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Facies Analysis of The Siliciclastic-calciturbidites, Gercus Formation In Dokan Area, Ne-Iraq; New Insight On Deposition Enviroment And Basin Evolution
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Sedimentologic and facies evidences reveal a marine environment for the Gercus Formation. Facies analysis and associated sedimentary structures including graded beddings decide turbidity origin of the rocks. Marine environment is supported by the identifying glauconite and fossils types reported for the first time.
The formation composed of seven lithotypes; shale/claystone, mudstone, sandstone, carbonate, conglomerate, breccias and debris flow, which are arranged in repeated cycles of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate turbidites in a range of gravity-flow regime. The Gercus successions are grouped into four facies associations confirming marine depositional systems, these are (from bottom to top); slump siliciclastic-calciturbidites (dolomite/shale dominated), proximal siliciclastic-calciturbidites (dolomite/sand dominated), distal siliciclastic-calciturbidites (sand/mud dominated) and slope siliciclastic turbidites (sand/clay dominated) respectively.
Petrographic analysis of sandstone units show predominant of lithic fragments, most of it are carbonate with subordinate tuffaceous fragments, chert, chalcedony, volcanic ash, metamorphic and detrital iron oxides grains, with noticeable grains of glauconite. Varieties of marine fossils are identified includes planktonic bivalves and benthic forams of cool water, which support the deeper marine environment. Petrographic examination of carbonate units reveal skeletal grains of benthic and planktonic forams, stromatolite, planktonic bivalves, corals and algae, with non-skeletal grains of chert, chalcedony, tuffaceous fragments, volcanic ash, and volcanic bubbles.
Petrography, lithofacies and lithostratigraphic analysis of the Gercus Formation suggest deposition in developed marine environment, mainly effected by gravity-flow turbidity currents, and displays successive submarine fans of high density turbulent currents in deeper margins. Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate cycles were deposited in intervals of weaning of turbulent currents. Based on clast type and size, it seems likely that a weakly turbulent to laminar gravity-flow phase was present when the flow event entered the basin at the end part of the fan. A change in flow behavior may have led to deposit sand-rich unit with ‘turbidite’ characteristics, which was subsequently grades upwards to clay-dominated unit.
This paper presents new details of lithostratigraphic subdivisions and associations of the Gercus Formation in Koi Dokan area, and new suggested marine environment of deposition. The previous workers suggest continental and probably mixed with deltaic environments in the upper part.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Architecture And Depositional Marine Systems of the Yamama Formation in Selected Wells, Southern Iraq
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      The Yamama Formation is characterized by a wide geographic extension of southern Iraq. Microfacies analysis of this formation was studied in six wells distributed in six fields: Fayhaa, Sindbad, Siba, Zubair, Ratawi and West Qurna. This research aims to determine paleoenvironments by diagnosing biofacies and lithofacies. Miscellaneous marine fauna of foraminifera and calcareous algae, mainly green algae (dasycladacean.) and skeletal bioclasts from gastropods, pelecypods, bryozoans, sponge spicules, and echinoderms were found. Petrographic studies and well logs interpretations led to the identification of five main Microfacies ( Mudstone, Wackestone, Packestone, Grainestone and Rudstone and twelve submicrofacies (Foraminiferal-

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Microfacies Analysis and Evolution of Porosity of the Albian-Early Cenomanian Mauddud Formation from Selected Wells in Ratawi Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Mauddud Formation (Albian stage-the Early Cretaceous) is an important oil reservoir in Ratawi field of southern Iraq. Four wells, R T-2, R T-3, R T-6, and R T-7, located 70 km northwest of Basra, were selected to study microfacies properties and petrophysical associations with the probability of oil production. Seventy-seven core samples are collected, and thin sections for petrographic analysis. The self-potential, Gamma-ray, resistivity, and porosity logs are used to determine the top and bottom of the Mauddud Formation. Water saturation of the invaded and uninvaded zones, shale volume, and porosity were calculated. The study area results showed that the quantity of shale is less than 15% for most of the wells, and the dominant po

