Baluti Formation of the Rhaetian (Late Triassic) age is composed mainly of dolomite, the unit formed with dolomitic limestone, dolomitic breccias and limestone begins with gray or dark gray colored and sugar textured dolomitic limestones including micrite with shale horizons. Baluti Formation was deposited in carbonate platform, and slumped to deeper margins forming carbonate debrites and breccias of various types.
Petrographic examination of the dolomites reveals various crystal habits and textures of the dolomites. Planktonic bivalve, calcisphere and echinoid spicules were found in the Baluti Formation settled in deep-margin carbonate environment. Nine dolomite-rock textures were identified and classified according to the crystal-size distribution and crystal-boundary shape. These are made of unimodal, 1) very fine to fine-crystalline planar-s (subhedral) mosaic dolomite; 2) unimodal, medium to coarse-crystalline planar-s (subhedral) mosaic dolomite; 3) coarse to very coarse crystalline planar-s (subhedral) dolomite; 4) medium to coarse-crystalline planar-e (euhedral) mosaic dolomite; 5) medium to coarse-crystalline planar-e (euhedral) dolomite; 6) coarse to very coarse-crystalline non-planar-a (anhedral) dolomite; 7) coarse to very coarse-crystalline non-planar-c (cement) dolomite; 8) polymodal, planar-s (subhedral) to planar-e (euhedral) mosaic dolomite. Dolomitization is closely associated with the development of secondary porosity; dolomitization pre and post diagenetic dissolution and corrosion and no secondary porosity generation is present in the associated limestones. The most common porosity types are non-fabric selective moldic and vugy porosity and intercrystalline porosity. These porous zones are characterized by late-diagenetic coarse-crystalline dolomite, whereas the non-porous intervals are composed of dense mosaics of early-diagenetic dolomites. The distribution of dolomite rock textures indicates that porous zones were preserved as limestone until late in the diagenetic history, and were then subjected to late-stage dolomitization in a medium burial environment, resulting in coarse-crystalline porous dolomites. Baluti dolomites have been formed as early diagenetic at the tidal-subtidal environment and as a late diagenetic at the shallow-deep burial depths.
This research studies the petrography, mineralogy and diagenetic history of the Sarmord Formation at Sulaimani and Erbil Governorates in Northeastern Iraq. The Sarmord Formation consists mainly of alternated yellowish to bluish gray bedded marly limestone with yellowish gray soft marl beds. Petrographic investigations of the marly limestones were based on 270 thin sections and show that the skeletal grains include bioclasts, foraminiferas, radiolarians, calcispheres, echinoderms, ostracods and cephalopods. The groundmass is composed of micrite with light brown to gray colors, rich in organic materials and iron oxides. The X-ray diffraction analysis of the marls revealed that the abundant clay minerals in the Sarmord Formation ar
... Show MoreThe Pila Spi Formation (middle – late Eocene) was studied in terms of field character, Petrography and geochemistry from two outcrops (Bakhar and Bani bawy) sections, Northern Iraq. The field studies showing massive, lithified limestone to marly limestone high effected by dolomitization. The petrography studies shows that most of the skeletal grains was destroyed due to digenetic processes specifically the dolomitization, and the vast majority of carbonate rocks are mudstone and few beds of wackestone. The geochemical study reveals low CaO% and high MgO% content due to the intense effect of dolomitization, and the carbonate rocks was classified as impure limestone generally of slightly calcareous dolomite. Ca/Mg and Sr/Ca ratios have b
... Show MoreThe lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies of the Shiranish Formation in the Diana area, Erbil, Northern Iraq, were conducted to distinguish the main lithostratigraphic units, depositional environment and the formation age. The Shiranish Formation in the study area can be divided into three rock units. The lower and upper units consist of marly limestone, marl and limestone deposited in the outer shelf environment, while the middle unit is dominated by laminated calcareous shale and marl deposited in the upper bathyal environment. Calcareous nannofossils showed the presence of about 20 species/genera in the studied Shiranish Formation. Three biozones are identified; Misceomarginatus pleniporus biozone;
... Show MoreThirty-four dolomite and dolomitic limestone samples were collected from Aqra – Bekhma (It is difficult to separate the two formations as they are intervening) Formation in Bekhma Gorge area near Shaqlawa in northern Iraq. Alizarin red - s was used to distinguish calcite from dolomite. The saddle dolomite was recognized as a virtually rough crystalline material with milky-white or rosy color when seen in outcrop. In addition, we observed a pearl luster and a characteristically marred crystal building that is, in principle, described as damaged crystal faces with cleavage planes, while microscopically it appeared as a widespread extinction. The crystal faces, although well advanced, are frequently pavement-like facets.
