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Study the Antimicrobial Resistance Genes of Listeria Monocytogenes Isolated From Industrial and Clinical Samples in Iraq
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      Multi-drug resistance in Listeria monocytogenes is considered a major public health problem associated with foodborne outbreaks and causes high hospitalization and mortality rates. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial resistant genes among Listeria monocytogenes isolated from meat and clinical samples. Phenotypically, the isolates were tested for their susceptibility against the 12 most commonly used antimicrobials in veterinary and human therapy via the disc diffusion method, while conventional PCR was performed to study the presence or absence of 14 resistance genes predicted in L. monocytogenes isolates. The study established that 30(66.66%) of L. monocytogenes isolates showed phenotypic multi-drug resistance against at least three antimicrobial classes. Furthermore, high resistance frequencies were reported among commonly used antibiotics for listeriosis therapy. The present study revealed that the investigated isolates show resistance against tetracycline 33(73.3%), ampicillin 29(64.4%), penicillin 28(62.2%), erythromycin 26(57.8%), and gentamycin, clindamycin and vancomycin 24(53.3% each). Of the 45 L. monocytogenes isolates studied, 37(82.2%) were phenotypically susceptible to meropenem, followed by ciprofloxacin 36(80.0%) and SXT 30(66.7%). PCR amplification of antimicrobial resistance genes established the occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in all studied L. monocytogenes isolates. Notably, 41(91.11%) of these isolates exhibited more than five resistance genes. Surprisingly, penA and ampC were detected in all L. monocytogenes strains   45(100%), followed by ermB 44(97.8%), tetA 38(84.4%), tetG 32(71.1%), and vanB 30(66.7%). Moreover, vanA 22(48.9%) and tetB 18(40.0%) were detected less frequently. The lowest incidences of resistance genes were observed in L. monocytogenes carrying tetD 4(8.9%) and cmlA 6(13.3%). In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the majority of L. monocytogenes from human and meat samples displayed a high index of resistance to a variety of agents used for clinical listeriosis treatment adding further burden to the existing global antibiotic resistance problem.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some K-Banhatti Polynomials of First Dominating David Derived Networks
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Chemical compounds, characteristics, and molecular structures are inevitably connected. Topological indices are numerical values connected with chemical molecular graphs that contribute to understanding a chemical compounds physical qualities, chemical reactivity, and biological activity. In this study, we have obtained some topological properties of the first dominating David derived (DDD) networks and computed several K-Banhatti polynomials of the first type of DDD.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design of L1 -Adaptive Controller for Single Axis Positioning Table
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L1 adaptive controller has proven to provide fast adaptation with guaranteed transients in a large variety of systems. It is commonly used for controlling systems with uncertain time-varying unknown parameters. The effectiveness of  L1 adaptive controller for position control of single axis has been examined and compared with Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC). The Linear servo motor is one of the main constituting elements of the x-y table which is mostly used in automation application. It is characterized by time-varying friction and disturbance.

    The tracking and steady state performances of both controllers have been assessed fo

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of some plant secondary metabolites activity to control algae
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This study includes isolation , purification and identification of algae from different
aquatic environments in Baghdad.
Two different plant species belonging to different families were selected which were
Citrilluscolocynthus and Cordiamyxa for their fruits and fruits samples respectively.
Crude extracts were extracted from each plant and their antialgal activity were
evaluated.Different concentrations (5,15,25) mg/ml of these extracts were prepared
and their antagonistic activity was studied, and the resulted inhibition effects in ( %)
of concentration of chlorophyll(a) after 12 days was evaluated.
Results showed that Chloroccumhumicola was the most sensitive to these extracts.
However, Anabaena circinalis wa

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 06 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Versatile Applications of Complexes with Some Lanthanide Elements: A Review
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Cerium (III), Neodymium (III) and Samarium (III) Complexes existent a wide range of implementation that stretch from their play in the medicinal and pharmaceutical area because of their major significant pharmacological characteristic such as antifungal, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial ,anti-human immunodeficiency virus ,antineoplastic, anti-inflammation,inhibition corrosion,in some industrial (polymers, Azo dye).It is likely to open avenuesto research among various disciplines such as physics, electronics, chemistry and materials science by these complexes that contain exquisitely designed organic molecules.This paper reviews the definition, importance and various applications of Cerium (III), Neodymium (III) and Samarium (III) Complexe

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improved Automatic Registration Adjustment of Multi-source Remote Sensing Datasets
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Registration techniques are still considered challenging tasks to remote sensing users, especially after enormous increase in the volume of remotely sensed data being acquired by an ever-growing number of earth observation sensors. This surge in use mandates the development of accurate and robust registration procedures that can handle these data with varying geometric and radiometric properties. This paper aims to develop the traditional registration scenarios to reduce discrepancies between registered datasets in two dimensions (2D) space for remote sensing images. This is achieved by designing a computer program written in Visual Basic language following two main stages: The first stage is a traditional registration p

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Analytical Perspective of Baghdad Urban Water Front Land Use Utilization
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Analysis of Metal Removal during Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process
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This work aims to provide a statistical analysis of metal removal during the Magnetic Abrasive Finishing process (MAF) and find out the mathematical model which describes the relationship between the process parameters and metal removal, also estimate the impact of the parameters on metal removal. In this study, the single point incremental forming was used to form the truncated cone made of low carbon steel (1008-AISI) based on the Z-level tool path. Then the finishing was accomplished using a magnetic abrasive process based on the Box-Behnken design of the experiment using Minitab 17 software was used to finish the surface of the formed truncated cone. The influences of different parameters (feed rate, machining step s

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Boubaker Scaling Operational Matrices for Solving Calculus of Variation Problems
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     In this paper, a general expression formula for the Boubaker scaling (BS) operational matrix of the derivative is constructed. Then it is used to study a new parameterization direct technique for treating calculus of the variation problems approximately. The calculus of variation problems describe several important phenomena in mathematical science. The first step in our suggested method is to express the unknown variables in terms of Boubaker scaling basis functions with unknown coefficients. Secondly, the operational matrix of the derivative together with some important properties of the BS are utilized to achieve a non-linear programming problem in terms of the unknown coefficients. Finally, the unknown parameters are obtaine

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Plasma Properties of a Low-Pressure Hollow Cathode DC Discharge
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      The current study involves an experimental investigation of plasma main parameters of a DC discharge with a hollow cathode (HCD) geometry in air using apertures of different diameters from the hollow cathode (1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 cm). A tiny Langmuir probe is used to investigate the plasma properties. The HCD was operated at constant power of 12.4 W and gas pressures ranging between 0.1 to 0.8 torr. It was observed that the operational conditions strongly affect the electron temperature and density, while the hollow cathode diameter has not much influence. The main important observation was that at relatively high air pressure (>0.4 torr) two electron temperatures were obtained, while at relatively low pressure (<0.4 torr)

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Development prediction algorithm of vehicle travel time based traffic data
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This work bases on encouraging a generous and conceivable estimation for modified an algorithm for vehicle travel times on a highway from the eliminated traffic information using set aside camera image groupings. The strategy for the assessment of vehicle travel times relies upon the distinctive verification of traffic state. The particular vehicle velocities are gotten from acknowledged vehicle positions in two persistent images by working out the distance covered all through elapsed past time doing mollification between the removed traffic flow data and cultivating a plan to unequivocally predict vehicle travel times. Erbil road data base is used to recognize road locales around road segments which are projected into the commended camera

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