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Sequence Stratigraphy for Optimize Development Strategy, Ahmadi Carbonates, Case Study, South Iraq Oil Fields.
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The Early Cenomanian Ahmadi carbonates succession in selected oil-wells in south Iraqi oil fields have undergone; into sequence stratigraphic analysis as new reservoir stratigraphy optimization understanding. The sequence stratigraphy context: has applied on the mentioned carbonate reservoir in selected oil-wells from West-Qurna and Majnoon oil fields, with respect to Arabian-plate (AP) chronosequence stratigraphy and chrono-markers setting.

A meso-genetic buildup has infra-structured the studied Formation based-on; smallest-set of the genetically-related high-frequency lithofacies-cycle and cycles-set modeling. A genetic sequence (meso-sequence one MS1) is described as a well-encountered buildup between the (MFS-K120 of lower Ahmadi shale) and (MFS-K125 of upper Ahmadi shale) chrono-markers, with key-surfaces (K121 to K123a). HST-facies-buildup has distinguished by (K122 and K123a) key-surfaces, and TST-facies-buildup by (K123a and top of Ahmadi Formation). The maximum flooding surface (MFS-K125) is confirmed by this study as a local stratigraphic term terminates the sequence MS1. The lithostratigraphic member (Mc2) of the Ahmadi is well described as; carbonate-buildups of progradational-HST high-frequency-cycles, followed by retrogradational-TST high-frequency-cycles. The Ahmadi multi-carbonate reservoirs are well defined by downward shift shoals and isolated Rudistid-banks. The shoals are well-encountered between the key-surfaces (K122 and K123a) of good to very-good reservoir characteristics, whereas; the Rudistid-banks encountered between (K123a and base of MFS-K125), differently behave in reservoir characteristics owing to open marine facies effects. The reservoir facies and distribution framework of the clino /or shingled shoal-bodies, are well developed from the platform-site (western-flank) toward the basinal-site of the field (eastern-flank). For reservoir optimization strategy, it is highly advised to apply the sequence steering schedule by building the high frequency lithofacies cycles into selective-perforation/isolation plan in the well completion agenda.  

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Depositional Framework and Stratigraphic Sequence of Early – Middle Miocene succession in Balad and East Baghdad oil fields, Central Iraq
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     This study deals with microfacies analysis, diagenetic facies, environmental interpretations related to sequence stratigraphy for Early – Middle Miocene in selected wells within Balad (Ba-X) and East Baghdad (EB-Z) oil fields.

Seven major microfacies were recognized in the successions of the study wells, these facies were used to recognize six facies association (depositional environments) within the study oil fields: deep marine, toe of slope, open marine, restricted interior platform, evaporitic interior platform and brackish interior platform. The facies associations interpreted were based on texture and obtainable fauna.

The Early - Middle Miocene succession was deposited during two depositional cycles as a t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Diagenetic Features and Porosity Development for Hartha Formation in the Balad and East Baghdad Oil Fields, Central Iraq
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     The Hartha Formation (age Late Campanian – Early Maastrichtian) is considered an important oil reservoir in Iraq. The petrography and the diagenetic features were determined based on the analyses of 430 thin sections from selected wells within Balad and East Baghdad oil fields, Ba-2, Ba-3, EB-53, Eb-56 and EB-102.

The most important and common diagenesis processes that affect Hartha Formation include Cementation, Neomorphsim, Micrtitization, Dolomitization, Compaction, Dissolution, and Authigenic minerals. This diagenesis deformation on Hartha Formation has overall accentuated the reservoir quality heterogeneity.

