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Qualitative and Quantitative Molecular Analysis of Epstein-Barr Virus in Iraqi Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuro-inflammatory disorder in which the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is proposed to have a pathogenic role. Therefore, a case-control study was performed (93 patients with relapsing-remitting MS and 113 healthy controls (HC) to analyze the prevalence and viral load of EBV infection using real time-polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence of EBV infection was lower in patients compared to HC but the difference was not significant (12.9 vs. 21.2%; probability [p] = 0.187). EBV-positive MS cases were more common in females than in males (83.3 vs. 16.7%), while an opposite distribution was observed in HC (37.5 vs. 62.5%), and the difference was significant (p = 0.041). Blood group O frequency was higher in EBV-positive patients compared to the corresponding HC but the difference was not significant (33.3 vs. 20.8%; p = 0.443). EBV-positive MS cases showed similar frequency in the two groups of the expanded disability status scale (EDSS: < 3.0 and ≥ 3.0; 50% each). EBV load was significantly elevated in EBV-positive MS cases compared to EBV-positive HC (94.6 ± 84.2 vs. 17.0 ± 16.3 DNA copy/100 cells; p = 0.009). When EBV-positive MS cases were classified by gender, EDSS groups or ABO blood groups, there were no significant differences between EBV loads in each stratum. However, a significant correlation between EBV load and EDSS was found (correlation coefficient = 0.620; p = 0.031). In conclusion, the prevalence of EBV infection showed no significant differences between MS patients and HC, while EBV load was significantly higher in patients.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 04 2019
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Differential Expression for Genes in Response to Drought and Salinity in Ruta graveolens Plantlets
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Abiotic stress-induced genes may lead to understand the response of plants and adaptability to salinity and drought stresses. Differential display reverse transcriptase – polymerase chain reaction (DDRT-PCR) was used to investigate the differences in gene expression between drought- and salinity-stressed plantlets of Ruta graveolens. Direct and stepwise exposures to drought- or salt-responsive genes were screened in R. graveolens plantlets using the DDRT technique. Gene expression was investigated both in the control and in the salt or drought-stressed plantlets and differential banding patterns with different molecular sizes were observed using the primers OPA-01 (646,770 and 983 pb), OPA-08 (593 and 988 pb), OPA-11 (674 and 831 pb

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 19 2022
Journal Name
Gynecology And Obstetrics Case Report
A Case Report of Intrauterine Fetal Death with Three Loops of Umbilical Cord around Neck, Keratin Hair Treatment during Pregnancy Could be the Cause
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of crude alcoholic extracted for the Seeds and Leaves of Apium graveolens Var dulce. In the level of some female hormones in albino Mice.
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The quantitative determination of the estrogen E2, Progestron P4 & follicle stimulating hormones FSH in the serums of Albino mice used in the experiments & treated by crude alcoholic extracted 95% of the seeds & leaves of Apium graveolens was a significant increase in the concentration of estrogen of different kinds of the extracted in comparison with the values of the coefficient of the control group, that is the study recorded a significant increase of the concentration of estrogen; it was the highest in the mice which was administrated by the methanolic extracted 95%, then it was less in the mouse which was administrated by the ethanolic extracted., and it was the least in the mice which were administrated by the crude ethanolic-methano

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Use of Multimedia in the Design of Educational Websites and their Role in Enhancing the Cognitive Aspect of the Learner: احمد ناجي علي-يوسف مشتاق لطيف
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Multimedia is one of the most important elements of modern educational media and must be used in educational websites in order to disseminate knowledge on a large scale and should be used to provide scientific information to all, as the current research tried to explore the possibilities of employing them in the design of educational websites and highlight their role in promoting the scientific aspects of the user. This study included four axes, the first of which was devoted to the introduction which includes the problem of research, its importance, objectives and its objective, temporal and spatial limitations, which were limited to the study of the main pages of Arabic educational websites published in 2019.  The second axis cont

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
A study and Evaluation of some of the variables in the Stubborn Child behavior in eating his food Between the ages of 3 to 6 years
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The child realize that the meals time provide golden opportunities to get the attention the child needs. However, many difficulties that may appear about eating food can be avoided, if the family used the right way in dealing with this problem. The study aims, in this case, at searching for the reasons that lies behind the child's obstinacy in eating his food and the attempt to study some variables that is related to the research topic.

