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Assessment of Groundwater Suitability for Irrigation and Livestock Purposes in Sayed Al-Shuhadaa Agricultural City, Karbala, Central Iraq

      The study investigates the anion and cation concentrations and their distribution in the Dammam  aquifer to assess the groundwater suitability for irrigation and livestock in Sayed Al-Shuhadaa, Karbala, central Iraq. It lies between longitudes 43º 29' 00'' – 43º 40' 00'' E and latitudes (32º 17' 00'' – 32º22' 00'') N. The physicochemical properties, cations and anions were measured in 14 active wells distributed in the study area. The assessment was conducted based on the sodium adsorption rate (SAR), sodium percentage (Na%), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and Hydrogen number (pH). Groundwater in the study area is very good for livestock and characterised by no damage, as the rate of sodium adsorption was good. The percentage of sodium and pH values are within the permissible values for irrigation, except for some wells that have high TDS and EC, which leads to an increase in salinity.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 18 2014
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Removal of zinc from contaminated groundwater by zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Analysis of Walking Accessibility of Community Park in Duhok City

Research studies show that urban green spaces promote physical activity, the health of urban residents, and psychological well-being. Taking the community park in Duhok city as the research object, the spatial service area in terms of accessibility of to the Community Park under the mode of pedestrian transportation is analyzed by using the network analysis service area function of the geographic information system (GIS). The results show that under the walking mode in the research area, Parks are concentrated in the north and south of the city, but community parks are few in disadvantaged neighborhoods. In addition, there is a significant disparity between the number of community parks and the number of communities. Only 11 communities

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using of Different Satellite-Derived Indices to Detect the Spatiotemporal Changes of the Al-Razzaza Lake, Iraq

          Remote sensing and GIS applications (Geoinformatics tools) involve a wide range of techniques for providing a solution for future water resources management and offer an excellent means to improve knowledge of sustainable planning. Al-Razzaza is the second largest lake in Iraq; it is a common source of fishery fortune and floodwater reservoir in southwestern Iraq. In recent years, the lake faced a noticeable amount of desiccation, which is considered a threat to the biodiversity and wildlife of the lake. The study aimed to detect the Lake's spatiotemporal changes from 1988 to 2018. Multi satellite-derived indices were investigated for the extracting of the lake water body. Results showed that the lake volume decrea

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Water Quality Using Water Quality Index and Heavy Metal Pollution Index: A Case Study of Al-Diwaniyah River, Iraq

      The current study aims to assess the water quality of the Al-Diwaniyah River in the city of Al-Diwaniyah to drink in terms of chemical properties and heavy metals and their impact on the health of the local population. The results showed that most of the parameters in the river water are of low concentrations due to the limited human activities in polluting the river water. The study concluded that the water quality is suitable for drinking depending on major cations and anions in all seasons. The Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HPI) showed that the river water was clean and safe, except two slightly polluted samples. The study concluded that river water for drinking or various domestic uses does not pose any danger to human heal

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
1st International Conference On Achieving The Sustainable Development Goals
Empowerment and its impact on affordable housing sustainable planning : A case study of Al-Sultan housing complex in Al-Najaf

The past decades of the last century and until now have witnessed many crises in the housing sector, and these crises were the result of many problems that led to a weak quality and quantity of housing stock, especially for lowincome people, and Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals states, "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, and capable of enduring and being sustainable, we have prepared this research that attempts to answer the following question: Is the current empowerment in the housing sector real and efficient support for people with limited income? The research assumes that empowerment in the housing sector has an important and effective role in reducing housing problems, the research aims to reach the most imp

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Prepare a plan for the Total Productive Maintenance in the light of the concurrent engineering A Field Study in AL-Askandria General Company Machanical Industries and AL-Musaib Electric Power Station

           Strives Total Productive Maintenance  to increase the overall effectiveness of the equipment through the early involvement in the design and manufacture of equipment productivity. It also operates in an environment of simultaneous engineering work on the synchronization of activities to take advantage of early information by maintenance engineers, design, operation, and that helps to reduce the faults and facilitate future maintenance tasks.

    Has adopted a search in the theoretical concept of the total maintenance productivity and concurrent engineering activities carried out during which the conjunction a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Filamentous Bacteria Streptomyces sp. in Reduction of Some Nutrients Concentrations in AL- Restomia Waste water Treatment Plant, Baghdad -Iraq

The role of filamentous bacteria represented by Streptomycessp was studied as biological treatment for activated sludge AL- Restomia treatment unit in Baghdad city. The result shows reducing in phosphate concentration where apprise in started entrance the treatment unit 12.083 mg/L fast the unit stages reached to 8.426 mg /L where nitrate concentration apprises 3.59 mg/l and ending in 2.43 mg/L The concentration of ammonia apprises 1358 mg/L and reached to 140 mg/L. also the TDS concentration reduced from 1426 to 1203 mg/L where nutrient which represented (SO4, Mg, Ca, Na, K) reduced by range 30.883- 23.337 , 194- 121 , 440- 321 , 109.03- 101.53 and 16.85- 15.4mg/L respectively COD reduce from427.263- 82mg/L with absorbance0.018- 0.027

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
Effect of Good Hygiene Practices on E. coli O157:H7 Contamination in Some Al-‎Karkh Area Restaurants, Baghdad, Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Screening of Epiphytic Algae on the Aquatic Plant Phragmites australis inhabiting Tigris River in Al-Jadria Site, Baghdad, Iraq

The present work included qualitative study of epiphytic algae on dead and living stems, leaves of the aquatic plant Phragmitesaustralis Trin ex Stand, in Tigris River in AL- Jadria Site in Baghdad during Autumn 2014, Winter 2015, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015. The physical and chemical parameters of River’s water were studied (water temperature, pH, electric conductivity, Salinity, TSS, TDS, turbidity, light intensity, dissolve oxygen, BOD5, alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium and plant nutrient). A total of 142 isolates of epiphytic algae were identified. Diatoms were dominant by 117 isolates followed by Cyanobacteria (13isolates), Chlorophyta (11 isolates) and Rhodophyta (1 isolate), Variations in the isolates number were rec

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Plant Nutrition
Seed priming of sorghum cultivars by gibberellic and salicylic acids to improve seedling growth under irrigation with saline water

An experiment was conducted in pots under field conditions during fall seasons of 2017 and 2018. This study aimed to improve a weak growth of seedlings under salt stress in sorghum. Three factors were studied. 1st factor was three cultivars (Inqath, Rabeh, and Buhoth70). 2nd factor was seed priming (primed and unprimed seed). Seed were primed by soaking for 12 hours in a solution containing 300 + 70 mg L−1 of gibberellic (GA3) and salicylic (SA) acids, respectively. 3rd factor was irrigation with saline water (6, 9 and 12 dS m−1) resulting from dissolving sodium chloride in distilled water in addition to control treatment (distilled water). Randomized complete block design was used with four replications. In both seasons: the re

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