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Noble Metals/NiO Core- Shell Based Gas Sensors
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The application of novel core-shell nanostructure composed of Cu, Ag, Au/NiO to improve the sensitivity of pure NiO to H2S gas sensors is demonstrated in this study. The growth of Cu, Ag, Au/NiO core-shell nanostructure is performed by chemical reaction of NiO on metal nanoparticle (Cu, Ag and Au) that prepared by pulsed laser ablation (PLA( technique. This is to form the homogeneous structure of the sensors investigated in this report to assess their sensitivity in terms of H2S detection. These novel H2S gas sensors were evaluated at operating temperatures of 25 °C, 100 °C and at 150 °C. The result reveals the Cu, Ag, Au/NiO core-shell nanostructure present a good sensitivity at low working temperatures compared by pure NiO nanoparticles. These core-shell nanostructure sensors also possess the highest response (<32 s) and recovery (<28 s) values with greater repeatability seen for H2S sensors at low temperatures, unlike traditional sensors that only work effectively at much higher temperatures. The data in this study indicates the newly-developed Cu, Ag, Au/NiO core-shell nanostructure based sensors are highly promising for industrial applications.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Spot Welding of Dissimilar Metals Using an Automated Nd:YAG Laser System
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An assembled pulsed Nd:YAG laser-robot system for spot welding similar and dissimilar metals is presented in this paper. The study evaluates the performance of this system through investigating the possibility and accuracy of executing laser spot welding of 0.2 mm in thickness stainless steel grade AISI302 to 0.5 mm in thickness low carbon steel grade AISI1008. The influence of laser beam parameters (peak power, pulse energy, pulse duration, repetition rate, and focal plane position on the final gained best results are evaluated. Enhancement of the experimental results was carried by a computational simulation using ANSYS FLUENT 6.3 package code.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Heavy Metals Removal from Simulated Wastewater using Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetland
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This study aimed to assess the efficiency of Nerium oleander in removing three different metals (Cd, Cu, and Ni) from simulated wastewater using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) system. The HSSF-CW pilot scale was operated at two hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 4 and 7 days, filled with a substrate layer of sand and gravel. The results indicated that the HSSF-CW had high removal efficiency of Cd and Cu. A higher HRT (7 days) resulted in greater removal efficiency reaching up to (99.3% Cd, 99.5% Cu, 86.3% Ni) compared to 4 days. The substrate played a significant role in removal of metals due to adsorption and precipitation. The N. oleander plant also showed a good tolerance to the uptake of Cd, Cu, and Ni ions fr

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution onto Sawdust Activated Carbon
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In this study, sawdust as a cheap method and abundant raw material was utilized to produce active carbon (SDAC). Physiochemical activation was utilized where potassium hydroxide   used as a chemical activating agent and carbon dioxide was used as a physical activating agent. Taguchi method of experimental design was used to find the optimum conditions of SDAC production. The produced SDAC was characterized using SEM to investigate surface morphology and BET to estimate the specific surface area. SDAC was used in aqueous lead ions adsorption. Adsorption process was modeled statistically and represented by an empirical model. The highest specific surface area of SDAC was 688.3 m2/gm. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Heavy Metals Removal from Simulated Wastewater using Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetland
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This study aimed to assess the efficiency of Nerium oleander in removing three different metals (Cd, Cu, and Ni) from simulated wastewater using horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) system. The HSSF-CW pilot scale was operated at two hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 4 and 7 days, filled with a substrate layer of sand and gravel. The results indicated that the HSSF-CW had high removal efficiency of Cd and Cu. A higher HRT (7 days) resulted in greater removal efficiency reaching up to (99.3% Cd, 99.5% Cu, 86.3% Ni) compared to 4 days. The substrate played a significant role in removal of metals due to adsorption and precipitation. The N. oleander plant also showed a good tolerance to the uptake of Cd, Cu, and Ni ions fr

