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ECC Based Encryption for the Secured Proactive Network Forensic Framework
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     Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is one of the public key cryptosystems that works based on the algebraic models in the form of elliptic curves. Usually, in ECC to implement the encryption, the encoding of data must be carried out on the elliptic curve, which seems to be a preprocessing step. Similarly, after the decryption a post processing step must be conducted for mapping or decoding the corresponding data to the exact point on the elliptic curves. The Memory Mapping (MM) and Koblitz Encoding (KE) are the commonly used encoding models. But both encoding models have drawbacks as the MM needs more memory for processing and the KE needs more computational resources. To overcome these issues the proposed enhanced Koblitz encoding technique is used with the ECC for enhancing the security. The proposed model was compared to the existing model and found to be more efficient in terms of security. The proposed model ensure confidentiality with the encryption technique, Integrity by using the Hashing method, and authenticity and non-repudiationwith the utilization of digital signature.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Artificial Intelligence-based Proactive Network Forensic Framework
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     is at an all-time high in the modern period, and the majority of the population uses the Internet for all types of communication. It is great to be able to improvise like this. As a result of this trend, hackers have become increasingly focused on attacking the system/network in numerous ways. When a hacker commits a digital crime, it is examined in a reactive manner, which aids in the identification of the perpetrators. However, in the modern period, it is not expected to wait for an attack to occur. The user anticipates being able to predict a cyberattack before it causes damage to the system. This can be accomplished with the assistance of the proactive forensic framework presented in this study. The proposed system combines

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
PDCNN: FRAMEWORK for Potato Diseases Classification Based on Feed Foreword Neural Network
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         The economy is exceptionally reliant on agricultural productivity. Therefore, in domain of agriculture, plant infection discovery is a vital job because it gives promising advance towards the development of agricultural production. In this work, a framework for potato diseases classification based on feed foreword neural network is proposed. The objective of this work  is presenting a system that can detect and classify four kinds of potato tubers diseases; black dot, common scab, potato virus Y and early blight based on their images. The presented PDCNN framework comprises three levels: the pre-processing is first level, which is based on K-means clustering algorithm to detect the infected area from potato image. The s

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Partial Cryptography in Digital Media Environment Based on ECC Algebra
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In recent years, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has attracted the attention of
researchers and product developers due to its robust mathematical structure and
highest security compared to other existing algorithms like RSA. It is found to give
an increased security compared to RSA for the same key-size or same security as
RSA with less key size. In this paper a new approach is proposed for encrypting
digital image using the arithmetic of elliptic curve algebra. The proposed approach
produced a new mask for encrypt the digital image by use a new convolution
processes based on ECC algebra operations and work as symmetric cryptographic
system instead of asymmetric system. A new approach combined both compression

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Text Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Neural Network and Random Key Generator
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This work presents a symmetric cryptography coupled with Chaotic NN , the encryption algorithm process the data as a blocks and it consists of multilevel( coding of character, generates array of keys (weights),coding of text and chaotic NN ) , also the decryption process consists of multilevel (generates array of keys (weights),chaotic NN, decoding of text and decoding of character).Chaotic neural network is used as a part of the proposed system with modifying on it ,the keys that are used in chaotic sequence are formed by proposed key generation algorithm .The proposed algorithm appears efficiency during the execution time where it can encryption and decryption long messages by short time and small memory (chaotic NN offer capacity of m

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science And Software Engineering
Partial Encryption for Colored Images Based on Face Detection
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Identifying Digital Forensic Frameworks Based on Processes Models
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Digital forensic is part of forensic science that implicitly covers crime related to computer and other digital devices. It‟s being for a while that academic studies are interested in digital forensics. The researchers aim to find out a discipline based on scientific structures that defines a model reflecting their observations. This paper suggests a model to improve the whole investigation process and obtaining an accurate and complete evidence and adopts securing the digital evidence by cryptography algorithms presenting a reliable evidence in a court of law. This paper presents the main and basic concepts of the frameworks and models used in digital forensics investigation.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Hiding Techniques for Dynamic Encryption Text based on Corner Point
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Hiding technique for dynamic encryption text using encoding table and symmetric encryption method (AES algorithm) is presented in this paper. The encoding table is generated dynamically from MSB of the cover image points that used as the first phase of encryption. The Harris corner point algorithm is applied on cover image to generate the corner points which are used to generate dynamic AES key to second phase of text encryption. The embedded process in the LSB for the image pixels except the Harris corner points for more robust. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme have embedding quality, error-free text recovery, and high value in PSNR.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Different methods of encryption that are widely used in smart card have been presented. Because of the usefulness and widespread application of Food Ration Card throughout our country, three models of designing and simulations are developed. A comparison between the different models is done. The first model is the Food Ration Card without using any security method. The second model is the Food Ration Card with using an AES algorithm as a security method. The third model is the Food Ration Card with using RSA method. All models are implemented and simulated using  BasicCard Development kit Environment. For the first model, a Compact BasicCard version ZC1.1 is used. While for the second and third models, a Professional BasicCard versi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Hybrid Algorithms Based on the Aizawa Attractor and Rabbit-Lightweight Cipher for Image Encryption
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     Social media and networks rely heavily on images. Those images should be distributed in a private manner. Image encryption is therefore one of the most crucial components of cyber security. In the present study, an effective image encryption technique is developed that combines the Rabbit Algorithm, a simple algorithm, with the Attractor of Aizawa, a chaotic map. The lightweight encryption algorithm (Rabbit Algorithm), which is a 3D dynamic system, is made more secure by the Attractor of Aizawa. The process separates color images into blocks by first dividing them into bands of red, green, and blue (RGB). The presented approach generates multiple keys, or sequences, based on the initial parameters and conditions, which are

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hybrid CNN-SMOTE-BGMM Deep Learning Framework for Network Intrusion Detection using Unbalanced Dataset
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This paper proposes a new methodology for improving network security by introducing an optimised hybrid intrusion detection system (IDS) framework solution as a middle layer between the end devices. It considers the difficulty of updating databases to uncover new threats that plague firewalls and detection systems, in addition to big data challenges. The proposed framework introduces a supervised network IDS based on a deep learning technique of convolutional neural networks (CNN) using the UNSW-NB15 dataset. It implements recursive feature elimination (RFE) with extreme gradient boosting (XGB) to reduce resource and time consumption. Additionally, it reduces bias toward

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