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Study the Antimicrobial Resistance Genes of Listeria Monocytogenes Isolated From Industrial and Clinical Samples in Iraq
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      Multi-drug resistance in Listeria monocytogenes is considered a major public health problem associated with foodborne outbreaks and causes high hospitalization and mortality rates. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial resistant genes among Listeria monocytogenes isolated from meat and clinical samples. Phenotypically, the isolates were tested for their susceptibility against the 12 most commonly used antimicrobials in veterinary and human therapy via the disc diffusion method, while conventional PCR was performed to study the presence or absence of 14 resistance genes predicted in L. monocytogenes isolates. The study established that 30(66.66%) of L. monocytogenes isolates showed phenotypic multi-drug resistance against at least three antimicrobial classes. Furthermore, high resistance frequencies were reported among commonly used antibiotics for listeriosis therapy. The present study revealed that the investigated isolates show resistance against tetracycline 33(73.3%), ampicillin 29(64.4%), penicillin 28(62.2%), erythromycin 26(57.8%), and gentamycin, clindamycin and vancomycin 24(53.3% each). Of the 45 L. monocytogenes isolates studied, 37(82.2%) were phenotypically susceptible to meropenem, followed by ciprofloxacin 36(80.0%) and SXT 30(66.7%). PCR amplification of antimicrobial resistance genes established the occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in all studied L. monocytogenes isolates. Notably, 41(91.11%) of these isolates exhibited more than five resistance genes. Surprisingly, penA and ampC were detected in all L. monocytogenes strains   45(100%), followed by ermB 44(97.8%), tetA 38(84.4%), tetG 32(71.1%), and vanB 30(66.7%). Moreover, vanA 22(48.9%) and tetB 18(40.0%) were detected less frequently. The lowest incidences of resistance genes were observed in L. monocytogenes carrying tetD 4(8.9%) and cmlA 6(13.3%). In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the majority of L. monocytogenes from human and meat samples displayed a high index of resistance to a variety of agents used for clinical listeriosis treatment adding further burden to the existing global antibiotic resistance problem.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
First principles calculations of Al AsxP1-x ternary nanocrystal alloying composition
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III-V zinc-blende AlP, AlAs semiconductors and their alloy Aluminum Arsenide phosphide Al AsxP1-x ternary nanocrystals have been investigated using Ab- initio density functional theory (Ab-initio-DFT) at the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA) level with STO-3G basis set coupled with large unit cell method (LUC). The dimension of crystal is found around (1.56 – 2.24) nm at a function of increasing the sizes (8, 16, 54, 64) with different concentration of arsenide (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) respectively. Gaussian 03 code program has been used throughout this study to calculate some of the physical properties such as the electronic properties energy gap, lattice constant, valence and conduction band as well as density of state. Re

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Damaged Short Column Exposed to High Temperature
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Experimental research was carried out to investigate the performance of CFRP wrapping jackets used for retrofitting twelve square reinforced concrete (CR) column specimens damaged by exposure to fire flame, at different temperatures of  300, 500 and 700ºC, except for two specimens that were not burned. The specimens were then loaded axially till failure after gradual or sudden cooling. The specimens were divided into two groups containing two main reinforcement ratios, ρ= 0.0314 and ρ= 0.0542. This was followed by the retrofitting procedure that included wrapping all the specimens with two layers of CFRP fabric sheets. The test results of the retrofitted specimens showed that the fire damaged RC

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Using Artificial intelligence to evaluate skill performance of some karate skills
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Human beings are starting to benefit from the technology revolution that witness in our time. Where most researchers are trying to apply modern sciences in different areas of life to catch up on the benefits of these technologies. The field of artificial intelligence is one of the sciences that simulate the human mind, and its applications have invaded human life. The sports field is one of the areas that artificial intelligence has been introduced. In this paper, artificial intelligence technology Fast-DTW (Fast-Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm was used to assess the skill performance of some karate skills. The results were shown that the percentage of improvement in the skill performance of Mai Geri is 100%.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Photoconductivity of An Inorganic /Organic Composites Containing Dye-Sensitized (Zinc Oxide)
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   In this paper we study the effect of adding Zinc Oxide powder (ZnO) at different ratios (10%,20%,30%,40%,50%) as particles and organic dyes rhodamine B(RhB), rohdamine 6G(Rh6G) and eosin(EO) are added at different doping ratios to polystyrene (PS), to form photosensitized(PS/ZnO/dye) composites, for samples were prepared as films by spin method. Photoconductive properties are investigated.     For I-V characteristic measurements, the photocurrent (Iph) and dark current (Id) are generally increased in non linear behavior with increasing light intensity and applied voltage for all composites. The photocurrent goes decrease through its maximum value at high white light intensities or high voltage for 2.4*10-