The reservoir quality evolution is affected by destruction by grain compaction mechanical and chemica

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Shiranish Formation, Duhok region, Northern Iraq
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The Shiranish Formation is cropped out in several areas in northern Iraq. A stratigraphic and facies study was conducted within the Duhok region to determine the sedimentary environment. Three microfacies, reflecting the various subenvironments within different shelf parts of the deep sea, have been identified within the Shiranish Formation. Four depositional environments are identified: slope, the toe of slope, deep shelf, and deep-sea or cratonic deep basin. The Shiranish Formation in the Duhok region, Northern Iraq, was deposited in an open shelf carbonate platform. The Shiranish Formation sequence is divided into six third-order cycles in the study area. These asymmetrical cycles reflect an imbalance between the relative level of the

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 31 2014
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Petroleum system modeling and risk assessments of Ad’daimah oil field: a case study from Mesan Governorate, south Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Seismic Structural and Stratigraphy Study of Shuaiba Formation in Kumait Oil Field-Southern Iraq
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The Kumait Oil field was interpreted using 3-D seismic data from Oil Exploration company. The Shuaiba Formation (Cretaceous Age) reflector is detected.Structural map of formation is prepared to obtain the location and direction of  the sedimentary basin and shoreline. Depth maps was drawn depending on the structural interpretation of  the picked reflector and show several structural feature as closures.The seismic interpretation of the area approves the presence of some stratigraphic features in the studied formation. Some distributary mound and flatspot were observed within the study area, but they are not continuous due to the tectonic effects. These activity elements give reasonable explanation for the hydrocarbon distributi

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stratigraphy and Basin Development of the Oligocene-Early Miocene Succession, Southeastern Iraq
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      The study area is situated in the northern part of the Arabian Plate. The evolution of the Zagros Foreland basin is related to the compressional tectonic system at the beginning of the Tertiary Period.

This study gives an adequate nomenclature for the Oligocene – Early Miocene Sequence is Missan Group. The Buzurgan Oilfield was chosen to represent the stratigraphic column corresponding to that period. These sediments were subdivided into two cycles, where each one ends by a sequence boundary, equivalent to the lowstand siliciclastic residues in the basin center. The first cycle, Paleocene-Oligocene Epoch, was deposited marly limestone with planktonic foraminifera in the basin center during the transgressive and highst

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stratigraphy Analysis of the Nahr Umr Formation in Zubair oil field, Southern Iraq
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     The Nahr Umr Formation is considered one of the main reservoirs produced in southern Iraq. It is one of the important siliciclastic deposits of the Cretaceous sequence of Iraq oilfields. Zubair oil fields ZB-190 and ZB-047 were chosen to study areas. This study depends on the available core and cutting samples to determine the facies analysis, depositional environments, petrographic characteristics and diagenesis processes. Based on the description of the core and the borehole, six types of facies were distinguished in the Nahr Umr Formation, resulting in an intercalated sandstone and shale with a thin layer of siltstone. The petrographic study of the clastic part of the Nahr Umr Formation showed that the sandstone is composed m

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Review on Pressure Transient Analysis in Multilayer Reservoir: South Iraq Case Study
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Multilayer reservoirs are currently modeled as a single zone system by averaging the reservoir parameters associated with each reservoir zone. However, this type of modeling is rarely accurate because a single zone system does not account for the fact that each zone's pressure decreases independently. Pressure drop for each zone has an effect on the total output and would result in inter-flow and the premature depletion of one of the zones. Understanding reservoir performance requires a precise estimation of each layer's permeability and skin factor. The Multilayer Transient Analysis is a well-testing technique designed to determine formation properties in more than one layer, and its effectiveness over the past two decades has been

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Settlements And Spatial Planning
Regional Development Prospects for Sustainable Urbanization. Case Study – Qalaat Salih in Iraq
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The importance of regional development resides in the provision of aid and other assistance to regions that are less economically developed. The purpose of this research is to identify the development possibilities and resources at the regional level, which can be tapped for the development of secondary cities. This research aims to shed light on the importance of urban planning in creating regional balance and relieving population and service pressure on major cities. The research answers the question relative to how urban planners can work towards the idea of creating development corridors including the cities located within them, whilst focusing more on the regional dimension and the topic of sustainable urbanization. This research assum

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Mishrif carbonates facies and diagenesis glossary, South Iraq microfacies investigation technique: types, classification, and related diagenetic impacts
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