The results are summed up as follows:


  • The number of the sample children is 3 of both sexes between the ages of 3 to 6 years

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of Uranium Concentration in Urine Samples of Three Age Groups of Healthy Individuals in Najaf Governorate Using CR-39 and LR-115 Solid State Detectors
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      Uranium concentration was estimated in urine samples of three age groups, G1≤ 30 years, n=28, G2 age range of 31-40 years, n=28, and G3 of age > 40 years, n=32, using two types of detectors CR-39 and LR-115 solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) for results comparison.

     Results showed that uranium mean level values for CR-39 were 1.961 ±0.08 µg/L, 1.810 ±0.09 µg/L and 1.814 ±0.076 µg/L for G1, G2 and G3 respectively, while the mean values of uranium concentration using LR-115 were 0.972 ±0.07 µg/L, 0.922 ±0.07 µg/L and 1.018 ±0.08 µg/L in G1, G2 and G3 respectively, with significant statistical difference betw

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Determinants of Investment Allocations in the Agricultural Sector in Iraq : A Comparison Between the Method of least Squares Approach and the errror Correction Model
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                 The research aimed to test the relationship between the size of investment allocations in the agricultural sector in Iraq and their determinants using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method compared to the Error Correction Model (ECM) approach. The time series data for the period from 1990 to 2021 was utilized. The analysis showed that the estimates obtained using the ECM were more accurate and significant than those obtained using the OLS method. Johansen's test indicated the presence of a long-term equilibrium relationship between the size of investment allocations and their determinants. The results of th

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the anterior loop of the mental nerve incidence and extension in different age groups in Sulaimania city using digital panoramic imaging system
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Background: The anterior loop of mental nerve is commonly described as that part of the neurovascular bundle that transverses anterior and inferior to the mental foramen only to loop back to exit the mental foramen. The aim of the study is to evaluate the incidence and extension of anterior loop of mental nerve by using digital panoramic imaging system to avoid nerve damage during different surgical procedures in dentistry. Materials and Method: Panoramic image was taken for all 400 patients and stored in the computer. Then Horizontal and Vertical for the anterior loop extension when exist was measured and recorded in a special case sheet prepared for each subject. Results: Results indicated that out of 400 patients there were only 25 pat

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the fungus Metarhizumanisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin and actelic insecticide in the protection of bean seeds packaged in bag from infection by cowpea beetle
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this study was perform to defined the effect of fungus Metarhiziumanisopliae Sorokin with concentrations 5x101, 5x103 and 5x105 spore/ ml and Actelic insecticide with concentration 0.001% in in rate of germinate treated string bean seeds also study effect of packed bags in two different type: jute and polypropylene bags which treated with fungal suspension pervious mention and insecticide in rate infested the string bean seeds packed in it.Results of the study showed the following: Lower rate of weight loss of cowpea seeds appear in poly propylene bags 4.41, 5.95% after six months of treatment with 5x 105 spore/ ml and Actelic insecticide respectively compared with 15.08% to control treatment. The fungal concentrations and insecticide not

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The supervisory role of the central bank in the protection of commercial banks: An applied research in the Economy Bank for Investment and Finance
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Represents a supervisory and oversight role of the Central Bank  towards finding a sober banking sector, as the procedures , regulations and laws that the Central Bank insists on its implementation with the utmost precision, and that was to protect depositors and shareholders' class basis rights, but it is in the interest of the bank in the end, as it seeks to improve the performance of commercial banks and vaccinated against falling into the blunders, they also contribute to building a sober and stable banking sector and security contributes to the welfare and employment optimization of economic resources, and treatment of research (and the presence of banks decline in financial performance, according to financial performance indic

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