This research deals with study of the Petrology and mineralogy of the Rus and Jil Formations at Najif and Al-Muthanna Governorates, Southern Iraq. The Rus Formation consists mainly of evaporites and subordinate carbonates. The evaporites are characterized by nodular structure (compound wispy, wispy, structureless and mosaic structures) with some laminated structure at the studied sections. Compound wispy to wispy structure are the dominant structures. The Jil Formation consists almost entirely of carbonate. The carbonate rocks are dolomitic limestone and dolomite beds, massive, fossiliferous, cavernous sometime friable and bioturbated in its lower part. The Jil Formation contains evaporites as thin beds, sometimes nodular and contains selenite gypsum and very thin veins of satin-spar.
X-ray diffractometry reveals that the non-clay minerals are dominantly dolomite, gypsum and calcite. The clay minerals present in the Rus Formation are: illite, smectite, chlorite and kaolinite. In the Jil Formation the main clay minerals are illite and smectite. The clay minerals are referring to climate arid to semi arid.
This study deals with segmenting the industrial market as an independent variable and targeting the industrial market as a dependent variable. Since the industrial sector represents one of the most important fundamental pillars to build the economies of countries and their development , the Iraqi industrial sector was chosen as a population for the study . Based on measuring the study variables , identifying them and testing the correlation and effect on each other , the study reached a group of findings:
1- Increasing the level of availability of study variables inside the companies “The study sample”.
2- There is a correlation between the independent v
... Show MoreWater level and distribution is very essential in almost all life aspects. Natural and artificial lakes represent a large percentage of these water bodies in Iraq. In this research the changes in water levels are observed by calculating the areas of five different lakes in five different regions and two different marshes in two different regions of the country, in a period of 12 years (2001 - 2012), archived remotely sensed images were used to determine surface areas around lakes and marshes in Iraq for the chosen years . Level of the lakes corresponding to satellite determined surface areas were retrieved from remotely sensed data .These data were collected to give explanations on lake level and surface area fluctuations. It is imp
... Show MoreStudy of three dimensional seismic data of Merjan area-central Iraq has shown that the Jurassic – Cretaceous succession is affected by faulting system. Seven major normal faults were identified and mapped. Synthetic traces have been calculated by using sonic and density log data of the well Me-1.Two exploration wells were drilled in the area Me-1 and Wkf-1 wells, the distance between them is 15.82 km. Discussion about the effect of this system on the sedimentary package has been presented. The tight faults that couldn’t be distinguished it on seismic sections were determined using seismic attributes. They have different strike and limited in their vertical and horizontal extension. They are system facilitates the movement o
... Show MoreOne of the most important enhanced oil recoveries methods is miscible displacement. During this method preferably access to the conditions of miscibility to improve the extraction process and the most important factor in these conditions is miscibility pressure. This study focused on establishing a suitable correlation to calculate the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) required for injecting hydrocarbon gases into southern Iraq oil reservoir. MMPs were estimated for thirty oil samples from southern Iraqi oil fields by using modified Peng and Robinson equation of state. The obtained PVT reports properties were used for tunning the equation of state parameters by making a match between the equation of state results with experimenta
... Show MoreGroundwater is an important resource that can be used for various purposes. Various factors can change the chemistry of the GW, such as the chemical composition of an aquifer as well as the leaching of human waste into groundwater. The study area is a barren land covered by some sabkhas, in addition to some agricultural fields. The study aims to assess groundwater quality for drinking purposes using the Water Quality Index. The groundwater is chemically heterogeneous and has a wide quality range from very poor to excellent. Evaporation appears to be the controlling factor among the other shallow waters, while relatively deep water is related to rock-soil dominance. Rocks, land use and land cover have helped control the groundwater q
... Show MoreOil seep samples along Abu-Jir Fault Zone were studied to determine their chemical characterization and origin. They are dominated by the normal alkanes, more complex mixture of branched and cyclic hydrocarbons. Organofacies coupled with the stable carbon isotopes have been integrated to infer the oil seep origin. Oil seeps contain H2S gas, which derives as a catabolic by product of sulfate-reducing bacteria from gypsum of the Fatha Formation during the early diagenetic under anoxic conditions which is demonstrated by values of C29/H that are greater than 1. The oil seeps are characterized by δ13C values vary from -29.0 to -27.96‰ and from -28.34 to -27.88‰ in the saturated and aromatic compounds, respectively; consequently, they ha
... Show MoreRoutine vaccination activities, such as detection, reporting, and management of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs), are generally handled by healthcare providers (HCPs). Safe vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) were introduced to control the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic. The study aimed to assess the knowledge, perceptions, and practice of HCPs in Iraq about reporting adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, and their association with sociodemographic variables. The study was a cross-sectional study that was carried out between August and September 2021 at the COVID-19 vaccination centers in Iraq. This study used an online and paper-based questionnaire, which
... Show MoreFrom September 2002, monthly samples of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were collected from two stations al AL-Gharraf canal. The results of this study revealed that the relationship between fecundity and total length , body weight and age can be expressed by the following equations: Log F=2.049+1.059 Log W. r =0.98 Log F=1.173+2.534 Log L. r =0.96 Log F=3.844+2.197 Log A. r =0.87 The range of the absolute fecundity of 20 female fishes were 50910 – 1008514 eggs and the relative fecundity was 177 eggs/g. The average egg diameter was 1.52 mm in ripe female and it ranged from 0.99mm to 1.64mm. There were three peaks of Ganado somatic index in
... Show MoreAbstract:
Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.
It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers an
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