some parts which tends to be marl in some parts, forty species and genus of benthic foraminifera have been identified beside algae and other fossils, three biozones have been identified in the range which is: Orbitolina qatarica range zone (Late Albian), Orbitolina sefini range zone (Late Albian – Early Cenomanian) and Orbitolina concava range zone (Early Cenomanian), The age of

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paleoceanographic Conditions of Neo-Tethys Deposits in Northeast Iraq (Shiranish Formation) by Geochemical Proxies
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     Geochemical proxies provide detailed information on depositional environment and diagenetic processes. The main objectives of the present study are the evaluation of the paleoenvironment and diagenetic conditions of selected three sections of the Shiranish Formation (Late Campanian-Maastrichtian) in Dokan-Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, northeast of Iraq. The major and some trace elements were analysed by X-Ray Fluoresces. These geochemical results showed a positive correlation of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO and TiO2 between each other due to the influence of detrital influx from the active oceanic margins and thrust belts of the northeast Arabian Plate. The terrigeno

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Shiranish has been studied at Hijran section near Erbil city, NE Iraq. Fifty two thin-sections were prepared to study them under polarized microscope, to determine the petrographic component, organic content and digenetic processes. Rock units subdivided into four rock beds, as follows: dolostone, foraminiferal biomicrite, poorly washed biomicrite and micrite. Vertical succession of Shiranish Formation refers to off-shore quite marine environment.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Shiranish Formation (Late Campanian- Maastrichtian) that cropping out north east Iraq, is studied by microfacies analysis of 52 thin section collected from Hijran Section, about 10 km west Shaqlawa Town, Governorate of Erbil. According to petrography, mineralogy and organic contents, rocks are subdivided to crystalline carbonate and microfacies units (biowackstone, packstone, and mudstone facies). Biowackstone facies have high ratio of the rock components, while the other facies have low ratio. Microfacies analysis led to relatively quiet deep marine environment.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geochemistry and Depositional Conditions of the Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs) within the Shiranish Formation in North of Iraq
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Upper Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs) are pelagic sediment deposits that deposited in the Upper Cretaceous basin, with widespread in part of the world as well as in Iraq. This research investigates the deposition of cyclic marl and marly limestone CORBs of six selected sections at the active southern margin of the Tethys during the Late Campanian - Maastrichtian with petrography, microfacies, and depositional environment.
The measurement of carbonate content (CaCO3 %) in the rocks, 180 samples of all the geological sections were studied twice for each sample and the average readings were taken.
This examination proved the following major oxides wt. % concentrations domination SiO2, CaO, Al2 O3 and Fe2O3 with average values of 3

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 1999
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
Biostratigraphy of shirranish formation, well DD.1 (N. Iraq)
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Shiranish formation has been divided into two microfacies units: 1 - Many biowackestone facies and 2 - maly packstone using planktonic foraminifera and other carbonate components in the rock cutting and core slides. Microfacies reflect marin deep shelf margin in the lower part of the formation, the upper part was deeper. The thickness of the formation is determined, depending on addition to the presence of echinoderm framents debris and spines. This is in disagreement with the 195 ft thickness reported by the Oil Exploration Company The age of the formation is estimated depending on the recognized biostratigraphic zone using the index fossils to be Upper - Middle Mastrichtion.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biostratigraphy of Yamama Formation at Luhais and Rifaee oilfields, Southern Iraq
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     Yamama Formation is the most important and widespread Lower Cretaceous Formation in Iraq. Yamama Formation in the Luhais well-12 and Rifaee well-1 are composed of dolomitized in some places and foraminifera and algae bearing limestone, 19 genera and species of foraminifera, 10 genera and species of algae. Two biozones were distinguished Pseudochrysalidina arabica Range zone and Pseudocyclammina lituus Range zone. The age of the formation was determined as Berriasian – Valanginian according to these biozones of Foraminifera. In this study, bryozoa, Gastropoda and Pelecypoda are recorded but less than Foraminifera.

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