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Levels of Some Blood Clotting Factors in COVID-19 Patients: Comparative Study Before and After Pfizer- BioNTech Vaccinations

One of the health issues that a coronavirus can induce is blood clotting. Coronavirus can be prevented in a number of ways. Vaccination is one of the critical methods for preventing illness or lessening its impact. This study seeks to estimate a few blood coagulation variables. 147 samples were collected from the Baghdad Governorate in the autumn of 2021. The samples were split into three groups: COVID-19 patients, healthy individuals before and after receiving the (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine, and healthy individuals only. Prothrombin Time (PT), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), Protein C (PTN-C), Protein S (PTN-S), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) for 49 samples were measured and computed for each group. The results have shown that the PTN-C and PTN-S concentrations were significantly decreased in the COVID-19 patients compared to unvaccinated healthy individuals. While INR of COVID-19 patients showed a highly significant increase when compared with unvaccinated healthy individuals. At the same time, there was no significant difference for each PT and PTT between these studied groups. The parameters exhibit identical findings when COVID-19 patients are compared to those who have had vaccinations, with the exception of PT, which reveals a highly significant rise in COVID-19 patients when compared to those who have received vaccinations. Conclusion: COVID-19 causes blood clots and may be recognized by a decrease in PTN-C and PTN-S content.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Foreign Investment in Oil Sector in Iraq after 2003

Iraq has the distinction of being a great potential of non-renewable natural resources,
especially crude oil and natural gas. Since the discovery of crude oil at the beginning of the
twentieth century in Iraq. Although the different of investment types, it contributed to the oil
sector in the provision of financial resources to the state treasury , since that date until the
present time.
Search has been marked by division ((The foreign investment in the oil sector in Iraq after
2003)) into three sections. The first section included a brief history of the development of
Iraq's oil potential in terms of oil reserves, and oil fields, and the quantities of production and
export. The second section reviewed the investm

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei

In this work, the calculation of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei are calculated. Each nuclide under study are divided into two parts; one for core part and the second for halo part. The core part are studied using harmonic-oscillator radial wave functions, while the halo part are studied using the radial wave functions of Woods-Saxon potential. A very good agreement are obtained with experimental data for matter density distributions and available size radii. Besides, the quadrupole moment for 11Li are generated.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorous Levels in Serum of Iraqi Women with Fibromyalgia

         Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common, debilitating, and chronic pain syndrome. The women are more likely to have more tender points on examination than are their male counterparts. Iraqi study showed that FM occur in 1.5% among adolescents of Iraqi population. In compare to normal healthy women, present study was revealed that Iraqi women with FM have significant elevation of calcium (p = 0.003) with significant reduction of magnesium (p = 0.001), whereas the inorganic phosphorous was not differs (p = 0.31). In conclusion, magnesium and calcium would play a crucial role in etiopathogenesis of fibromyalgia.

Key words: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, Fibromyalgia.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
European Journal Of Scientific Research
Evaluation of Progesterone and Estrogen Hormonal Levels in Pregnant Women with Toxoplasmosis

In this study the prevalence of acute, sub-acute and chronic toxoplasmosis were monitored in a group of Iraqi pregnant women according to the anti-T.gondii antibodies (IgG and IgM), as well as the levels of both progesterone and estrogen hormones were measured using mini-VIDAS®technique. This study demonstrated that there was high prevalence of chronic toxoplasmosis (31.70%) when it compared with acute and sub-acute type, results also showed that the acute toxoplasmosis always related with low concentration of both progesterone and estrogen which were (5.35 ± 7.15 ng/ml) and (70.66 ± 51.08 pg/ml) respectively

Publication Date
Wed Feb 12 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Xi'an University Of Architecture & Technology


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
A Comparative Study of Mental Alertness Between Inactive and Active Individuals In Baghdad University Students Aged 18 – 22 Years Old

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Comparative Study of Potential Energy Curves Analytical Representations for CO, N2, P2, and ScF in Their Ground Electronic States

     In this study, a detailed comparative analysis of four different potential energy functions is elaborated. These potential energy functions namely are Morse, Deng-Fan, Varshni, and Lennard-Jones. Furthermore, a mathematical representation for long-range region is elucidated. As a study case, four diatomic molecules (CO, N2, P2, and ScF) in their electronic ground states were chosen. Subsequently, the corresponding dissociation energy as well as some spectroscopic parameters were calculated accordingly.

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study between the Behavior of the Concrete Thrust Block and the Restraint Joint in a Water Distribution System; Review

Thrust blocks and restraint joints are the two most popular methods of counteracting the thrust force that generated at pipe fittings (bends, Tee, wye, reducers, dead ends, etc…). Both systems perform the same function, which is to prevent the joints from separating from the pipes. The aim of the study is to review previous studies and scientific theories related to the study and design of thrust blocks and restraint joints to study the behavior of both systems under thrust force and to study the factors and variables that affect the behavior of these systems. The behavior of both systems must be studied because they cannot be abandoned, as each system has conditions whose use is more feasible, scientific, and economic

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Studia Chemia

Publication Date
Thu May 13 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Vitamin D deficiency/ insufficiency and some of its related factors in a sample of Iraqi pregnant women and their neonates at Al-Elwiya Maternity Teaching Hospital during 2019

Background: Vitamin D deficiency/ insufficiency is common in different age groups in both genders especially among pregnant women and neonates where it is associated with several adverse outcomes including preeclampsia and preterm delivery.  

Objectives: To assess the extent of vitamin D deficiency/ insufficiency among mothers and their neonates and some factors related to it and identify some adverse outcomes of the deficiency/ insufficiency on neonates (preterm birth and low birth weight).

Subject and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 88 Iraqi pregnant women and neonates admitted to “Al-Elwiya teaching hospital for maternity” in Baghdad- Al

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