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The influence of some amino acids,vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs on activity of chondroitinase produced by Proteus vulgaris caused urinary tract infection
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Two hundred and ten specimens include urine, blood and ear swab were collected from different hospitals in Baghdad city; 85 (40%) isolates were diagnosed as Proteus spp. with (82%), (11.7%) and (5.8%) represented in urine, blood and ear swab specimens respectively. PCR technique was shown 30 (35.3%) isolates were positive for specific Urease C gene that used in rapid detection of Proteus vulgaris. The ability for chondritinase production was checked invetro and invevo, 24 (80%) isolates of P. vulgaris were showed ablity to chondritinase production and the isolate (p17) has higher enzyme activity value to (175.2U/ml). The Chondroitinase was purified by three short steps only included precipitate with 60% saturated of ammonium sulfate, dialysis and then filtrated by Sephadex G-150. The enzymatic activity was peaked to (270U/ml) and specific activity (692.3U/mg). The enzymatic activity for purified enzyme was increased significantly (P<0.01) to (563.7U/ml) after treatment with 1M of tyrosine but aspartic acid and glutamic acid were show inhibitory effect on enzyme activity decreased (P<0.01) to (130.U/ml) and (147.3 U/ml) respectively. The enzymatic activity was also increased significantly (P<0.01) reached to (633.6U/ml) and to(610.3U/ml) when treated with 50% of vitamin k and piroxicam respectively. This study was aimed to investigate effect of amino acids, vitamins and some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with different concentrations on enzyme activity.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
nC-symmetric operators
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In this paper, we present a concept of nC- symmetric operator as  follows: Let A be a bounded linear operator on separable complex Hilbert space , the operator A is said to be nC-symmetric if there exists a positive number n (n  such that CAn = A* C (An = C A* C). We provide an example and study the basic properties of this class of operators. Finally, we attempt to describe the relation between nC-symmetric operator and some other operators such as Fredholm and self-adjoint operators.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fuzzy Based Spam Filtering
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Emails have proliferated in our ever-increasing communication, collaboration and
information sharing. Unfortunately, one of the main abuses lacking complete benefits of
this service is email spam (or shortly spam). Spam can easily bewilder system because
of its availability and duplication, deceiving solicitations to obtain private information.
The research community has shown an increasing interest to set up, adapt, maintain and
tune several spam filtering techniques for dealing with emails and identifying spam and
exclude it automatically without the interference of the email user. The contribution of
this paper is twofold. Firstly, to present how spam filtering methodology can be
constructed based on the concep

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Principal Component Analysis for Functional Nonparametric Regression
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This paper proposed a new  method to study functional non-parametric regression data analysis with conditional expectation in the case that the covariates  are functional and the Principal Component Analysis was utilized to de-correlate the multivariate response variables. It  utilized the formula of the Nadaraya Watson estimator (K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN)) for prediction with different types of the semi-metrics, (which are based on Second Derivative and Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA))  for measureing the closeness between curves.  Root Mean Square Errors is used for the  implementation of this model which is then compared to the independent response method. R program is used for analysing data. Then, when  the cov

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Unsupervised Segmentation Method for Thyroid Nodules in Ultrasound Images
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Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland located in the front of the neck just below the Adams apple. Thyroid is one of the endocrine gland, which produces hormones that help the body to control metabolism. A different thyroid disorder includes Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, and thyroid nodules (benign/malignant). Ultrasound imaging is most commonly used to detect and classify abnormalities of the thyroid gland. Segmentation method is a tool that used widely in many applications including medical image processing. One of the common applications of segmentation is in medical image analysis for clinical diagnosis that has an important role in terms of quality and quantity.
The main objective of this research is to use the Computer-Ai

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fuzzy Based Clustering for Grayscale Image Steganalysis
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Fuzzy Based Clustering for Grayscale Image Steganalysis

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multicomponent Inverse Lomax Stress-Strength Reliability
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In this article we derive two reliability mathematical expressions of two kinds of s-out of -k stress-strength model systems; and . Both stress and strength are assumed to have an Inverse Lomax distribution with unknown shape parameters and a common known scale parameter. The increase and decrease in the real values of the two reliabilities are studied according to the increase and decrease in the distribution parameters. Two estimation methods are used to estimate the distribution parameters and the reliabilities, which are Maximum Likelihood and Regression. A comparison is made between the estimators based on a simulation study by the mean squared error criteria, which revealed that the maximum likelihood estimator works the best.

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Approach Using K-Means Algorithm to Prevent Burst Header Packet Flooding Attack in Optical Burst Switching Network
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Optical burst switching (OBS) network is a new generation optical communication technology. In an OBS network, an edge node first sends a control packet, called burst header packet (BHP) which reserves the necessary resources for the upcoming data burst (DB). Once the reservation is complete, the DB starts travelling to its destination through the reserved path. A notable attack on OBS network is BHP flooding attack where an edge node sends BHPs to reserve resources, but never actually sends the associated DB. As a result the reserved resources are wasted and when this happen in sufficiently large scale, a denial of service (DoS) may take place. In this study, we propose a semi-supervised machine learning approach using k-means algorithm

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adiponectin , ?-Cell Dysfunction in Iraqi Women with Gestational Diabetes
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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a complication of gestation that is characterized by impaired glucose tolerance with first recognition during gestation. It develops when ?- cell of pancreas fail to compensate the diminished insulin sensitivity during gestation. This study aims to investigate the relationship between mother adiponectin level and ?- cell dysfunction with development gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and other parameters in the last trimester of pregnancy. This study includes (80) subjects ( pregnant women) in the third trimester of pregnancy, (40) healthy pregnant individuals as control group aged between (17 - 42) years and (40) gestational diabetes mellitus patients with aged between (20 - 42) years. The f

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
classification coco dataset using machine learning algorithms
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In this paper, we used four classification methods to classify objects and compareamong these methods, these are K Nearest Neighbor's (KNN), Stochastic Gradient Descentlearning (SGD), Logistic Regression Algorithm(LR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Weused MCOCO dataset for classification and detection the objects, these dataset image wererandomly divided into training and testing datasets at a ratio of 7:3, respectively. In randomlyselect training and testing dataset images, converted the color images to the gray level, thenenhancement these gray images using the histogram equalization method, resize (20 x 20) fordataset image. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for feature extraction, andfinally apply four classification metho

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
PFDINN: Comparison between Three Back-propagation Algorithms for Pear Fruit Disease Identification
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     The diseases presence in various species of fruits are the crucial parameter of economic composition and degradation of the cultivation industry around the world. The proposed pear fruit disease identification neural network (PFDINN) frame-work to identify three types of pear diseases was presented in this work. The major phases of the presented frame-work were as the following: (1) the infected area in the pear fruit was detected by using the algorithm of K-means clustering. (2) hybrid statistical features were computed over the segmented pear image and combined to form one descriptor. (3) Feed forward neural network (FFNN), which depends on three learning algorithms of back propagation (BP) training, namely Sca

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