In this paper, we introduce the notion of Jordan generalized Derivation on prime and then some related concepts are discussed. We also verify that every Jordan generalized Derivation is generalized Derivation when is a 2-torsionfree prime .
In this paper we introduce a new type of functions called the generalized regular
continuous functions .These functions are weaker than regular continuous functions and
stronger than regular generalized continuous functions. Also, we study some
characterizations and basic properties of generalized regular continuous functions .Moreover
we study another types of generalized regular continuous functions and study the relation
among them
Richards in 1996 introduced the idea of leftly e ─ core transference by using many conditions, including that the difference between the colums (k) is greater than of weight. In this paper, we generalized this idea without the condition of Richards depending on the mathematical and computational solution.
A space X is named a πp – normal if for each closed set F and each π – closed set F’ in X with F ∩ F’ = ∅, there are p – open sets U and V of X with U ∩ V = ∅ whereas F ⊆ U and F’ ⊆ V. Our work studies and discusses a new kind of normality in generalized topological spaces. We define ϑπp – normal, ϑ–mildly normal, & ϑ–almost normal, ϑp– normal, & ϑ–mildly p–normal, & ϑ–almost p-normal and ϑπ-normal space, and we discuss some of their properties.
In this article, unless otherwise established, all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unitary left R-module. We offer this concept of WN-prime as new generalization of weakly prime submodules. Some basic properties of weakly nearly prime submodules are given. Many characterizations, examples of this concept are stablished.
In this paper, we introduce and study the notion of the maximal ideal graph of a commutative ring with identity. Let R be a commutative ring with identity. The maximal ideal graph of R, denoted by MG(R), is the undirected graph with vertex set, the set of non-trivial ideals of R, where two vertices I1 and I2 are adjacent if I1 I2 and I1+I2 is a maximal ideal of R. We explore some of the properties and characterizations of the graph.
The present paper studies the generalized Φ- recurrent of Kenmotsu type manifolds. This is done to determine the components of the covariant derivative of the Riemannian curvature tensor. Moreover, the conditions which make Kenmotsu type manifolds to be locally symmetric or generalized Φ- recurrent have been established. It is also concluded that the locally symmetric of Kenmotsu type manifolds are generalized recurrent under suitable condition and vice versa. Furthermore, the study establishes the relationship between the Einstein manifolds and locally symmetric of Kenmotsu type manifolds.
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M an unitary R-module. Let ï¤(M) be the set of all submodules of M, and ï¹: ï¤(M)  ï¤(M)  {ï¦} be a function. We say that a proper submodule P of M is end-ï¹-prime if for each ï¡ ïƒŽ EndR(M) and x  M, if ï¡(x)  P, then either x  P + ï¹(P) or ï¡(M) ïƒ P + ï¹(P). Some of the properties of this concept will be investigated. Some characterizations of end-ï¹-prime submodules will be given, and we show that under some assumtions prime submodules and end-ï¹-prime submodules are coincide.
The limited availability of the two-circle diffractometer to collect intensity measurements down to the monoclinic system has been extended in a novel procedure to collect intensities for the triclinic system. The procedure involves the derivation of matrix elements from graphical representation of the reciprocal lattice. Offset of the origins of the upper layers from that of the zero-layer - characteristic of triclinic system - is determined and the 3 x 3 matrix elements are evaluated accordingly. Details of crystal alignment by X-rays for the triclinic system utilizing the intensities of equivalent reflections is described
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. And let E be a unitary R-module. This paper introduces the notion of 2-prime submodules as a generalized concept of 2-prime ideal, where proper submodule H of module F over a ring R is said to be 2-prime if , for r R and x F implies that or . we prove many properties for this kind of submodules, Let H is a submodule of module F over a ring R then H is a 2-prime submodule if and only if [N ] is a 2-prime submodule of E, where r R. Also, we prove that if F is a non-zero multiplication module, then [K: F] [H: F] for every submodule k of F such that H K. Furthermore, we will study the basic properties of this kind of submodules.