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The calculation of the charge density distributions of the 1f-2p shell nuclei using the occupation numbers of the states

The charge density distributions (CDD) and the elastic electron scattering form factors, F(q), of the ground state for some 1f-2p shell nuclei, such as 74Ge, 76Ge, 78Se and 80Se nuclei have been calculated based on the use of occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. It is found that introducing additional parameters, namely β1 and β2 which reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads to a remarkable agreement between the calculated and experimental results of the charge density distributions throughout the whole range of r. The calculated elastic electron scattering form factors from 74Ge, 76Ge, 78Se and 80Se nuclei are very good agreement with the fitted to the experimental data throughout all values of q.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 11 2018
Journal Name
Acta Neuropathologica Communications
Zidovudine ameliorates pathology in the mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy via P2RX7 purinoceptor antagonism

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
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Methods for simultaneous detection of the cyanotoxins BMAA, DABA, and anatoxin-a in environmental samples

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 18 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection The Prevalence of Adhesins and Extracellular hydrolytic enzymes genes in Candida albicans Biofilm Formation

Biofilm formation (BF) is one of the most important virulence factors of
Candida spp. The aim of this study was to detect the prevalence of genes
responsible in biofilm formation of C. albicans by conventional PCR technique.
Among 49 vaginal specimens (VC), C. albicans was the most predominant species
in percentage 22/49 (45%) and 27(55%) were non albicans. Out of 47 oral
specimens (OS), 22/47(47%) were C. albicans, whereas 25(53%) were non albicans.
At the present study; all C. albicans were biofilm producers with variable strength,
out of 44 BF producers, 18 (40.9%) were low biofilm (LBF) with significant
differences (P<0.05) between HVS and OS, 25 (56.8%) moderate or high biofilm
(HBF) and just one isolat

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Risks and Development Gaps in Iraq: A Social Study in the City of Baghdad

Social risks posed a great challenge to the development path in Iraq, which resulted in widening the development gaps, whether these gaps were between rural and embargoed areas, or between Iraqi governorates, and the gender gap. Besides, the nature of the reciprocal relationship between the social risks and the development process requires the adoption of development trends that are sensitive to the risks that take upon themselves the prompt and correct response to these risks, away from randomness and confusion that Iraq suffered from for decades. However, currently, the situation has differed a great deal. This is because the size and types of such gaps have widened and become more complicated than before; a matter which has led to hav

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The role of vitamin D3 in improving lipid profile in type 2 diabetes patients with

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Contrastive Study on the Syntactic Structure of Standard English and Standard Arabic Determiner Phrase

The determiner phrase is a syntactic category that appears inside the noun phrase and makes it definite or indefinite or quantifies it. The present study has found wide parametric differences between the English and Arabic determiner phrases in terms of the inflectional features, the syntactic distribution of determiners and the word order of the determiner phrase itself. In English, the determiner phrase generally precedes the head noun or its premodifying adjectival phrase, with very few exceptions where some determiners may appear after the head noun. In Arabic, parts of the determiner phrase precede the head noun and parts of it must appear after the head noun or after its postmodifying adjectival phrase creating a discontinu

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
The effectiveness of balance in building formal relationships for media evidence: ساهرة عبد الواحد حسن

The media guide is a small-sized printed medium, whose importance is highlighted through the specific information it carriesThe task of the guide lies in the clarity of these indications and making a positive impact on the recipient with understanding so it is a means for the purpose of reaching the effect and effectiveness of the message symbols from the movements of lines in which elements that are supposed to be equal in the performance of their functions and the purpose of their existence gather to achieve the mental response of perception, understanding and enjoyment. It must be in an objective unity based on the balance in this distribution. To form a formal organizational unit and an integrated system, the result of which is to gi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Role of Chloroquine Phosphate on Acute Phase Reactant Proteins in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

The acute phase response is a major pathophysiologic phenomenon that accompanies inflammation whether acute or chronic. Complement (C3 and C4) and C - reactive protein (CRP) are positive acute phase proteins (+ ve APPs ). Their production takes place in hepatocyte and the blood concentration of these parameters are increased in osteoarthritis (OA). Chloroquine (CQ) is a diprotic weak base traditionally used to treat malaria. Recently the phosphate salt of CQ is used to decrease this type of (+ve APPs) . In this study,  patients who suffered from knee osteoarthritis (KOA) are treated with oral dosage form of chloroquine phosphate (CQP) for one month, twice daily. Our results demonstrate that CQP improves the patient status by decreas

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Laboratory Study on the Susceptibility of Locally Bread Wheat Cultivars to Infestation by Green Bug

Five bread wheat cultivars was selected namely, IPA99, Tamouz 2, Rasheed, Abu-ghraib And Iraq, were selected for susceptibility to green bug, Schizaphis graminum R.(Aphididae: Homoptera) infestation. Experiments done in under laboratory temperature 20±2C˚, humidity 65±5 % at 12h light. Results have indicated that IPA99 was highly preferred by in S. graminum and no significant of differences with Rasheed and Abu-ghraib, while Iraq and Tamouz2 came second. Although all wheat cultivars were infested by S. graminum except Iraq cultivar which showed some tolerance when exposed to three densities of 5, 10, ap plant during the time of test was 4 weeks. the development time of nymphs were 8, 8, 9, 9.3and 8.3 days for cultivars IPA99, Tamoz2,

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal

Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is the result of aninitial episode of acute otitis media and is characterized by a persistent discharge from the middle ear through a tympanic perforation for at least 2 weeks duration. It is an important cause of preventable hearing loss, particularly in the developing world.Methods. 1. To get an overview on the bacterial ear infection profile in general 2. To assess the antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonal infection (PS) particularly since it is usually the commonest infection to cause otitis media and the most difficult to treat due to the problem of multi drug resistance... A cross sectional study was done which included 405 patient of CSOM patients196 (48%) case were males ,209 (52

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