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A Modified Segmentation Approach for Real World Images Based on Edge Density Associated with Image Contrast Stretching
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Segmentation of real world images considered as one of the most challenging tasks in the computer vision field due to several issues that associated with this kind of images such as high interference between object foreground and background, complicated objects and the pixels intensities of the object and background are almost similar in some cases. This research has introduced a modified adaptive segmentation process with image contrast stretching namely Gamma Stretching to improve the segmentation problem. The iterative segmentation process based on the proposed criteria has given the flexibility to the segmentation process in finding the suitable region of interest. As well as, the using of Gamma stretching will help in separating the pixels of the objects and background through making the dark intensity pixels darker and the light intensity pixels lighter. The first 20 classes of Caltech 101 dataset have been utilized to demonstrate the performance of the proposed segmentation approach. Also, the Saliency Cut method has been adopted as a benchmark segmentation method. In summary, the proposed method improved some of the segmentation problems and outperforms the current segmentation method namely Saliency Cut method with segmentation accuracy 77.368%, as well as it can be used as a very useful step in improving the performance of visual object categorization system because the region of interest is mostly available.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flow Over the Spillway of AlAdhiam Dam Under Gated Condition
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The AlAdhaim Dam is located 133 kilometers northeast of Baghdad. It is a multipurpose dam and joints the Iraqi dam system in 2000. It has a storage capacity of 1.5 billion m3. The dam has an ogee spillway with a length of 562 m, a crest level of 131.5 m.a.m.s.l. and a maximum discharge capacity of 1150 m3/s at its maximum storage height of 143 m.a.m.s.l. This research aimed to investigate the hydrodynamics performance of the spillway and the stilling basin of AlAdhiam Dam by using numerical simulation models under gated situations. It was suggested to modify the dam capacity by increasing the dam's storage capacity by installing gates on the crest of the dam spillway. The FLUENT program was used to

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Relationships between the Physical and Chemical Properties of Narrow Fractions Distilled From Mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad Crude Oils
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Mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad crude oils were distilled into narrow fractions. The range of these narrow fractions were 10oC, starting from IBP to 350oC. The total distillates from mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad crude oils were 58.25 vol % and 44.65 vol %, respectively.The hydrocarbons compositions (paraffin, naphthene, aromatic) in light fractions starting from IBP to 250oC were determined by using PONA analysis method. The results show that the paraffin content decreases with increasing mid percent boiling point of the fraction, while the naphthene, and aromatic increase with the increase of mid percent boiling point of mixed Kirkuk and Sharki-Baghdad crude oils. Three groups of empirical equations were developed for the prediction

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Parallel Routing in Wireless Sensor Network
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The limitations of wireless sensor nodes are power, computational capabilities, and memory. This paper suggests a method to reduce the power consumption by a sensor node. This work is based on the analogy of the routing problem to distribute an electrical field in a physical media with a given density of charges. From this analogy a set of partial differential equations (Poisson's equation) is obtained. A finite difference method is utilized to solve this set numerically. Then a parallel implementation is presented. The parallel implementation is based on domain decomposition, where the original calculation domain is decomposed into several blocks, each of which given to a processing element. All nodes then execute computations in parall

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Convergence To Approximate Solutions of Multivalued Operators
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The goal of this study is to provide a new explicit iterative process method  approach for solving maximal monotone(M.M )operators in Hilbert spaces utilizing a finite family of different types of  mappings as( nonexpansive mappings,resolvent mappings and projection mappings. The findings given in this research strengthen and extend key previous findings in the literature. Then, utilizing various structural conditions in Hilbert space and variational inequality problems, we examine the strong convergence to nearest point projection for these explicit iterative process methods Under the presence of two important conditions for convergence, namely closure and convexity. The findings reported in this research strengthen and extend

