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Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic-tree Analysis of Hard Ticks from Long Eared Hedgehog Hemiechinus auritus (Gmelin, 1770) in Iraq

     A total of 77 (35 female and 42 male) hard ticks samples were isolated from 22 long-eared hedgehog during January 2021 to May 2022. All animals were infested with one or two species of hard ticks with 100% infestation rate With the density of infestation mean of 3.5. The areas of collection were Baghdad, Wasit, Karbala and Al-Anbar provinces. Morphological study revealed that both species belonged to one genus of hard ticks: Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Neumann, 1904) 50.64% and Rhipicephalus turanicus (Morel, 1969) 49.35%. The molecular investigation of current study revealed that the sensitive and specific PCR assay allowing rapid and reliable identification of Rhipicephalus sp. by the fragment size amplified, was 390- 400 bp 12S ribosomal RNA gene in Rhipicephalus turanicus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus isolate samples from the under-study animals. The accession numbers in NCBI-Genbank are ON211060 and ON211307 respectively.

      Phylogenetic tree analysis was based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene partial sequence in local Rhipicephalus turanicus Iraqi isolate that was used for genetic relationship analysis. The local Rhipicephalus turanicus Iraqi isolate showed close relationship to NCBI-BLAST Rhipicephalus turanicus from Iran, Turkmenistan, Italy, Greece, Saudi Arabia and the Chinese isolates with total genetic changes at 0.01%. Whereas Phylogenetic tree analysis based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene partial sequence in local Rhipicephalus sanguineus Iraqi isolate showed clear genetic difference to NCBI-BLAST Rhipicephalus sanguineus isolates from Argentina, Italy, Brazil, France, Portugal, USA and Spain at total genetic changes of 0.005-0.0020%.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the clause relations in the presidential presuasion in a war against Iraq


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Identification, Theoretical Study, and Effect of the New Heterocyclic System from Ciprofloxacin Derivatives on the Activity of Some Liver Enzymes

The target of this study was to synthesize several new Ciprofloxacin drug analogs by providing a nucleophilic substitution procedure that provides new functionality at the carboxylic group location. The analogs were synthesized, designed, and characterized by 1HNMR, and FTIR. The synthetic path began from the reaction of ciprofloxacin drug with morpholine to give compound[B], ciprofloxacin derivative was linked with a variety of primary and secondary amines to give compounds[B1-B9]. The above-mentioned prepared compounds [B3 and B5] were applied to liver enzymes, and the increase in the activity of these enzymes was observed. In addition, a theoretical study was conducted to study the energies and properties of the prepared co

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2004
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

Ghar Formation outcrop at the Iraqi western desert was studied by microfacies analysis
of (13) thin sections collected from wadi Al-Ratgha ( west of Qaim ) . According to
petrographic com position and organisms content ,rocks were subdivided into (4)
microfacies units :bioclastic wackestone , mudstone , miliolids wackestone , and grainstone
with aggregate grains microfacies .Microfacies units reflect shallow marine environment of
low circulation of very warm water at the middle part . The lower and middle part
interbedded with quite open marine environment below the wave base . The upper part was
deposited at shallow marine environment of low circulation . The main diagenetic processes
were the transformation ( ty

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 25 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a nutritious vegetable that grown all over the world. It is a promising herbal plant, rich in bioactive components. It is considered as medicinal plant due to its nutritional and phytochemical composition, especially high proportion of phenolic compounds. The primary aim of this study was to achieve chemical profile analyses of artichoke for different phytochemcials, especially Scolymoside and Cynaroside. Methanolic crude was extracted from Artichoke leaves by rotary evaporator and separated by column chromatography. The fractions monitored by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), and identified in High-Pressure Liquid Chroma

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Online Journal Of Veterinary Research
Clinical pathology and immuno-histochemistry of mammary tumors from military and pet dogs in Iraq.

Mammary tumors (CMT) in dogs in Iraq may be induced by carcinogenic war ordnance. In our study, 10 virgin un- spayed military/pet bitches aged 5-15 years presented with abnormal masses in the abdomen with painful oedema, swelling, anorexia, weight loss, weakness and mild fever. Examination of regional lymph nodes and thoracic radiography confirmed metastasis. Tumors were excised and determined to be mostly adenocarcinomas involving multiple glands, solid in texture, 5-15 cm in size, mostly in the inguinal mammary glands at stage T3: >5 cm. Microscopy confirmed presence of adenocarcinoma in 8 dogs and solid carcinoma in 2 with half of tumors being grade III. Tumors had pleomorphic hyperchromatic cell nuclei in stroma, epithelial cells of duc

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 27 2020
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis for Hemrin Earth Dam in Iraq Using Geo-Studio Software

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship Analysis Between Monetary Policy and Financial Sustainability in Iraq For the Period 2015–2021

This research aims to study and analyze the reality of monetary policy and financial sustainability in Iraq through either a descriptive or analytical approach by trying to link and coordinate between monetary policy and fiscal policy to enhance economic sustainability. The research is based on the hypothesis that the monetary policy of Iraq contributes to achieving financial stability, which improves economic sustainability by providing aid and assistance to the state to reduce the budget deficit and exacerbate indebtedness. The author used the monetary policy indicators, the re-deduction of Treasury transfers by the central bank and the money supply, and financial sustainability indicators, including the public debt indicators and the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremoval of chromium from wastewater of tannery factory in Iraq

Bioremoval of chromium from wastewater of tannery factory in Iraq was studied. The bacteria Proteus vulgaris 7E showed an enhanced capability in biosorping chromium when its concentration increased in the solution, reaching a maximum of 476,7 mg/ ml out of 492 mg/ ml under optimum conditions at pH 6 and 50°C at one hour contact time and biomass of 1 mg/ml. The present results showed that dead cells of P. vulgaris 7E biosorbed 87.41 mg/ml of chromium in comparison with91.18 mg/ml of chromium biosorbed by living cells, this indicates the insignificant effect of physiological state of cells. It was found that the above biosorption is physico-chemical process depends upon electrostatic attraction forces. The results has illustrated that the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mineralogical and Geochemical analysis of the sediments surrounding the Main Drain Area, Middle of Iraq

Fifty five surface and subsurface soil samples were taken from the area between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers along the Main Drain course from north Baghdad to Basrah to evaluate the geochemical, physical characteristics and the probability contamination of these samples. The study area is covered by Quaternary sediments of complex alternation of sand, silt and clay. Significant variation in the textural content of the present soils is observed, where the northern and southern parts are characterized by silt predominance, while sand is prevailing in the central parts as a result of the extensive spreading of aeolian deposits represented mostly by sand dunes. Mineralogical analysis explains wide variations in the heavy minerals distribution

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Gene Reports
The molecular study for evaluation the antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria isolated from urinary tract infection patients

Urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that often affects the bladder and thus the urinary system. E. coli is one of the leading uropathogenic bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. Uropathogenic E. coli is highly effective and successful in causing urinary tract infections through biofilm formation and urothelial cell invasion mechanisms. Other organisms that cause urinary tract infections include members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, streptococci and staphylococci species and perch. In addition, K.penumoniae is another important gram-negative bacterium that causes urinary tract infections. With the PCR technique, unseen bacterial species can be detected using standard clinical microbiology methods. In this study, the

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