In this study, the gamma ray shielding properties of shields prepared from polyvinyl alcohol as a base material reinforced with barium sulfate nanoparticles at different reinforcement ratios (5,15,25,35,45 %) and thickness 1 cm were studied. To determine the acceptability of these shields for use in gamma ray protection, some parameters including linear attenuation coefficient (μ), mean free path (λ), and half value layer (HVL) were determined using133Ba, 22Na, 137Cs, and 60Co radioactive sources that produced gamma rays with energies of (356, 662, 1173, 1275 and 1332 KeV). The (NaI (Tl)) gamma system was employed for this purpose. The fabricated shields' effective atomic number was also determined. The findings demonstrated that as the reinforcement ratios of the nano-barium sulfate were raised, the linear attenuation coefficient and the effective atomic number of the shields inceased . The mass attenuation coefficient , mean free path and the half value layer decreased as the nano-barium sulfate reinforcement ratios increased.