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal Protection of Human Genome “Human Gene Editing as a Model”
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Lawful protection of the human gene conceded a moral concern regarding the future of existence human. After the discovery of the human genetic map, scientific experiments and research related to the human gene increased, negative applications of genetic engineering  in particular that violate essential human rights,  the right to human dignity to be specific. These practices represent actual challenges to the existence and diversity of current and future generations. Therefore, the presence of legal rules at the domestic and global levels is an absolute necessity to prohibit these threats and determine civil and criminal accountability for those who infringe any laws related to this issue.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Quality of Life for Adult Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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Objective(s): To determine the quality of life for adults with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out on (80) patients with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from
December 2008 through October 2009 with special inclusion criteria (adult paƟents from 18 years and above exclude
the patients who suffer complication related of disease and from psychological problems and other chronic illnesses.
The data were analyzed through the application of descriptive data analysis approach and inferential data approach.
Result: The study indicated that the determination of QoL for COPD depended on the level of effect .The grades
according to R.S are: "high" effect of disease in

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Desalination of Highly Saline Water Using Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD)
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In this work, laboratory experiments were carried out to verify direct contact membrane distillation system’s performance in highly saline water desalination. The study included the investigation of various operating conditions, like feed flow rate, temperature and concentration of NaCl solution and their impact on the permeation flux were discussed. 16 cm2 of a flat sheet membrane module with commercial poly-tetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane, which has 0.22 μm pore size, 96 µm thickness and 78% average porosity, was used. A high salt rejection factor was obtained greater than 99.9%, and the permeation flux up to 17.27 kg/m2.h was achieved at 65°C for hot feed side and 20°C for cold side stream.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Manufacture of Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units Using Waste Demolishing Material
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The presence of construction wastes such as clay bricks, glass, wood, plastic, and others in large quantities causes serious environmental problems in the world. Where these wastes can be used to preserve the natural resources used in construction and reduce the impact of this problem on the environment, it also works to reduce the problem of high loads of concrete blocks. Clay bricks aggregate (AB) can be recycled as coarse aggregate and replaced with volumetric proportions of coarse aggregate by ( 5% and 10%), as well as the use of clay brick powder (PB) by replacing its weight of cement (5% and 10%) and reduced in the manufacture of concrete blocks (blocks). Four mixtures will be prepared and tested to learn how to re

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cloud-based Voice Home automation System Based on Internet of Things
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    The rapid development of automation industries and technologies has shown incredible prospects for transforming our homes into a smart home automation system, which are more secure than a simple home. This paper proposes a home application based on voice and text called the Automated Control and Monitoring System (ASCM). This application can be utilized by both normal and vision-impaired people by using with a mobile phone.

The application allows users to send voice commands through Google Assistant installed on Android to control the appliances. They can also have complete monitoring by logging onto the ThingSpeak dashboard, which displays a device status indicator and sends alert messages in the event of dang

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Vibration Analysis for Dynamic Stiffness Degradation of Cracked Cantilever Plate
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In the present work a dynamic analysis technique have been developed to investigate and characterize the quantity of elastic module degradation of cracked cantilever plates due to presence of a defect such as surface of internal crack under free vibration. A new generalized technique represents the first step in developing a health monitoring system, the effects of such defects on the modal frequencies has been the main key quantifying the elasticity modulii due to presence any type of un-visible defect. In this paper the finite element method has been used to determine the free vibration characteristics for cracked cantilever plate (internal flaws), this present work achieved by different position of crack. Stiffness re

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