Clustering algorithms have recently gained attention in the related literature since
they can help current intrusion detection systems in several aspects. This paper
proposes genetic algorithm (GA) based clustering, serving to distinguish patterns
incoming from network traffic packets into normal and attack. Two GA based
clustering models for solving intrusion detection problem are introduced. The first
model coined as handles numeric features of the network packet, whereas
the second one coined as concerns all features of the network packet.
Moreover, a new mutation operator directed for binary and symbolic features is
proposed. The basic concept of proposed mutation operator depends on the most
frequent value of the features using mode operator. The proposed GA-based
clustering models are evaluated using Network Security Laboratory-Knowledge
Discovery and Data mining (NSL-KDD) benchmark dataset. Also, it is compared
with two baseline methods namely k-means and k-prototype to judge their
performance and to confirm the value of the obtained clustering structures. The
experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models for intrusion
detection problem in which and models outperform the two baseline
methods in accuracy ( ), detection rate ( ) and true negative rate ( ).
Moreover, the results prove the positive impact of the proposed mutation operator to
enhance the strength of model in all evaluation metrics. It successfully attains
6.4, 5.463 and 3.279 percentage of relative improvement in over and
baseline models respectively.