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Study the Antimicrobial Resistance Genes of Listeria Monocytogenes Isolated From Industrial and Clinical Samples in Iraq
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      Multi-drug resistance in Listeria monocytogenes is considered a major public health problem associated with foodborne outbreaks and causes high hospitalization and mortality rates. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial resistant genes among Listeria monocytogenes isolated from meat and clinical samples. Phenotypically, the isolates were tested for their susceptibility against the 12 most commonly used antimicrobials in veterinary and human therapy via the disc diffusion method, while conventional PCR was performed to study the presence or absence of 14 resistance genes predicted in L. monocytogenes isolates. The study established that 30(66.66%) of L. monocytogenes isolates showed phenotypic multi-drug resistance against at least three antimicrobial classes. Furthermore, high resistance frequencies were reported among commonly used antibiotics for listeriosis therapy. The present study revealed that the investigated isolates show resistance against tetracycline 33(73.3%), ampicillin 29(64.4%), penicillin 28(62.2%), erythromycin 26(57.8%), and gentamycin, clindamycin and vancomycin 24(53.3% each). Of the 45 L. monocytogenes isolates studied, 37(82.2%) were phenotypically susceptible to meropenem, followed by ciprofloxacin 36(80.0%) and SXT 30(66.7%). PCR amplification of antimicrobial resistance genes established the occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in all studied L. monocytogenes isolates. Notably, 41(91.11%) of these isolates exhibited more than five resistance genes. Surprisingly, penA and ampC were detected in all L. monocytogenes strains   45(100%), followed by ermB 44(97.8%), tetA 38(84.4%), tetG 32(71.1%), and vanB 30(66.7%). Moreover, vanA 22(48.9%) and tetB 18(40.0%) were detected less frequently. The lowest incidences of resistance genes were observed in L. monocytogenes carrying tetD 4(8.9%) and cmlA 6(13.3%). In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the majority of L. monocytogenes from human and meat samples displayed a high index of resistance to a variety of agents used for clinical listeriosis treatment adding further burden to the existing global antibiotic resistance problem.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Road Traffic Congestion Using V2V Communication Based on IoT
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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have been developed to improve the efficiency and safety of road transport by using new technologies for communication. Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) are a subset of ITS widely used to solve different issues associated with transportation in cities. Road traffic congestion is still the most significant problem that causes important economic and productivity damages, as well as increasing environmental effects. This paper introduces an early traffic congestion alert system in a vehicular network, using the internet of things (IoT) and fuzzy logic, for optimizing the traffic and increasing the flow. The proposed system detects critical driving conditions, or any emerge

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Active Vibration Control of Cantilever Beam by Using Optimal LQR Controller
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Many of mechanical systems are exposed to undesired vibrations, so designing an active vibration control (AVC) system is important in engineering decisions to reduce this vibration. Smart structure technology is used for vibration reduction. Therefore, the cantilever beam is embedded by a piezoelectric (PZT) as an actuator. The optimal LQR controller is designed that reduce the vibration of the smart beam by using a PZT element.  

In this study the main part is to change the length of the aluminum cantilever beam, so keep the control gains, the excitation, the actuation voltage, and mechanical properties of the aluminum beam for each length of the smart cantilever beam and observe the behavior and effec

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Analysis of structural concrete bar members based on secant stiffness methods
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In this paper, the behavior of structural concrete linear bar members was studied using numerical model implemented in a computer program written in MATLAB. The numerical model is based on the modified version of the procedure developed by Oukaili. The model is based on real stress-strain diagrams of concrete and steel and their secant modulus of elasticity at different loading stages. The behavior presented by normal force-axial strain and bending moment-curvature relationships is studied by calculating the secant sectional stiffness of the member. Based on secant methods, this methodology can be easily implemented using an iterative procedure to solve non-linear equations. A comparison between numerical and experimental data, illustrated

