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A Modified Segmentation Approach for Real World Images Based on Edge Density Associated with Image Contrast Stretching

Segmentation of real world images considered as one of the most challenging tasks in the computer vision field due to several issues that associated with this kind of images such as high interference between object foreground and background, complicated objects and the pixels intensities of the object and background are almost similar in some cases. This research has introduced a modified adaptive segmentation process with image contrast stretching namely Gamma Stretching to improve the segmentation problem. The iterative segmentation process based on the proposed criteria has given the flexibility to the segmentation process in finding the suitable region of interest. As well as, the using of Gamma stretching will help in separating the pixels of the objects and background through making the dark intensity pixels darker and the light intensity pixels lighter. The first 20 classes of Caltech 101 dataset have been utilized to demonstrate the performance of the proposed segmentation approach. Also, the Saliency Cut method has been adopted as a benchmark segmentation method. In summary, the proposed method improved some of the segmentation problems and outperforms the current segmentation method namely Saliency Cut method with segmentation accuracy 77.368%, as well as it can be used as a very useful step in improving the performance of visual object categorization system because the region of interest is mostly available.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Clouds Height Classification Using Texture Analysis of Meteosat Images

In the present work, pattern recognition is carried out by the contrast and relative variance of clouds. The K-mean clustering process is then applied to classify the cloud type; also, texture analysis being adopted to extract the textural features and using them in cloud classification process. The test image used in the classification process is the Meteosat-7 image for the D3 region.The K-mean method is adopted as an unsupervised classification. This method depends on the initial chosen seeds of cluster. Since, the initial seeds are chosen randomly, the user supply a set of means, or cluster centers in the n-dimensional space.The K-mean cluster has been applied on two bands (IR2 band) and (water vapour band).The textural analysis is used

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Use of Infrared Light to Improve Breast Sonographic images

It is well known that sonography is not the first choice in detecting early breast tumors. Improving the resolution of breast sonographic image is the goal of many workers to make sonography a first choice examination as it is safe and easy procedure as well as cost effective. In this study, infrared light exposure of breast prior to ultrasound examination was implemented to see its effect on resolution of sonographic image. Results showed that significant improvement was obtained in 60% of cases.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Optical Distinguish of Malignancy Cases of Skin Tumors Images

The aim of the study is to detect the malignant conditions of the skin tumors through the features of optical images. This research included some of image processing techniques to detect skin cancer as a strong threat to human beings' lives. Using image processing and analysis methods to improves the ability of pathologists to detect this disease leading to more specified diagnosis and better treatment of them. One hundred images were collected from Benign and Malignant tumors and some appropriate image features were calculated, like Maximum Probability, Entropy, Coefficient of Variation, Homogeneity and Contrast, and using Minimum Distance method to separate these images. These features with Minimum Distance as a proposed making decision a

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses magnetization and radio waves, rather than x-rays to make very detailed, cross- sectional pictures of the brain. In this work we are going to explain some procedures belongs contrast and brightness improvement which is very important in the improvement the image quality such as the manipulation with the image histogram. Its has been explained in this worked the histogram shrink i.e. reducing the size of the gray level gives a dim low contrast picture is produced, where, the histogram stretching of the gray level was distributed on a wide scale but there is no increase in the number of pixels in the bright region. The histogram equalization has also been discuss together with its effects of the improveme

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Deep Learning of Diabetic Retinopathy Classification in Fundus Images

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease in diabetic patients due to damage to the small blood vessels in the retina due to high and low blood sugar levels. Accurate detection and classification of Diabetic Retinopathy is an important task in computer-aided diagnosis, especially when planning for diabetic retinopathy surgery. Therefore, this study aims to design an automated model based on deep learning, which helps ophthalmologists detect and classify diabetic retinopathy severity through fundus images. In this work, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with transfer learning and fine tunes has been proposed by using pre-trained networks known as Residual Network-50 (ResNet-50). The overall framework of the proposed

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Restoration of Digital Images Using an Iterative Filter Algorithm

Digital image started to including in various fields like, physics science, computer science, engineering science, chemistry science, biology science and medication science, to get from it some important information. But any images acquired by optical or electronic means is likely to be degraded by the sensing environment. In this paper, we will study and derive Iterative Tikhonov-Miller filter and Wiener filter by using criterion function. Then use the filters to restore the degraded image and show the Iterative Tikhonov-Miller filter has better performance when increasing the number of iteration To a certain limit then, the performs will be decrease. The performance of Iterative Tikhonov-Miller filter has better performance for less de

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hybrid Images Compression and Transmitted Using MC-CDMA System

In this paper, the combined source coding with Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) system is proposed, where the transmission of the compressed image produced from source coding through Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel for a single user and multi users. In which the (MC-CDMA) system removes Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). The hybrid compression system of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and predictive coding (PC) technique are integrated as a source coding. The simulation results indicates that the transmission system of a single user was much better than the transmission system of multi users. When the number of users increased, the Bit Error Rate (BER) increased. For a

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 Computing Conference
Protecting a sensitive dataset using a time based password in big data

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Approach for Developing Spectrophotometric Determination of Phenylephrine Drug in Pure, Pharmaceutics and Serum Samples Using Sodium Periodate as Oxidizing Agent via a Green Method of CFIA/Merging Zone Technique

     The research involved a rapid, automated and highly accurate developed CFIA/MZ technique for estimation of phenylephrine hydrochloride (PHE) in pure, dosage forms and biological sample. This method is based on oxidative coupling reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) with PHE in existence of sodium periodate as oxidizing agent in alkaline medium to form a red colored product at ʎmax )520 nm (. A flow rate of 4.3 mL.min-1 using distilled water as a carrier, the method of FIA proved to be as a sensitive and economic analytical tool for estimation of PHE.

Within the concentration range of 5-300 μg.mL-1, a calibration curve was rectilinear, where the detection limit was 3.252 μg.mL

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Nov 28 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Science
Removal of Aniline Blue from Textile Wastewater using Electrocoagulation with the Application of the Response Surface Approach

This paper investigated the treatment of textile wastewater polluted with aniline blue (AB) by electrocoagulation process using stainless steel mesh electrodes with a horizontal arrangement. The experimental design involved the application of the response surface methodology (RSM) to find the mathematical model, by adjusting the current density (4-20 mA/cm2), distance between electrodes (0.5-3 cm), salt concentration (50-600 mg/l), initial dye concentration (50-250 mg/l), pH value (2-12 ) and experimental time (5-20 min). The results showed that time is the most important parameter affecting the performance of the electrocoagulation system. Maximum removal efficiency (96 %) was obtained at a current density of 20 mA/cm2, distance be

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