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Investigation Desulfurization Method Using Air and Zinc Oxide/Activated Carbon Composite
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In present work examined the oxidation desulfurization in batch system for model fuels with 2250 ppm sulfur content using air as the oxidant and ZnO/AC composite prepared by thermal co-precipitation method. Different factors were studied such as composite loading 1, 1.5 and 2.5 g, temperature 25 oC, 30 oC and 40 oC and reaction time 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The optimum condition is obtained by using Tauguchi experiential design for oxidation desulfurization of model fuel. the highest percent sulfur removal is about 33 at optimum conditions. The kinetic and effect of internal mass transfer were studied for oxidation desulfurization of model fuel, also an empirical kinetic model was calculated for model fuels

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Analytical Study of Bending Stresses and Deflections in Curved Beam Made of Laminated Composite Material
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Theoretical and experimental methodologies were assessed to test curved beam made of layered   composite material. The maximum stress and maximum deflection were computed for each layer and the effect of radius of curvature and curve shape on them. Because of the increase of the use of composite materials in aircraft structures and the renewed interest in these types of problems, the presented theoretical assessment was made using three different approaches: curved beam theory and an approximate 2D strength of material equations and finite element method (FEM) analysis by ANSYS 14.5 program for twelve cases of multi-layered cylindrical shell panel differs in fibe

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of Instructional Scaffolding Strategy in the Development of Academic Achievement and Critical Thinking in Female Second Year Secondary Students in Mathematics: محمد بن صنت الحربي , آمنة بنت سعيد بن جبل
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This study aims to find out the effectiveness of instructional scaffolding strategy in the development of academic achievement and critical thinking of female second grade secondary mathematics students. Semi-experimental and relational descriptive method was used. The sample of the study consisted of (50) students divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was taught using scaffolding strategy whereas the control group was taught using traditional method. Pre- and Post-tests were used to achieve the objective of the study. The results of the study revealed that there are statistically significant differences in the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the posttest for both the academi

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The prevalence and antimicrobial sensitivity of Esbl Escherichia Coli. in clinical isolates
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Background: The antimicrobial resistance is one of the most serious and expanding health problems world -wide in the last decades. The esbl escherichia coli. (extended – spectrum beta-lactamase e.coli) represents an important aspect of it .Objectives: To get an overview on the esbl e.coli prevalence profile in general. Also to assess the antibiotic sensitivity of esbl e. coli trying to specify the most effective antibiotics in combating this micro-organism.Methods: this study tries to focus on this problem in Iraq which through a prospective study approach by taking 35 clinical samples from various sources (urine, blood, abscess, eye ,vagina ,stool and others),and after confirming the presence of e.coli, the presence of esbl e.coli and

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Coating of Carbon Nanotubes Using Chemical Method to Enhance the Corrosion Protection of Copper and Aluminum Metals in Seawater Medium
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     In this study, carbon nanotubes were prepared using a pure chemical method modified similar to the Hummers method with simple changes in the work steps. The carbon nanotubes were then coated and reduced on copper and aluminum metals using the electrodeposition method (EDP) for corrosion protection application in seawater medium (NaCl 3.5%) at four different temperatures: 20, 30, 40, and 50 °C, which were studied using three electrode potentiostats. All corrosion measurements, thermodynamics, and kinetics parameters were nominated from Tafel plots. The films deposited by the carbon nanotubes were examined by the SEM technique, and this technique showed the formation of carbon nanotubes.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Numerical Approximation of the Bioheat Equation of Space-Fractional Type Using Shifted Fractional Legendre Polynomials
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The aim of this paper is to employ the fractional shifted Legendre polynomials (FSLPs) in the matrix form to approximate the fractional derivatives and find the numerical solutions of the one-dimensional space-fractional bioheat equation (SFBHE). The Caputo formula was utilized to approximate the fractional derivative. The proposed methodology applied for two examples showed its usefulness and efficiency. The numerical results showed that the utilized technique is very efficacious with high accuracy and good convergence.

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