The current research to study the petrography, mineralogy and geochemical relationships of the ultramafic rocks in the Galalah area within Erbil Governorate, at the Unstable Shelf in the Imbricate Zone, to determine the origin of the ultramafic rocks.
Dunite and Harzburgite are the most abundant rock bodies in the study area, and they represent most of the outer surface exposure of the ultramafic rock aggregates. The dunite rocks are characterized by pale brown color on the altered surface that is broken into olive green and dark green lithic. Dunite represents a homogenous lithologic feature that mainly consists predominately of olivine with accessory spinel and traces of orthopyroxene. While the harzburgite appears as
... Show MoreThe present study deals with the petrographic investigations revealed that the sandstone of Gercus Formation the studied samples of sandstone units composed primarily of rock fragments (sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic), quartz grains (monocrystalline and polycrystalline), and feldspars (orthoclase, microcline and plagioclase). These components are cemented by carbonate and iron oxides. The studied sandstones are classified as litharenites, Sandstone rocks of Gercus Formation are chemically and mechanically unstable due to the high percentage of rock fragments ,such a grain assemblage infers that the source of the rock fragments is nearby. The petrographic analyses indicate that the studied sandstones are immature mineralogically b
... Show MoreThe Dammam Formation ( Middle-Late Eocene) has a total thickness 150 m , 143 m and 89.7 m at the studied wells (B.H.8, B.H.3 and B.H.1) respectively. They are located in Al- Najaf Governorate, 35 Km southwest of Al-Najaf city. The petrographic components of the Dammam limestone comprises skeletal grainsforaminifera (both benthic and planktonic), echinoderm plates and Mollusca, shell fragments, Bryozoan, Bioclasts are common, non-skeletal grainsare pellets, lithoclast (carbonate and non carbonate), and groundmass (micrite and sparry calcite). In term of mineralogy, the X-Ray analysis shows the presence of non clay minerals is calcite, dolomite as the main minerals and quartz and scattered evaporate, whereas clay minerals as secondary mine
... Show MoreThis study involves microfacies analysis of the Kometan Formation from northeastern Iraq supported by detailed petrographic investigation for the main components and diagenetic processes using a petrographic microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). The techniques have revealed that the formation includes two microfacies; lime wackestone and lime packstone microfacies which in turn are subdivided into seven sub-microfacies, that were deposited in the quiet and deep marine environment. Planktonic foraminifera (keeled and globular chamber types) are dominant, along with oligostegina in addition to subordinate benthonic foraminifera and fine-grained bioclasts. Calcite forms the main mineralogical compositi
... Show MoreDiagenetic processes and types of pores that control the reservoir properties are studied for Mauddud Formation in selected wells of Badra oil field, central Iraq. The microscopic study of the thin sections shows the effects of micritization, cementation, neomorphism, dissolution, dolomitization, compaction, and fracturing on Mauddud Formation carbonate microfacies. The decrease of porosity is resulted from cementation, compaction, and neomorphism. Different types of calcite cement occlude pore spaces such as drusy cement, syntaxial rim cement, and granular (blocky) cement. The neomorphism of micritic matrix and skeletal grains reduces porosity as indicated by development of microspar or pseudospar. Evidence of decreasing porosity by com
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