The actual position and velocity of the sun and the moon were calculate through one year , and the satellite position and velocity components (x,y,z, vx, vy, vz) were calculate as well as the momentum component at inclination (116.5?) , argument of perigee (30?), longitude node angle (40?), eccentricity (0.01), for deferent perigee height (200,300,..,1000 km). The acceleration of perturbations which were calculated in this work are the sun and the moon attraction on the satellite, the solar radiation pressure, the atmospheric drag as well as the earth oblatness. The result show that the perturbation forces of atmospheric drag acceleration is effect by altitude and the sun, moon attraction do not depend on distance from satellite but depend on the angle between (sun – earth – satellite) and (moon - earth – satellite). the earth oblatness acceleration do not depend on altitude of satellite and time, but depend on the position on its orbit and orbital inclination. The solar radiation pressure acceleration is depend on angle (sun - earth – satellite) and the minimum value at (180?).