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Colord Image White Cracks In-Painting Method
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The gaps and cracks in an image result from different reasons and affect the images. There are various methods concerning gaps replenishment along with serious efforts and proposed methodologies to eliminate cracks in diverse tendencies. In the current research work a color image white crack in-painting system has been introduced. The proposed inpainting system involved on two algorithms. They are Linear Gaps Filling (LGF) and the Circular Gaps Filling (CGF). The quality of output image depends on several effects such as: pixels tone, the number of pixels in the cracked area and neighborhood of cracked area and the resolution the image. The quality of the output images of two methods (linear method: average Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)=24.899 and circular method: average PSNR= 27.783). The result of correlation of images is close to the original image (horizontal = 0.894, vertical = 0.521, and diagonal =0.807). The first method is less time consuming than the circular method.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Consistency and Consistency in Contemporary Iraqi Painting - Selected Models-: حسين شاكر قاسم العيداني
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  The tagged research is concerned with observation and investigating the concepts of consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting (selected models) in order to reveal the mechanisms and rules of these two concepts in the artistic field and their mechanisms of operation. How reflected tools Consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting? What is consistency and what are its mechanisms and principles? Is consistency a unit product quality? Are there similarities between consistency and harmony? What is harmony and its principles and rules? As for the second chapter, it included two topics that dealt with the first topic - consistency and harmony between concept and significance, while the second topic meant - histor

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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The excellence and uniqueness is what makes the artwork creative or not, and the School of Op. Art in Iraq came to reveal new phenomena distinct style, unique in units built, although a few worked in this aspect of the art, but they left their mark distinct, in the research, construction and installation of what binds them in heritage and civilization, it is a new vision of linking the past with the present, they adopt and engineering units may be architectural sometimes in composition, concluded a researcher at the end of the research to the main findings and conclusions, which is that more business was a square-shaped or semi-square, which is commensurate painting with visual, which is a set of vocabulary or repeat units, we do not fin

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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The Characteristics of Art forms in the Byzantine icons painting
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The problem with research in the question of whether art forms in the religious icon Byzantine, heiress docility and tradition craftsman arts civilizations of the above? ... And if you are well, you helped a quotation on the entry of strange ideas rampant within religious traditions, and are prompted to do Movement rejected prohibition, and the outbreak of the icons war? ... Or is it, in fact - and as researcher finds - the result of a need communication between the religious and the recipient organization in the establishment of a deliberative speech, be visible, along with reading it and audible? .. And lies the importance of this study is being added technical knowledge of the library that will enrich researchers and scholars in this

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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Style in contemporary Iraqi painting before and after the war
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What happened on the Iraq war in 2003 put the problematic about what can happen from a shift in the style of individual or collective in contemporary Iraqi art similar to what is known in the history of the modern art world.

It wanted the researcher to identify this dilemma in academic study looking for an explanation of this Alastfhamat from the entrance of the definitions shows laparoscopic destination, as it determines the address (b style in painting contemporary Aeraa before and after the war) was a comparative analysis, through a choice of two Iraqi artists who have production style known sets since before the war, in order to read the transformation that took place in art before and after their tactics, and in order to off

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Experimentation in caves painting (A comparative analysis): فريد خالد علوان
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Addressed the problem of the research is marked (experimentation in caves fee) concept and its role in experimentation deviate Display Num formal charges caves. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then specify the search for the goals of (revealed the nature and role of experimentation in determining the nature of Manifesting fee documented on the walls of caves), followed by the establishment of the three search limits (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theoretical framework and indicators that resulted from academic theorizi

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Statistical Mean Studying for Detected Intensities by Enet Web Camera for the White Test Image Under Different Fluorescent Lightness
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    The aim of this work, is to study color filming by using different intensities of fluorescent light, where we evaluate the capture image qualities for the RGB bands and component of L. And we study the relation between the means of RGBL values of the images as a function of the power of fluorescent light circuit . From the results, we show that the mean μ increases rapidly at low power values, then it will reach the stability at high power values.  

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Chaos-based Color Image Steganography Method Using 3 D Cat Map
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     Steganography is a technique to hide a secret message within a different multimedia carrier so that the secret message cannot be identified. The goals of steganography techniques include improvements in imperceptibility, information hiding, capacity, security, and robustness. In spite of numerous secure methodologies that have been introduced, there are ongoing attempts to develop these techniques to make them more secure and robust. This paper introduces a color image steganographic method based on a secret map, namely 3-D cat. The proposed method aims to embed data using a secure structure of chaotic steganography, ensuring better security. Rather than using the complete image for data hiding, the selection of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Abstraction between the Symbol and the Code in the Artistic Painting: سحر عبد الكاظم غانم
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Abstraction showed a case of distinction between art schools, in which reality was reduced using overlapping artistic elements and techniques to reach the artist's self-realization when abstracting the reality, and searching for implicit implications for the content of the artistic painting.

Building a system of relations and formulations between abstracting the reality of the physical forms and employing the symbols and codes to convey a message to the recipient who interacts with what he watches through the processes of explanation, interpretation, and linking the particles and reveal the pure aesthetics for the artwork.

Thus the current research deals with the following chapters and sections: the methodological framewo

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research
A Proposed Method for Generating a Private Key Using Digital Color Image Features
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In this paper, the goal of proposed method is to protect data against different types of attacks by unauthorized parties. The basic idea of proposed method is generating a private key from a specific features of digital color image such as color (Red, Green and Blue); the generating process of private key from colors of digital color image performed via the computing process of color frequencies for blue color of an image then computing the maximum frequency of blue color, multiplying it by its number and adding process will performed to produce a generated key. After that the private key is generated, must be converting it into the binary representation form. The generated key is extracted from blue color of keyed image then we selects a c

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Localization of the Optic Disc in Retinal Fundus Image using Appearance Based Method andVasculature Convergence
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Optic Disc (OD) localization is a basic step for the screening, identification and appreciation of the risk of diverse ophthalmic pathologies such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.In fact, the fundamental step towards an exact OD segmentation process is the success of OD localization. This paper proposes a fully automatic procedure for OD localization based on two of the OD most relevant features  of high-intensity value and vasculature convergence. Merging ofthese two features renders the proposed method capable of localizing the OD within the variously complicated environments such as the faint disc boundary, unbalanced shading, and the existence of retinal pathologies like cotton wall and exudates,which usually share the same

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