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Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-Based Technique for Achieving Low-Power VLSI Circuit Partition
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     Minimizing the power consumption of electronic systems is one of the most critical concerns in the design of integrated circuits for very large-scale integration (VLSI). Despite the reality that VLSI design is known for its compact size, low power, low price, excellent dependability, and high functionality, the design stage remains difficult to improve in terms of time and power. Several optimization algorithms have been designed to tackle the present issues in VLSI design. This study discusses a bi-objective optimization technique for circuit partitioning based on a genetic algorithm. The motivation for the proposed research is derived from the basic concept that, if some portions of a circuit's system are deactivated during the processor's idle time, the circuit's power consumption is automatically reduced. To reduce the overall system's power consumption, maximization of sleep time and minimization of net cuts are required. To achieve these, an effective fitness function has been constructed in such a way that the balance criteria are also maintained. The approach has been tested on a set of net lists from the ISPD'98 benchmark suite, each containing 10 to 30 nodes. The experimental results are compared with two existing methods that clearly indicate the acceptability of the suggested method. The suggested strategy achieves an average reduction of 24.69% and 31.46% for net cut, whereas average extensions of 15.20% and 12.31% are observed in sleep time when compared with two existing methods. The proposed method also achieves an average power efficiency of 14.98% and 12.09% with respect to these two state-of-the-art methods.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection
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Nowad ays, with the development of internet communication that provides many facilities to the user leads in turn to growing unauthorized access. As a result, intrusion detection system (IDS) becomes necessary to provide a high level of security for huge amount of information transferred in the network to protect them from threats. One of the main challenges for IDS is the high dimensionality of the feature space and how the relevant features to distinguish the normal network traffic from attack network are selected. In this paper, multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with decomposition (MOEA/D) and MOEA/D with the injection of a proposed local search operator are adopted to solve the Multi-objective optimization (MOO) followed by Naï

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Extractive Multi-Document Text Summarization Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based Model
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Automatic document summarization technology is evolving and may offer a solution to the problem of information overload. Multi-document summarization is an optimization problem demanding optimizing more than one objective function concurrently. The proposed work considers a balance of two significant objectives: content coverage and diversity while generating a summary from a collection of text documents. Despite the large efforts introduced from several researchers for designing and evaluating performance of many text summarization techniques, their formulations lack the introduction of any model that can give an explicit representation of – coverage and diversity – the two contradictory semantics of any summary. The design of gener

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Multi-Objective Bat Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Non-linear Programming Problem
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Human beings are greatly inspired by nature. Nature has the ability to solve very complex problems in its own distinctive way. The problems around us are becoming more and more complex in the real time and at the same instance our mother nature is guiding us to solve these natural problems. Nature gives some of the logical and effective ways to find solutions to these problems. Nature acts as an optimized source for solving the complex problems.  Decomposition is a basic strategy in traditional multi-objective optimization. However, it has not yet been widely used in multi-objective evolutionary optimization.   

Although computational strategies for taking care of Multi-objective Optimization Problems (MOPs) h

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Scopus (5)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexible Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Power Flow of Power Systems
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Nowadays, the power plant is changing the power industry from a centralized and vertically integrated form into regional, competitive and functionally separate units. This is done with the future aims of increasing efficiency by better management and better employment of existing equipment and lower price of electricity to all types of customers while retaining a reliable system. This research is aimed to solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem. The OPF is used to minimize the total generations fuel cost function. Optimal power flow may be single objective or multi objective function. In this thesis, an attempt is made to minimize the objective function with keeping the voltages magnitudes of all load buses, real outp

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Adaptive Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Robot Path Planning
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This paper discusses an optimal path planning algorithm based on an Adaptive Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (AMOPSO) for two case studies. First case, single robot wants to reach a goal in the static environment that contain two obstacles and two danger source. The second one, is improving the ability for five robots to reach the shortest way. The proposed algorithm solves the optimization problems for the first case by finding the minimum distance from initial to goal position and also ensuring that the generated path has a maximum distance from the danger zones. And for the second case, finding the shortest path for every robot and without any collision between them with the shortest time. In ord

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2012
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition for Energy Efficient Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Scopus (56)
Crossref (42)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building the optimal portfolio for stock using multi-objective genetic algorithm - comparative analytical research in the Iraqi stock market
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The main objective of the research is to build an optimal investment portfolio of stocks’ listed at the Iraqi Stock Exchange after employing the multi-objective genetic algorithm within the period of time between 1/1/2006 and 1/6/2018 in the light of closing prices (43) companies after the completion of their data and met the conditions of the inspection, as the literature review has supported the diagnosis of the knowledge gap and the identification of deficiencies in the level of experimentation was the current direction of research was to reflect the aspects of the unseen and untreated by other researchers in particular, the missing data and non-reversed pieces the reality of trading at the level of compani

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multi-layer Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Adjustable Range Set Covers Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Establishing complete and reliable coverage for a long time-span is a crucial issue in densely surveillance wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Many scheduling algorithms have been proposed to model the problem as a maximum disjoint set covers (DSC) problem. The goal of DSC based algorithms is to schedule sensors into several disjoint subsets. One subset is assigned to be active, whereas, all remaining subsets are set to sleep. An extension to the maximum disjoint set covers problem has also been addressed in literature to allow for more advance sensors to adjust their sensing range. The problem, then, is extended to finding maximum number of overlapped set covers. Unlike all related works which concern with the disc sensing model, the cont

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Multi-Sites Multi-Variables Forecasting Model for Hydrological Data using Genetic Algorithm Modeling
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A two time step stochastic multi-variables multi-sites hydrological data forecasting model was developed and verified using a case study. The philosophy of this model is to use the cross-variables correlations, cross-sites correlations and the two steps time lag correlations simultaneously, for estimating the parameters of the model which then are modified using the mutation process of the genetic algorithm optimization model. The objective function that to be minimized is the Akiake test value. The case study is of four variables and three sites. The variables are the monthly air temperature, humidity, precipitation, and evaporation; the sites are Sulaimania, Chwarta, and Penjwin, which are located north Iraq. The model performance was

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 10 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Genetic Algorithm based Clustering for Intrusion Detection
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Clustering algorithms have recently gained attention in the related literature since
they can help current intrusion detection systems in several aspects. This paper
proposes genetic algorithm (GA) based clustering, serving to distinguish patterns
incoming from network traffic packets into normal and attack. Two GA based
clustering models for solving intrusion detection problem are introduced. The first
model coined as handles numeric features of the network packet, whereas
the second one coined as concerns all features of the network packet.
Moreover, a new mutation operator directed for binary and symbolic features is
proposed. The basic concept of proposed mutation operator depends on the most
frequent value

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