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Renal tissue toxicity and miRNA 21, miRNA122, and miRNA221 tissue level alterations in rats administered 4-Nitroquinoline
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     A widespread variety of toxicants modify miRNAs profiles in target tissues. Five rat treatment groups were selected for this study, each consisting of five animals and an additional one left untreated used as a control. Administration of the carcinogen 4-Nitroquinoline (4-NQO) lasted for 5 months with four weeks intervals separating the successive groups. When the carcinogen intake period ended, the animals were euthanized and renal tissue was collected for both histopathological and molecular investigations. The results showed no significant difference (p=0.65) between the animal groups that showed kidney tissue toxicity and those that did not. Conversely, a statistically significant difference emerged if the mean ΔCt of the gene of interest (miRNA-21) in the treated group (6.95±1.23) was compared to that of the control group (4.42±0.34) (p=0.000). A significant difference was also observed when the comparison involved miRNA-122 and miRNA-221 whose ΔCt values for the treated and control groups were 2.28±0.2, 1.19±0.51 (p=0.04);0.39±0.08,1.52±0.06 (p=0.02), respectively. In conclusion: The findings of the present work revealed variable degrees of renal tissue injury despite non-significant; but it emphasizes the significant alterations of the miRNA tissue levels, the latter can indicate the adoption of specific miRNAs as vital markers denoting the prediction and/or the diagnosis of tissue injury after exposure to certain chemicals.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of the Stability of Some Commodity Activities in Iraq on the Estimation of the Statistical Data Models for the Period (1988-2000)
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There is an assumption implicit but fundamental theory behind the decline by the time series used in the estimate, namely that the time series has a sleep feature Stationary or the language of Engle Gernger chains are integrated level zero, which indicated by I (0). It is well known, for example, tables of t-statistic is designed primarily to deal with the results of the regression that uses static strings. This assumption has been previously treated as an axiom the mid-seventies, where researchers are conducting studies of applied without taking into account the properties of time series used prior to the assessment, was to accept the results of these tests Bmanueh and delivery capabilities based on the applicability of the theo

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard strategic performance management in public institutions of Jordan )An Empirical Study on the Social Security Corporation – Irbid(
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The goal of this research to identify a set of criteria that can be measured on the basis of which the effectiveness of the application of the Balanced Scorecard in the Jordanian Public Institutions in order to identify the basic requirements to ensure the application of balanced performance measures. The study population consisted of the staff of the Public Institution for Social Security - Irbid of directors of departments and heads of departments and administrative staff, was the use of a random sample of (50) an employee and the employee. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data, and as a result of subjecting these standards for the field test and the use of statistical analysis tools to the results of the study c

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 29 2018
Journal Name
Effect of Reminding Parents on Vaccination Dates Using Mobile Short Messages on the Routine Vaccination Coverage of Infants in Al Resafa-Baghdad, 2015-2016
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Criminology And Sociology
Semiotics in Political Discourse. An Analytical Treatment of Political Text Criticisms Since 2003: The Case of the Discourse of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki
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This article discusses the function of semiotics in political discourse after the socio-political processes taking place in Iraq since 2003 and its role in the development of textual criticisms of some Iraqi politicians, analyzes the reasons for its functioning in the speech of politicians. The research is mainly focused on finding out to what extent political text studies draw on sign systems that can store and transmit information, the nature of its purpose and the use of available fields for the purpose to be achieved. The chief purpose of the study is to investigate and also clarify the symbols and signs appear within the framework of discursive Iraqi politicians, the nature of the symbols used, and the meanings that are include

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Applied Energy
Hourly yield prediction of a double-slope solar still hybrid with rubber scrapers in low-latitude areas based on the particle swarm optimization technique
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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Impact of the Method of Dealing with the Product of Wars in the Continuity of the Crisis Wars. Beirut city as an Example
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This research investigates the subject of the impact of wars (as a manifestation of crisis) on architecture, and the extent of continuing wars physical and moral results of wars, even after the end of the cause of the crisis. The impact of different rebuilding which exposed to the effects of the war seems different in crisis regions.

The problem of research is about the uncertainty of the impact of the way chooses for reconstructing the buildings after wars in the continuity of the crisis of war. The goals of this research are to clarify the influence of methods of reconstruction of buildings in a city chosen which is Beirut, on the continuation of the war crisis with the argument of demolishing and rebuilding newly or keeping tr

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Linear Local Dependence Measure to Study the factors that are Leading to the Growth of Preferring the Application in Private Universities of Iraq
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In this paper a measure of linear local dependence has been used between two
random variables and a study is conducted for the properties of this measure where
two examples of bivariate probability distributions has been considered, which are
bivariate Gumbel distribution and bivariate Beta-Stacy distribution, and applied on
data collected by using a questionnaire conducted to study the reasons for the
increase of application in private collages in Iraq. Five elements has been considered
as random variables and the dependence has been measured between every two
elements to estimate how correlated these elements are and their effect on the
application in private collages of Iraq generally and Baghdad specifically.<

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of Proceedings External Oversight on Investment Budget Projects for local Governments: "Applied Research in The Government of The Province of Dhi Qar local"
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The investment budget represents a stage of the investment decision in service units, and the preparation and implementation needs to be a complement of the same planning part, because the planning does not end with the development of the plan, but includes a follow-up implementation, so it has to be effective and efficient oversight of the estimates and procedures for disbursement of funds approved for investment projects, The problem with research in that local governments suffer from the presence of Allkaat and problems facing the implementation of the investment budget projects due to the adoption budget items which can not be measured the efficiency of the performance of these units of government by, and shortcomings in the control

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Accounting For Investments In Joint Projects Accounting to the International Accounting Standard: An applied Study at the General Company for food Stuff Trading
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   As a result of the entry of  multinationals companies in Iraq for investing in the joint projects through conducting agreements and contracts for work on important and strategic projects to get the necessary funds and various experiences which characterize the foreign participant sides that Iraq currently needs them and because of the non-applying the accounting processing stipulated in the unified accounting system in addition to the absence of a local accounting bases as well as the default of the participant contracts on indicating the accounting methods about those projects which are considered one of the bases that enables auditors in the public sector to depend on it, thus the research paper deals with studying an

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study the eifficiency of land transportation in the economic development under transference to the economic market, the general company of land transportation – case study –
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Land Transport regards a main element in the In Fra – structure of the national economy where distance and time shortness, open new opportunities of work, develop the different regions and rise the standard of living….

It is necessary to emphasize that the circumastances surrounding Iraq such as wars, economic sanctions, blockade occupation effected negatively upon economic Indicators of land Transportion including Value of output Value added contraction of Investment allocation and  Investment expend tuer and the period of implementation and fulfillment of the projects of Land Transport to be ready to offer their service in underdeveloped country Like Iraq aiming to satisfy Fast and acomprehensi

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