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Bioremediation of Heavy Metals Using Staphylococcus sp. in Shatt Al-Arab River

     Many species are resistant to heavy metals in their surrounding polluted environment and Staphylococcus sp. is an example. This study aimed to isolate and characterize bacteria resistant to heavy metals in the Shatt Al-Arab River in southern Basra, Iraq. Based on the morphology and using Vitek II system, and due to their high resistance to heavy metals (mercury and chromium), two species of Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus lentus and Staphylococcus lugdunensis) were chosen and isolated. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the isolates against Hg and Cr was determined after 72 h. of incubation in solid media. All isolates were resistant to Hg (2000 mgL-1) and Cr (4000mgL-1). Living biomass of S. lentus and S. lugdunensis was used to remove the heavy metal ions in various concentrations (5, 10 and 25 mgL-1) of the solutions of aqueous metals. After 72 hours incubation, the removal percentage of S. lugdunensis was 98.91 and 78.78% for Hg and Cr respectively. That for S. lentus it was 77.83% for Cr after 72 hours,  and 98.84% for Hg after 24 h. of incubation. The scanning electron microscope approved that the removal of these metals causes morphological changes in bacteria.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Al-Kindy College Medical Journal: Time to Move Forward

It is well- known that the distinguished scholastic journal is a crucial cornerstone, which contributes to the scientific integrity of a particular academic institution. The establishment of the Al-Kindy College of Medicine (AKCM), University of Baghdad, in 1998 urged the need to issue Al-Kindy College Medical Journal (KCMJ).

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Abu Muhajin al-Thaqafi swinging Between intimacy and obedience

Number (42) 13 Ramadan 1436 H 30 June 2015
Abu Muhsin al-Thaqafi oscillating between disobedience and obedience
Research Summary
This research deals with the impact of Islam on the poetry of the veterans who realized ignorance and Islam
Persistent and shifting perspective in their poetry, especially those that talk about
Topics deprived of Islam, such as hair, for example. It is known that the description of alcohol is common in
Pre-Islamic poetry, and the Arabs were proud to drink it as proud of their heroism and Frosithm,
And drinking alcohol was associated with religious roots, they thought that the drinker acquires the attributes of God,
He can do the things that gods do, and humans can not. A

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Hemoptysis Hospital Based Study, At AL- Kindy Teaching Hospital

Background: Expectoration of blood that originated in the lungs or bronchial tubes is a frightening symptom for patients and often is a manifestation of significant and possibly dangerous underlying disease. Tuberculosis was and still one of the common causes followed by bronchiactasis , bronchitis, and lung cancer. Objectives: The aim of this study is to find the frequency of causes of respiratory tract bleeding in 100 patients attending alkindy teaching hospital.Type of the study: : Prospective descriptive observational study Methods of a group of patients consist of one hundred consecutive adult patients, with Lower respiratory tract bleeding are studied. History, physical examination, and a group of selected investigations performed,

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fast neutrons Al-Hamdani utilization to solar cells performance

Been in this gravel study the effect of Alchgag fast neutrons emitted by the source on the electrical properties of silicon solar cells monounsaturated crystal at a constant rate of neutron flow rate of a wide range of neutron flow speed ranges for periods of time ranging from 2-10 hours

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Nutrients and Major Ions at Al Muthanna Storage Site Soil

In the early 90s military operations and United Nations Special Commission “UNSCOM” teams have been destroyed the past Iraqi chemical program. Both operations led an extensive number of scattered remnants of contaminated areas. The quantities of hazardous materials, incomplete destructed materials, and toxic chemicals were sealed in two bunkers. Deficiency of appropriate destruction technology led to spreading the contamination around the storage site. This paper aims to introduce the environmental detection of the contamination in the storage site area using geospatial analysis technique. The environmental contamination level of nutrients and major ions such as sulphate (SO4), potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesi

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential approach Imam Al-Qurtubi through his interpretation Verses of rulings

There are great figures in our nation, who are famous for their encyclopedia in their sciences, and their fame spreads across the horizons for what they presented to their religion and nation.
So they became torches of guidance, advocates of goodness, and treasuries of knowledge until God inherits the earth and those on it.
Among these imams is Imam al-Qurtubi, who died in the year (671 AH), after whom he left a great legacy of valuable books, including this one, which is the subject of my research, his valuable interpretation (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an). Taking from him and his approach in interpreting the verses of judgment, following the method of extrapolation, investigation and deduction to know his style, which he used

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation the Turbidity Removal Efficiency of AL-Muthana Water Treatment Plant

Turbidity is a visual property of water that expresses the amount of suspended substances in the water. Its presence in quantities more significant than the permissible limit makes the water undrinkable and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating pathogens. On this basis, turbidity is used as a basic indicator for measuring water quality. This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of AL- Muthanna WTP. Water turbidity was used as a basic parameter in the evaluation, using performance improvement evaluation and data from previous years (2016 to 2020). The average raw water turbidity was 26.7 NTU, with a minimum of 14 NTU, with a maximum of 48 NTU. Water turbidity value for 95% of settling daily reading data was

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation the Turbidity Removal Efficiency of AL-Muthana Water Treatment Plant

Turbidity is a visual property of water that expresses the amount of suspended substances in the water. Its presence in quantities more significant than the permissible limit makes the water undrinkable and reduces the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating pathogens. On this basis, turbidity is used as a basic indicator for measuring water quality. This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of AL- Muthanna WTP. Water turbidity was used as a basic parameter in the evaluation, using performance improvement evaluation and data from previous years (2016 to 2020). The average raw water turbidity was 26.7 NTU, with a minimum of 14 NTU, with a maximum of 48 NTU. Water turbidity value for 95% of settling daily readi

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Biodegradation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon from Al-Daura Refinery Wastewater by Rhizobacteria

Due to the deliberate disposal of industrial waste, a great amount of petroleum hydrocarbons pollute the soil and aquatic environments. Bioremediation that depends on the microorganisms in the removal of pollutants is more efficient and cost-effective technology. In this study, five rhizobacteria were isolated from Phragmites australis roots and exposed to real wastewater from Al-Daura refinery with 70 mg/L total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) concentration. The five selected rhizobacteria were examined in a biodegradation test for seven days to remove TPH. The results showed that 80% TPH degradation as the maximum value by Sphingomonas Paucimobilis as identified with Vitek® 2 Compact (France).

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radiological risk assessment of fuel fabrication facility at Al- Tuwaitha nuclear site

The specific activity of 29 soil samples collected from Fuel
Fabrication Facility FFF at AL-Tuwaitha site, 20 km south of
Baghdad were determined using HPGe detector in a low background
configuration, it's relative efficiency of 40%, and resolution of 2keV
for the 1332 keV gamma ray emission of 60Co. The range of activity
concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were between (12.56-31.96),
(10.2-18.4) and (47.47-402.1) Bq/kg respectively. In order to assess
any radiological hazard to human health, the absorbed gamma dose
rate D in air at 1m above the ground surface was calculated in the
range (18.87 to 36.46) nGy/h; the outdoor annual effective dose
equivalent AEDE was evaluated to vary from 0.0039 to 0.0076

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