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Prediction of Well Logs Data and Estimation of Petrophysical Parameters of Mishrif Formation, Nasiriya Field, South of Iraq Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
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    Petrophysical properties including volume of shale, porosity and water saturation are significance parameters for petroleum companies in evaluating the reservoirs and determining the hydrocarbon zones. These can be achieved through conventional petrophysical calculations from the well logs data such as gamma ray, sonic, neutron, density and deep resistivity. The well logging operations of the targeted limestone Mishrif reservoirs in Ns-X Well, Nasiriya Oilfield, south of Iraq could not be done due to some problems related to the well condition. The gamma ray log was the only recorded log through the cased borehole. Therefore, evaluating the reservoirs and estimating the perforation zones has not performed and the drilled well was abandoned. This paper presents a solution to estimate the missing open-hole logs of Mishrif Formation including sonic, neutron, density and deep resistivity using supervised Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Petrel software (2016.2). Furthermore, the original gamma-ray log along with the predicted logs data from ANN models were processed, and the petrophysical properties including volume of shale, effective porosity and water saturation were calculated to determine the hydrocarbon zones. The ANN Mishrif Formation models recorded coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.65, 0.77, 0.82, and 0.04 between the predicted and the tested logs data with total correlations of 0.67, 0.91, 0.84 and 0.57 for sonic, neutron, density, and resistivity logs respectively. The best possible hydrocarbon-bearing zone ranges from the depth of about 1980-2030 m in the mB1unit. The ANN provides a good accuracy and data matching in clean and non-heterogeneous formations compared to those with higher heterogeneity that contain more than one type of lithology. The Ns-X Well can, therefore, be linked to the development plans of the Nasiriya Field instead of neglect it.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 06 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Modeling of Mishrif Formation at Amara Oil Field, Southeast Iraq
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Petrophysical properties of Mishrif Formation at Amara oil field is determined
from interpretation of open log data of (Am-1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12
and13) wells. These properties include the total, the effected and the secondary
porosity, as well as the moveable and the residual oil saturation in the invaded and
uninvaded zones. According to petrophysical properties it is possible to divided
Mishrif Formation which has thickness of a proximately 400 m, into seven main
reservoir units (MA, MB11, MB12, MB13, MB21, MC1, MC2) . MA is divided into
four secondary reservoir units , MB11 is divided into five secondary reservoir units ,
MB12 is divided into two secondary reservoir units , MB13 is divided into

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Characterization of Mishrif Formation Reservoir in Amara Oil Field, Southeast Iraq, Using Geophysical Well-logging
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     Reservoir characterization requires reliable knowledge of certain fundamental properties of the reservoir. These properties can be defined or at least inferred by log measurements, including porosity, resistivity, volume of shale, lithology, water saturation, and permeability of oil or gas. The current research is an estimate of the reservoir characteristics of Mishrif Formation in Amara Oil Field, particularly well AM-1, in south eastern Iraq. Mishrif Formation (Cenomanin-Early Touronin) is considered as the prime reservoir in Amara Oil Field. The Formation is divided into three reservoir units (MA, MB, MC). The unit MB is divided into two secondary units (MB1, MB2) while the unit MC is also divided into two sec

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Applied Spatial Data Analysis Technique on Petrophysical Properties of MA Unit of Mishrif Formation / Noor Field
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Noor oil field is one of smallest fields in Missan province. Twelve well penetrates the Mishrif Formation in Noor field and eight of them were selected for this study. Mishrif formation is one of the most important reservoirs in Noor field and it consists of one anticline dome and bounded by the Khasib formation at the top and the Rumaila formation at the bottom. The reservoir was divided into eight units separated by isolated units according to partition taken by a rounding fields.

In this paper histograms frequency distribution of the porosity, permeability, and water saturation were plotted for MA unit of Mishrif formation in Noor field, and then transformed to the normal distribution by applying the Box-Cox transformation alg

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical Properties and Reservoir Assessment of Mishrif Formation in Eridu oil field, Southern Iraq
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     This study is achieved in the local area of the Eridu oil field, where the Mishrif Formation is considered the main productive reservoir. The Mishrif Formation was deposited during the Cretaceous period in the secondary sedimentary cycle (Cenomanian-Early Turonian as a part of the Wasia Group, a carbonate succession widespread throughout the Arabian Plate.