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Distribution of Some Heavy Metals in Tigris River middle of Iraq
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This study was conducted from February 2010 to December 2010. Water Samples were collected every two months in three stations in Baghdad city. The study involved the assessment of concentrations of some heavy metals such as: Chromium, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Manganese, Nickel and Zinc. the values of chromium were undetected for the entire of the study, while the rest of the heavy metal were ranged between 0.001 -0.438 mg / l, ND -0.077 mg / L, ND -0.778 mg / l, 0.36 - 0.011 mg / l, 0.011-0 .08mg/ l, ND - 0.1985 mg / l, ND -0.0416 mg / l, respectively. The results showed that the concentrations of heavy metals were fluctuated during the study period, except Lead which have high concentrations and exceeded the permit limits in all statio

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Extraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils using EDTA and HCl
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The present study examines the extraction of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) from   a contaminated soil by washing process. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (Na2EDTA) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution were used as extractants.  Soil washing is one of the most suitable in-situ/ ex-situ remediation method in removing heavy metals. Soil was artificially contaminated with 500 mg/kg (Pb , Cd and Ni ).  A set of batch experiments were carried out at different conditions of  extractant concentration , contact time, pH and agitation speed. The results  showed  that the  maximum removal efficiencies  of (Cd, Pb  and Ni ) were (97, 88 and 24 )&nbs

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Heavy Metals Content in Simulated Solid Waste Food Compost
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Composting is one of the solid waste management (SWM) methods where the organic component decomposed biologically under controlled conditions. In this study, a 0.166 m3 bioreactor tank was designed to compose 59.2Kg of simulated common municipal solid food waste having a bulk density, organic matter, organic carbon, pH, nitrogen content, C/N and nitrification index (NH4-N/ NO3-N) of 536.62 kg/m3, 62.34%, 34.76%, 6.53, 1.86%, 23 and 0.34 respectively. The bioreactor operated aerobically for 30 days, and anaerobically for 70 days, until the end of the composting process. Results proved that the composting process could reduce the mass of the waste by 69%.  Nitrogen content,

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Statistical Fluctuations of Energy Spectrum, Electromagnetic Transitions and Electromagnetic Moments in 136Xe Nucleus Using the Framework of Nuclear Shell Model
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The fluctuation properties of energy spectrum, electromagnetic transition intensities and electromagnetic moments in nucleus are investigated with realistic shell model calculations. We find that the spectral fluctuations of are consistent with the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices. Besides, we observe a transition from an order to chaos when the excitation energy is increased and a clear quantum signature of the breaking of chaoticity when the single-particle energies are increased. The distributions of the transition intensities and of the electromagnetic moments are well described by a Porter-Thomas distribution. The statistics of electromagnetic transition intensities clearly deviate from a Porter-Thomas distribution (i

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison Between ESP and Gas Lift in Buzurgan Oil field/Iraq
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Buzurgan oil Field which is located in south of Iraq has been producing oil for five decades that caused production to drop in many oil wells. This paper provides a technical and economical comparison between the ESP and gas lift in one oil well (Bu-16) to help enhancing production and maximize revenue. Prosper software was used to build, match and design the artificial lift method for the selected well, also to predict the well behavior at different water cut values and its effect on artificial lift method efficiency. The validity of software model was confirmed by matching, where the error difference value between actual and calculated data was (-1.77%).

The ESP results showed the durability of ESP regarding th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Measurement: Sensors
Dynamic monitoring of saturated stiff clay soil foundation structure by falling weight deflectometer system under impact loads sensors effect
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Experiments research is done to determine how saturated stiff clayey soil responds to a single impulsive load. Models made of saturated, stiff clay were investigated. To supply the single pulse energy, various falling weights from various heights were tested using the falling weight deflectometer (FWD). Dynamic effects can range from the major failure of a sensitive sensor or system to the apparent destruction of structures. This study examines the response of saturated stiff clay soil to a single impulsive load (vertical displacement at the soil surface below and beside the bearing plates). Such reactions consist of displacements, velocities, and accelerations caused by the impact occurring at the surface depth induced by the impact loads

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