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Petrophysical Properties of Mauddud Formation in Selected Wells in Al-Ahdab Oil Field, Middle Iraq

       This paper aims to calculate the petrophysical properties in the Al-Ahdab field in the middle of Iraq within the Mauddud Formation. This study was based on the information available from well logs. The interactive petrophysical software IP (V4.5)  was used to calculate the porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and shale volume, divide the formation into reservoir units and buffer units, and evaluate these units in each well. The Mauddud was divided into five units, two of them were considered good reservoirs having good petrophysical properties (high porosity, Low water saturation, and low shale volume). The other three are not reservoirs because of poor petrophysical properties.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
NORM in Markazia Degasing Station within North Rumaila Oilfield- Southern Iraq

Concentration of natural occurring radioactive material (NORM) in Markazia Degasing Station in North Rumaila oilfield (NDS) was measured in this study. Then, radiological assessment due to existing of NORM in different samples including soil, sludge, scale, oil, and water collected from different stages of oil and gas production NDS was done. Radioactivity concentration of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 were measured using gamma spectrometry system based on HPGe detector with efficiency of 30%. The results show that some locations within NDS are contaminated with NORM. The activity in Bq/kg of Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 range between 15.19 in oil to 68.73 in sludge, 8.5 in oil to 23.45 in sludge and 80.23 in oil to 319.73 in saline water samples r

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Weibull Parameters and Wind Power Assessment for Three Locations in Iraq

In this research, we built a program to assess Weibull parameters and wind power of three separate locations in Iraq: Baghdad, Basrah and Dhi-qar for two years 2009 and 2010, after collecting and setting the data available from the website "Weather Under Ground" for each of the stations Baghdad, Basrah and Dhi-qar. Weibull parameters (shape parameter and scale parameter) were estimated using maximum likelihood estimation method (MLE) and least squares method (LSM). Also, the annual wind speed frequencies were calculated noting speed most readily available through the above two years. Then, we plotted Weibull distribution function and calculate the most significant quantities represented by mean wind speed, standard deviation of the value

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Coloproctology
Rectal cancer and chemoradiation in Iraq: systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract<p> Background Rectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of gastrointestinal tract. Combining chemotherapy with radiotherapy has a sound effect on its management.</p><p> Objectives Assessment the patterns of characterizations of rectal cancer. Evaluation of the efficacy, and long-term survival of pre-/ postoperative chemoradiation. Collecting all eligible evidence articles and summarize the results.</p><p> Methods By this systematic review and meta-analysis study, we include data of chemoradiation of rectal cancer articles from 2015 until 2019. The research was carried out at Baghdad Medical City oncology centers. Accordance with the</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Partnership between Public-Private secters between legislation and practice in IRAQ

The topic of the partnership between the public and private sectors with great interest by researchers around the world after making sure that the process of economic and social development depends on a combination of resources and energies and expertise of both the public and private sectors in the creation and operation of the various projects , the economic development of the growing proved the failure of both sectors in achieving greater economic growth Klaaly separately in many countries , especially developing countries with a socialist approach , led one way or another to adopt most of the countries economic reform programs promoted by international organizations and institutions ( such as the IMF and the World Bank ) of i

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
ETHICAL JOURNALISM IN IRAQ AFTER 2003: Baghdad edition as a model

The fact of having Journalism being open to people from different orientations professions, working as journalists requiring protection just to spread corruption, is one of the biggest threats faced by journalism.

Journalists noticed the spread of unprincipled journalists with no journalistic ethics amongst them, they tried to protect their profession from these corrupt outsiders who might annihilate the mighty of journalism. The principles of the journalism profession known as journalistic ethics, are one the most important formulations of the law concluded by the journalists and those concerned by the the profession, they were then published in public in order to prove their professionalism, especially for those who don’t und

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Developing a Proposed System to Organize the Investment Opportunities in Iraq


The Iraqi government seeks to overcome the financial crisis by investing and privatizing some projects to achieve sustainable growth. Most of the investment projects in Iraq suffer from many constraints that greatly impact the success of these projects. A survey of the opinions of a group of experts was conducted to identify the most important constraints facing the investment process in Iraq. Then the experts' answers were arranged in a closed questionnaire and distributed to the research sample for which the statistical analysis was conducted. Through it, the most important (17) factors that had the greatest impact on the failure of investment projects in Iraq were reached. One of the main constraints was

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Building a Management System to Control the Construction Claims in Iraq

The paper deals with claims in construction projects in Iraq and studies their types, causes, impacts, resolution methods and then proposes a management system to control the impacts of claims. Two parts have been done to achieve the research objective (theoretical part and practical part). The findings showed that the main types of the claims are extra work claims, different site condition claims, delay claims and the main causes of the claims are variation of the orders, design errors and omission, delay in payments by owner, variation in quantities and scheduling errors. The claims have bad impacts on the cost by increasing (10% to 25%) and also on the duration of the project by increasing from (25% to 50%).The negotiation is the main

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pristina species (oligochaeta: naididae) in tigris river within baghdad city / Iraq

A total of 72 individuals of genus Pristina were sorted from aquatic plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L., and filamentous algae collected from three sites on Tigris River at Baghdad including: Al-Sarafiya area (S1), Al- Jadiriyah area (S2), and Al- Za´afaraniya area (S3). Four species were identified including P. longiseta, P. aequiseta, P. proboscidea and P. foreli, with percentags of 51.7 , 36.4, 1.1, and 10.5 % respectively. The first two species found in all sites , while , P. proboscidea found only in S1 and P. foreli only in S2.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public sector in Iraq Transition and partnership with the private sector

  The role of the public sector- Investment customizations-  economic embargo -  The role of the private sector - Coexistence between the public and private sectors -   Ratio of growth

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between Growth and Economic Reformation in Iraq: Post 2003

There were many ideas and opinions on the linkage between growth and economic reform  in both developed and developing countries. The relationship is, of course, existed. Therefore, this research comes to analyses it in the Iraqi economy. This study is based on a hypothesis that the economic reformation in Iraq leads to lag level of growth with the of high rates of inflation. However, the study is designed to be included five sections. It found a positive relationship between the economic reformation and slowing of economic growth, in which the specified hypothesis is not fit to the economic reality in Iraq after 2003                  &

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