Carbon nanotubes are an ideal material for infrared applications due to their
excellent electronic and photo electronic properties, suitable band gap, mechanical
and chemical stabilities. Functionalised multi-wall carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNTs)
were incorporated into polythiophen (PTh) matrix by electro polymerization
method. f-MWCNTs/ PTh nanocomposit films were prepared with 5wt% and
10wt% loading ratios of f-MWCNTs in the polymer matrix. The films are deposited
on porous silicon nanosurfaces to fabricate photoconductive detectors work in the
near IR region. The detectors were illuminated by semiconductor laser diode with
peak wavelength of 808 nm radiation power of 300 mW. FTIR spectra assignments
verify that the thiophene groups were successfully introduced into the carbon
nanotubes. SEM images reflect that the electro polymerization process gives well
incorporated for the MWCNTs by PTh polymer. Characteristics of photodetector
were improved after cooling the detector. Figure of merit showed a good IR
radiation sensitivity and photo response, while the specific detectivity was in order
of 109 cm.Hz1/2/W and at for both MWCNTs loading ratios at forward bias voltage
5 Volts. The rise time and fall time of the output signal are about 192 μs and 121μs
respectively which consider good values for these types of detectors.
The combination of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and conducting polymers offers an attractive route for the production of novel compounds that can be used in a variety of applications such as sensors, actuators, and molecular scale electronic devices. In this work, functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNTs) were added in different load ratios (3 wt%, 5 wt% and 10 wt%) to thiophen (PTh) polymer to procedure PTh/CNTs nanocomposite and deposited on porous silicon substrate by electropolarization. Photoconductive detectors were fabricated using PTh/f-MWCNTs matrix to work in the near region and middle IR regions. These detectors were illuminated by semiconductor laser diode wavelength of 808(nm) and Nd-YAG laser of wavelength 1064 (n
... Show MoreGraphene (Gr) decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were used to fabricate a wideband range photodetector. Silicon (Si) and porous silicon (PS) were used as a substrate to deposit Gr /Ag NPs by drop-casting technique. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were prepared using the chemical method. As well as the dispersion of silver NPs is achieved by a simple chemistry process on the surface of Gr.
The optical, structure and electrical characteristics of AgNPs and Gr decorated with Ag NPs were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), x-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum of Ag NPs exhibited 2θ values (38.1o, 44.3 o, 64.5 o and 77.7
... Show MoreFar infrared photoconductive detectors based on multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were fabricated and their characteristics were tested. MWCNTs films deposited on porous silicon (PSi) nanosurface by dip and drop coating techniques. Two types of deposited methods were used; dip coating sand drop –by-drop methods. As well as two types of detector were fabricated one with aluminum mask and the other without, and their figures of merits were studied. The detectors were illuminated by 2.2 and 2.5 Watt from CO2 of 10.6 m and tested. The surface morphology for the films is studied using AFM and SEM micrographs. The films show homogeneous distributed for CNTs on the PSi layer. The root mean square (r.m.s.) of the films surface roughness in
... Show MoreIn this work, wide band range photo detector operating in UV, Visible and IR was fabricated using carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs, SWCNTs) decorated with silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). Silicon was used as a substrate to deposited CNTs/Ag NPs by the drop casting technique. Polyamide nylon polymer was used to coat CNTs/Ag NPs to enhance the photo-response of the detector. The electro-exploding wire technology was used to synthesize Ag NPs. Good dispersion of silver NPs achieved by a simple chemistry process on the surface of CNTs. The optical, structure and electrical characteristic of CNTs decorated with Ag NPs were characterized by X-Ray diffraction and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy. X-ray diffra
... Show MoreGe-Au infrared photoconductive detection was prepared from germanium single crystal which were doped with different gold concentration using thermal evaporation. The spectral resonsivity (Rλ), spectral detectivity (D*) were determined as function of wavelength, also the resistance, conductivity in dark and with illumination to infrared radiation, the gain and relative photo response have been measured with different gold concentration. Remarkable improvements in the photoresponse gain were observed for the highest resistance specimen at the expense of spectral detectivity values.
Infrared photoconductive detectors working in the far-infrared region and room temperature were fabricated. The detectors were fabricated using three types of carbon nanotubes (CNTs); MWCNTs, COOH-MWCNTs, and short-MWCNTs. The carbon nontubes suspension is deposited by dip coating and drop–casting techniques to prepare thin films of CNTs. These films were deposited on porous silicon (PSi) substrates of n-type Si. The I-V characteristics and the figures of merit of the fabricated detectors were measured at a forward bias voltage of 3 and 5 volts as well as at dark and under illumination by IR radiation from a CO2 laser of 10.6 μm wavelengths and power of 2.2 W. The responsivity and figures of merit of the photoconductive detector
... Show MoreFocusing of Gaussian laser beam through nonlinear media can induce spatial self- phase modulation which forms a far field intensity pattern of concentric rings. The nonlinear refractive index change of material depends on the number of pattern rings. In this paper, a formation of tunable nonlinear refractive index change of hybrid functionalized carbon nanotubes/silver nanoparticles acetone suspensions (F-MWCNTs/Ag-NPs) at weight mixing ratio of 1:3 and volume fraction of 6x10-6 , 9x10-6 , and 18x10-6 using laser beam at wavelength of 473nm was investigated experimentally. The results showed that tunable nonlinear refractive indices were obtained and increasing of incident laser power density led to increase the nonlinear refractive inde
... Show MorePure and doped TiO 2 with Bi films are obtained by pulse laser deposition technique at RT under vacume 10-3 mbar, and the influence of Bi content on the photocvoltaic properties of TiO 2 hetrojunctions is studied. All the films display photovoltaic in the near visible region. A broad double peaks are observed around λ= 300nm for pure TiO 2 at RT in the spectral response of the photocurrent, which corresponds approximately to the absorption edge and this peak shift to higher wavelength (600 nm) when Bi content increase by 7% then decrease by 9%. The result is confirmed with the decreasing of the energy gap in optical properties. Also, the increasing is due to an increase in the amount of Bi content, and shifted to 400nm when annealed at 523
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