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Application of the Elevation and Residual Static Correction methods on a selected Seismic data of West Luhais area in the South of Iraq
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The present study deals with processing of one seismic line (2WL2) with a length of (37km) for (2D) seismic data of west Luhais area that is located within the administrative borders of the province of Muthanna in south of Iraq. The quality of the recorded data of this line is in general weak due to the effect of noise mainly. The study was made up in oil Exploration Company by utilizing OMEGA software which consists of a great number of the processing programs. The elevation static correction and residual static correction were applied on the studied line and the final section were resulted after completing the treatment processes that proceed followed of the static correction process and the result of elevation static correcting was good and accept in department of interpretation.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Static Correction Technique on 2D Land Seismic Data in the South of Iraq
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In our research, several different Statics solutions have been implemented in the processing of seismic data in the south of Iraq for (2D) line seismic survey (AK18)  of Abu-khama project with length 32.4 Km and their corresponding results have been compared in order to find optimum static solutions. The static solutions based on the tomographic-principle or combining the low frequency components of field statics with high frequency ones of refraction statics can provide a reasonable static solution for seismic data in the south of Iraq. The quality of data was bad and unclear in the seismic signal, but after applying field statics there is an enhancement of data quality. The Residual static correction improved the qualities of seis

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Linear Noise Removal Using Tau-P Transformation on 3D Seismic Data of Al-Samawah Area - South West of Iraq
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Tau-P linear noise attenuation filter (TPLNA) was applied on the 3D seismic data of Al-Samawah area south west of Iraq with the aim of attenuating linear noise. TPLNA transforms the data from time domain to tau-p domain in order to increase signal to noise ratio. Applying TPLNA produced very good results considering the 3D data that usually have a large amount of linear noise from different sources and in different azimuths and directions. This processing is very important in later interpretation due to the fact that the signal was covered by different kinds of noise in which the linear noise take a large part.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of the Surface- consistent DE convolution on a seismic data of Al-Najaf and Al-Muthanna Governorates in the south of Iraq
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This study deals with the application of surface-consistent  deconvolution  to the two-dimensional seismic data applied to the Block 11 area within the administrative boundaries of Najaf and Muthanna Governorates with an area of ​​4822 , the processed seismic data of line (7Gn 21) is 54 km long. The study was conducted within the Processing Department of the Oil Exploration Company. The gap surface- consistent deconvolution was applied using best results of the  parameters  applied  were: The length of the operator 240, the gap operator 24, the white noise 0.01%, the seismic sections of this type showed improvement with the decay of the existing complications and thus give a good continuity of the reflectors

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Data Processing of Subba Oil Field in South Iraq
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Evaluation study was conducted for seismic interpretation using two-dimensional seismic data for Subba oil field, which is located in the southern Iraq. The Subba oil field was discovered in 1973 through the results of the seismic surveys and the digging of the first exploratory well SU-1 in 1975 to the south of the Subba oil field. The entire length of the field is 35 km and its width is about 10 km. The Subba oil field contains 15 wells most of them distributed in the central of the field.

     This study is dealing with the field data and how to process it for the purpose of interpretation; the processes included conversion of field data format, compensation of lost data and noise disposal, as well as the a

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Velocity Analysis Picking for 2D Seismic Data Processing in West An-Najaf Are
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     In the current study, 2D seismic data in west An-Najaf (WN-36 line) were received after many steps of processing by Oil Exploration Company in 2018. Surface Consistent Amplitude Compensation (SCAC) was applied on the seismic data. The processing sequence in our study started by sorting data in a common mid-point (CMP) gather, in order to apply the velocity analysis using Interactive Velocity Analysis Application (INVA) with Omega system. Semblance of velocity was prepared to preform normal move-out (NMO) vs. Time. Accurate root mean square velocity (VRMS) was selected, which was controlled by flatness of the primary events. The resultant seismic velocity section for the study area shows that the veloci

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural interpretation of 2D seismic reflection data of the Khabour Formation in the Upper West Euphrates, western Iraq
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     The seismic reflection method has a primary role in petroleum exploration. This research is a structural interpretation study of the 2D seismic reflection survey carried out in the Upper West Euphrates (Khan Al-Baghdadi area), which is located in the western part of Iraq, Al-Anbar governorate. The two objectives of this research are to interpret Base Akkas/Top Khabour reflector and to define potential hydrocarbon traps in the surveyed area. Based on the synthetic seismogram of Akk_3 well near the study area, the Akkas/Top Khabour reflector was identified on the seismic section. Also, the Silurian Akkas Hot_shale reflector was identified and followed up, which represents the source and seal rocks of the Paleozoic

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Interpretation for Hydrocarbon Traps Detection of Warka-Zakura Area South of Iraq
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This research represents a reflection seismic study (structural and stratigraphic) for a (852) km2 area located in the south of Iraq within the administrative border of the province of Al-Muthanna and Qadisiyah province ,by using 2-D seismic data from Oil Exploration company three main seismic reflectors are picked, these are (Zubair and Yamama) Formations which they deposited during the Cretaceous age , and (Gotnia) Formation which deposited during Jurassic age .Structural maps of Formations are prepared to obtain the location and direction of the sedimentary basin and shoreline ,time, velocity and depth maps are drawn depending on the structural interpretation of the picked reflectors and show several structural feature as nose structu

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Data Reinterpretation and The Structural View of Zubair, Yamama, and Gotnia Formations in Afaq Area, Central Iraq
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     An interpretative study of the two-dimensional seismic data of the Afaq area was conducted using the Petrel 2017 software. 2D seismic reflection sections are used to give a structural interpretation of Afaq structure based on synthetic seismogram and well log data. Three reflectors, Zubair, Yamama, and Gotina Formations, were selected. These reflectors are defined from well west kifl (wk-1), Where located adjacent to the study area. Structural maps of the Zubair, Yamama, and Gotnia formations are prepared and interpreted, including TWT maps, Average velocity maps, and depth maps. The studies concluded that the Afaq structure area does not contain main faults, but secondary faults with short and limited extensions

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data of Mishrif Formation in East Abu-Amoud Field, South-eastern Iraq
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      The seismic method depends on the nature of the reflected waves from the interfaces between layers, which in turn depends on the density and velocity of the layer, and this is called acoustic impedance. The seismic sections of the East Abu-Amoud field that is located in Missan Province, south-eastern Iraq, were studied and interpreted for updating the structural picture of the major Mishrif Formation for the reservoir in the Abu-amoud field. The Mishrif Formation is rich in petroleum in this area, with an area covering about 820 km2. The seismic interpretation of this study was carried out utilizing the software of Petrel-2017. The horizon was calibrated and defined on t

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The Tel Hajar formation in the studied area has been divided into five microfacics units:

1) Fine hiogenic dolomite facies.

2) Sandy rich dolomite facies.

3) Dolomite diagenetic facies.

4) Recrystal1ized wackestone in microfacies.

5) Mudsione facies.

Microfacics reflect shallow marine water with open Circulation in the lower part of the formation and the environment of the upper is enclosed between upper tide and tide. The most important diagenesis was recrystallization and spary calcite deposit inside fossils chambers and pores.

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