     The Mishrif Formation already have been evaluated in terms of depositional environments and their diagenetic processes. Here, it will test the previous conclusions with petrophysical properties delineated by using well logging. The results show there is a fully matching with two reservoir units (MA and MB). Dissolution and primary porosity are responsible for f

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of the Point Efficiency of Sieve Tray Using Artificial Neural Network
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An application of neural network technique was introduced in modeling the point efficiency of sieve tray, based on a
data bank of around 33l data points collected from the open literature.Two models proposed,using back-propagation
algorithm, the first model network consists: volumetric liquid flow rate (QL), F foctor for gas (FS), liquid density (pL),
gas density (pg), liquid viscosity (pL), gas viscosity (pg), hole diameter (dH), weir height (hw), pressure (P) and surface
tension between liquid phase and gas phase (o). In the second network, there are six parameters as dimensionless
group: Flowfactor (F), Reynolds number for liquid (ReL), Reynolds number for gas through hole (Reg), ratio of weir
height to hole diqmeter

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fault Location of Doukan-Erbil 132kv Double Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Network ANN
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Transmission lines are generally subjected to faults, so it is advantageous to determine these faults as quickly as possible. This study uses an Artificial Neural Network technique to locate a fault as soon as it happens on the Doukan-Erbil of 132kv double Transmission lines network. CYME 7.1-Programming/Simulink utilized simulation to model the suggested network. A multilayer perceptron feed-forward artificial neural network with a back propagation learning algorithm is used for the intelligence locator's training, testing, assessment, and validation. Voltages and currents were applied as inputs during the neural network's training. The pre-fault and post-fault values determined the scaled values. The neural network's p

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical properties and Reservoir modeling of Mishrif Formation at Tuba Field, Southern Iraq
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Petrophysical properties of Mishrif Formation at the Tuba field determined from interpretation of open log data of(Tu-2,3,4,5,6,12,24,and 25) wells. These properties include total (effected) and secondary porosity, as well as moveable and residual oil saturation into invaded and uninvaded zones. According to Petrophysical properties it is possible to divided Mishrif Formation into three reservoir units (RU1,2,and 3) separated by four cap rocks (Bar1,2,3,and 4) . Three-dimension reservoir model is established by used (Petrel, 2009) Software for each reservoir units. Result shows that the second and third reservoir units represent important reservoir units of Mishrif Formation. Thickness and reservoir properties enhanced toward middle and

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geochemical Correlation of Mishrif Formation in AL-Nasiriyah Oil Field/ South of Iraq
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Gas Chromatography GC, Gas Chromatography–Mass spectrometry GC/MS techniques used for analysis of the crude oils that taken from (10) producing wells in Nasiriyah oil field including (NS-1, NS-3, NS-4, NS-5, NS-6, NS-7, NS-8, NS-9, NS-10, and NS-12) from Mishrif reservoir . This reservoir is one of the important reservoirs in Al-Nasiriyah oil field, and it will be the main subject in the current study in order to provide information of crude oil analysis in this area, also to provide information on its characterizations. Mishrif Formation is one of the principle carbonate reservoir in central and southern Iraq. It is part of the wasia group and widespread throughout the Arabian gulf, It is deposited during Cenomanian-Early Turonian cyc

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Geophysical Well Logs in Studying Reservoir Properties of Zubair Formation in Luhais Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The characterizations of reservoir require reliable knowledge of certain fundamental reservoir properties. Log measurements can define or at least infer these properties: resistivity, porosity, shale volume, lithology, and water, oil, or gas saturation and permeability. The current study represents evaluation of petrophysical properties in well LU-12 for Zubair Formation in Luhais Oil Field, southern Iraq. The petrophysical evaluation was based on geophysical well logs data to delineate the reservoir characteristics of Zubair Formation. The available geophysical well logs such as (sonic, density, neutron, gamma ray, SP, and resistivity logs) are digitized using the Didger software. The environmental corrections and petrophysical paramete

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Ryznar Index for the treated water from WTPs on Al-Karakh side of Baghdad City using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique
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In this research an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique was applied for the prediction of Ryznar Index (RI) of the flowing water from WTPs in Al-Karakh side (left side) in Baghdad city for year 2013. Three models (ANN1, ANN2 and ANN3) have been developed and tested using data from Baghdad Mayoralty (Amanat Baghdad) including drinking water quality for the period 2004 to 2013. The results indicate that it is quite possible to use an artificial neural networks in predicting the stability index (RI) with a good degree of accuracy. Where ANN 2 model could be used to predict RI for the effluents from Al-Karakh, Al-Qadisiya and Al-Karama WTPs as the highest correlation coefficient were obtained 92.4, 82.9 and 79.1% respectively. For

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