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Impact of chronic hepatitis B virus infection on bone mineral density
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Background: Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a common health problem that has a worldwide distribution. Apart from the direct effect of the virus on the liver, there are many extrahepatic manifestations among which the probable effect on bone turnover associated with low bone mineral density (BMD). Objectives: This study aimed to determine the association between treated and untreated chronic HBV infection with BMD. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study which included a total of 48 patients with chronic HBV (28 patients treated with tenofovir-disoproxil-fumarate [TDF] antiviral drug and 20 patients have not yet started treatment). Other age- and sex-matched 30 apparently healthy individuals were recruited to represent the hea

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Cancer And Medical Genetics
Apoptotic Activity of methionine γ- lyase on several cancer cell lines
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The apoptotic activity of methionine γ- lyase from Pseudomonas putida on cancer cell lines was indicated by measuring the concentration of cytochrome c in the supernatants of cell lines. The result revealed high concentration of cytochrome c in the supernatants of cancer cell lines (RD, AMGM and AMN3) respectively while the concentration of anti-apoptotic protein (Bcl-2) was very low.

Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Contemporary formation indicators of free zones cities -Public Free zones models-
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The free zone or the free economy cities are cities with classification and functional specificity, although the history of  the concept of these areas has been It dates back to distant eras, but the intellectual and philosophical construction with the support of intellectual approaches, the most important of which is globalization contributed to its rapid spread globally and taking a variety of forms and models. With the diversity of its formulas and objectives countries have competed in adopting the establishment of these areas, meanwhile The influence of related trends affected the contemporary formation of these sites. Therefore ,the research was directed focus on the importance of adopting a set of common indicators (collection

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Early detection of first degree relatives to type-II diabetes mellitus
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Objective(s): The study aims to assess the early detection of early detection of first degree relatives to type-II
diabetes mellitus throughout the diagnostic tests of Glycated Hemoglobin A1C. (HgbA1C), Oral Glucose Tolerance
Test (OGTT) and to find out the relationship between demographic data and early detection of first degree
relatives to type-II diabetes mellitus.
Methodology: A purposive "non-probability" sample of (200) subjects first degree relatives to type-II diabetes
mellitus was selected from National Center for Diabetes Mellitus/Al-Mustansria University and Specialist Center
for Diabetes Mellitus and Endocrine Diseases/Al-kindy. These related persons have presented the age of (40-70)
years old. A questio

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using of Some Bacterial Species to Treat Polluted Soils with Hydrocarbons.
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    Three bacterial species were isolated from three polluted soils with gasoline which leaks from electricity generators that used in different regions in Baghdad; the regions choices to collect the polluted soils were (Al-Shaab, Al- Jadryia and Al-Saydiya).     The bacterial species were identified according to international biochemical   methods. It was found that these species were Escherichia coli, Enterobacter    aerogenes and serratia marcesens.      It was found that the optimum temperature and pH were 37C°and 9 these were to cultivate E.coli and S.marcesens, while for   E.aerogenes   were 25 C° and   9. &

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 28 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stabilizing Gap of Pole Electric Arc Furnace Using Smart Hydraulic System
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Electric arc furnace applications in industry are related to position system of its pole, up and down of pole. The pole should be set the certain gap. These setting are needed to calibrate. It is done manually. In this research will proposed smart hydraulic to make this pole works as intelligent using proportional directional control valve. The output of this research will develop and improve the working of the electric arc furnace. This research requires study and design of the system to achieve the purpose and representation using Automation Studio software (AS), in addition to mathematically analyzed and where they were building a laboratory device similar to the design and conduct experiments to stud

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Semi-Active Damping of Mechanical Vibrating Systems Using Variable Stiffness Actuator
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      In this research, a variable stiffness actuator is proposed to enhance the damping of the mechanical vibrating system. The frequency response analysis of the vibrating system is dependant in order to analyze and synthesis this semi-active damping, where the suggested process is using active filter to estimate the present frequency of the vibration system, and this will limit the value of the stiffness of the vibrated system. Two active filter s are needed, low-pass-filter (LPF) to choose the higher stiffness of the actuator at small frequencies as well as more damping and high-pass-filter (HPF) to choose the lower stiffness of the actuator at high frequencies as well as more damping, and so

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