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Mishrif Formation in Eridu Oil Field, Southwestern Iraq
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This study is achieved in the local area in Eridu oil field, where the Mishrif Formation is considered the main productive reservoir. The Mishrif Formation was deposited during the Cretaceous period in the secondary sedimentary cycle (Cenomanian-Early Turonian as a part of the Wasia Group a carbonate succession and widespread throughout the Arabian Plate. There are four association facies are identified in Mishrif Formation according the microfacies analysis: FA1-Deep shelf facies association (Outer Ramp); FA2-Slope (Middle Ramp); FA3-Reef facies (Shoal) association (Inner ramp); FA4-Back Reef facies association. Sequence stratigraphic analysis show there are three stratigraphic surfaces based on the abrupt changing in depositional

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies, Depositional Environment and Cyclicity of the Fatha Formation in East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq.
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This study deals with establishing the depositional environment of the Fatha Formation through facies analysis. It also deals with dividing the formation into units based on the rhythmic nature. Data from selected shallow wells near Hit area and deep wells at East Baghdad Oil field are used. Five major lithofacies are recognized in this study, namely, greenish grey marl, limestone, gypsum (and/or anhydrite), halite and reddish brown mudstone (with occasional sandstone).The limestone lithofacies is divided into three microfacies: Gastropods bioclastic wackestone microfacies, Gastropods peloidal bioclastic packstone, and Foraminiferal packstone microfacies.The lithofacies of the Fatha are nested in a rhythmic pattern or what is known as sh

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 22 2007
Journal Name
Al-anbar University Journal For Pure Sciences
Geochemical and paleontological study of Gulneri Formation (Upper Cretaceous) NE Iraq
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effects of Land Use and Land Cover on Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Surface Soils of Lesser Zab River Basin, NE Iraq
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To investigate and assess the effects of land use and land cover (LULC) on concentrations of heavy metals in the surface soils of Lesser Zab River Basin (LZRB), 25 surface soil samples were taken from different LULC classes. Heavy metals concentrations were measured and their enrichment factors were calculated. Most of the LZRB soil samples are moderately alkaline with pH>8 and characterized by low organic content. The average abundance of the major oxides follow the decreasing order of SiO2 % > CaO % > Al2O3 % > Fe2O3 %> MgO > K2O % > TiO2 % > Na2O % > SO3 % > P2O5 %. A correlation matrix revealed that clay and feldspar minerals, Fe and Mn oxides / hydroxides are the most important carrier phase for several

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Paleoecology of Albian – Santonian succession of Surdash to Shaqlawa area, NE Iraq
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Three formations to be studied along Surdash, Qallat, Khalakan, Hezob, Sektan, Degala
and Shaqlawa areas in the Sulaimaniya and Erbil governorates, NE Iraq. These are: Dokan,
Gulneri and Kometan formations. The paleoecology and depositional environment of these
formations are determined by studying the ecology of the planktonic and benthic
The depositional environment of are ranged from the continental shelf to the abyssal,
and the paleotemperature, salinity and paleoclimate were discriminated in each section
along the study area.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical Properties and Digenetic Evolution of Shuaiba Formation in Nasiriyah Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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     Shuaiba Formation is a carbonate succession deposited within Aptian Sequences. This research deals with the petrophysical and reservoir characterizations characteristics of the interval of interest in five wells of the Nasiriyah oil field. The petrophysical properties were determined by using different types of well logs, such as electric logs (LLS, LLD, MFSL), porosity logs (neutron, density, sonic), as well as gamma ray log. The studied sequence was mostly affected by dolomitization, which changed the lithology of the formation to dolostone and enhanced the secondary porosity that replaced the primary porosity. Depending on gamma ray log response and the shale volume, the formation is classified into three zone

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Facies architecture and stratigraphic sequence of Zubair Formation in Majnoon and Suba oil fields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Geomorphological Analysis Methodologies for Houran Valley Basin in Iraq
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Extracting, studying and interpreting the morphological database of a basin is a basic building block for building a correct geomorphological understanding of this basin. In this work, Arc GIS 10.8 software and SRTM DEM satellite images were used. The principle of data integration was adopted by extracting the quantitative values of the morphometric characteristics that are affected by the geomorphological condition of the studied basin, then eliciting an optimal conception of the geomorphological condition of the basin from the meanings and connotations of these combined transactions. Hypsometric integration was extracted for each region in the basin separately with the value of integration of the plot curve for the relative heights of

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