In computer vision, visual object tracking is a significant task for monitoring
applications. Tracking of object type is a matching trouble. In object tracking, one
main difficulty is to select features and build models which are convenient for
distinguishing and tracing the target. The suggested system for continuous features
descriptor and matching in video has three steps. Firstly, apply wavelet transform on
image using Haar filter. Secondly interest points were detected from wavelet image
using features from accelerated segment test (FAST) corner detection. Thirdly those
points were descripted using Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). The algorithm
of Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) has been employed and implemented for
object in video stream tracking and matching. The descriptor of feature in SURF can
be operated by minimizing the space of search for potential points of interest inside
the scale space image pyramid. The tracked interest points that are resulted are more
recurrence and pother free. For dealing with images that contain blurring and
rotation, SURF is best. Fast corner detector can be employed along SURF method to
build integral images .The integral images can be used to enhance the speed of
image matching. The features that are extracted from video images are matched
using Manhattan distance measure. Apply the algorithm of FAST corner detection
along SURF descriptor of feature; tracking and matching adequacy is better, fast and
more efficient than Scale Invariant Feature Transform SIFT descriptor. The
experimental outcomes displayed that the time that SURF could be taken for
matching is less than the time that SIFT could be taken ,the SURF accuracy depends
on number of key-points which are extracted from each frame. SURF key-points are
less than SIFT key-points; therefore, SURF key-points could be considered optimal
in the process of matching accuracy.
LK Abood, RA Ali, M Maliki, International Journal of Science and Research, 2015 - Cited by 2
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