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Determinations of The Depths to Magnetic Sources Over Al-Ma′Aniyah Depression Area-Southwest Iraq Using The Aeromagnetic Data and Their Tectonic Implication
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     Tectonically, the location of the Al-Ma'aniyah depression area is far from active boundary zones, their tectonic features have to reflect the original depositional environments with some horizontal movement due to rearrangement of the basement blocks during different actives orogenic movements. So, the analysis of aeromagnetic data were considered to estimate the thickness and structural pattern of the sedimentary cover sequences for this area. The aeromagnetic data, which are derived from Iraqi GEOSURV to Al-Ma′aniyah region is analyzed and processed for qualitative and quantitative interpretations. The process includes reducing the aeromagnetic data to pole RTP, separation the aeromagnetic data to regional and residual using power spectrum techniques and derivatives methods to delineate the anomalies boundary. The delineated anomalies from magnetic data are dependent for quantitative interpretation using 3D forward and inverse modeling. The depths of magnetic sources are 7-8 km at north and northeastern parts of study area and is about 8-10 km at south and southwestern parts of study area.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Tectonic Boundaries Using Potential Data at Tikrit-Kirkuk Area, North - Central Iraq
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The gravity and magnetic data of Tikrit-Kirkuk area in central Iraq were considered to study the tectonic situation in the area. The residual anomalies were separated from regional using space windows method with space of about 24, 12 and 10km to delineate the source level of the residual anomalies. The Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) is used to identify the fault trends in the basement and sedimentary rocks depending upon gravity and magnetic data. The identified faults in the study area show (NW-SE), less common (NE-SW) and rare (N-S) trends. Some of these faults extending from the basement to the upper most layer of the sedimentary rocks. It was found that the depth of some gravity and magnetic source range 12-13Km, which confirm th

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Tectonic Boundaries and Depth Estimate of Some Gravity Sources in Diyala Area, East Central Iraq
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 The Bouguer gravity and magnetic RTP anomalies data were used to detect the main tectonic boundaries of middle and south of Diyala Province, east Iraq. Window method   was used to separate the residual anomalies using different space windows for the Bouguer and Magnetic RTP maps. The residual anomaly processed in order to reduce noise and give a more comprehensive vision about subsurface lineaments structures. Results for descriptive  interpretation presented as contour maps in order to locate directions and extensions of  lineaments feature which may interpret  as faults. The gradient technique is used for depth estimation  of some gravity source which shows that the sources depth range between (13.65

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimating of groundwater age and quality of Al-Shanafiya Area Southwest Iraq
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The study area is located to the south of Iraq at Al-Shanafiya town, south west of Iraq. Groundwater is the main source for crops irrigation, household uses and livestock drinking. To determine the relative age of groundwater by measuring the tritium concentration in groundwater, four wells and four springs water samples were taken. Found that the mean tritium concentration in springs samples is 4.125 TU where in wells samples is 2 TU. Using Clark and Firtz (1997) classification found that the relative age is amix of sub modern and modern water. Through modern study was performed by Al-Paruany (2013) found that the tritium concentration in rainfall in Al-Diwaniyah Meteoric Station has reached the natural level (approximately 5TU). Throug

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) Technique to Gravity and Magnetic Data to Estimate the Basement Depth in Diyala Area, Eastern Central Iraq
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The Bouguer gravity and magnetic RTP data were used to detect the depth of basement rocks in middle and south Diyala Province, east Iraq. The depth of the basement rocks was calculated by using the Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) method. New attempt is achieved to applied the SPI technique to the gravity values to estimate the depth of basement rocks. The depths of basement map derived from gravity data range 8-14 km, the depth of basement map derived from magnetic data range 9-13.5 km and the basement depth prepared by C.G.G, 1974 range 9-11 km. The derived maps from SPI method and that prepared by C.G.G, 1974 show good matching in the distribution of the depths of the study area. This study showed that basement’s depth range from

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Publication Date
Mon May 28 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Climatic Water Balance in AL-Amaid Area/ Muthana Governorate/ Southwest Iraq
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     Ground water is a vital source for agricultural sector and rural communities. The global climate change is expected to change the hydrometeorological processes parameters. The climate considered as part of the southern Iraqi desert general climate with long, extremely hot, and dry summer and short wet period with little rain.  So it is vital to investigate the groundwater quality for irrigation purposes. The meteorological data of Samawa meteorological station for the period 1980-2015 was used to evaluate the climatic conditions for Muthana Governorate. It was found that the averages of annual rainfall was 105.7mm and the everages of evaporation is 3182 mm, while the mean monthly relative humidity % , mean t

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finite strain of the Tertiary rocks and their relation to tectonic deformation at Al-Tib Anticline in Missan governorate, Southeastern part of Iraq
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This paper presents the finite strain results from seven oriented samples data on Tertiary sandstone of Muqdadiya Formation and (400) samples of pebbles and conglomerate of Bai –Hassan Formation at the southwestern limb of Al-Tib Anticline in the Southeastern part of Iraq. Measurement and analysis of finite strain are carried out including these rocks at fluvio- lacustrine environment. The present study followed Fry method. The computed strain was, in the form of ellipses, within three prepared perpendicular  planes in a single sample and Center to Center method was used to determine the strain ratio of the these samples. The strain in the studied area is low, this is mainly due to the sampled rocks underwent brittle deformation d

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Deep Faults in Kut-Hai and Surrounding Area Inferred From Gravity and Magnetic Data
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Gravity and magnetic data are used to study the tectonic situation of Al-Kut- Al-
Hai and surrounding areas in central Iraq. The study included application of many
processing and interpretation programs. The window method with different spacing
was used to separate the residual from regional anomalies for gravity and magnetic
data. The Total Horizontal Derivative (THDR) techniques used to identify the fault
trends in the basement and sedimentary cover rocks depending upon gravity and
magnetic data. The identified faults in the study area show (NW-SE), (NE-SW) (NS)
and (E-W) trends. It is believed that these faults extending from the basement to
the upper most layer of the sedimentary cover rocks.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finite strain of the Tertiary rocks and their relation to tectonic deformation at Al-Tib Anticline in Missan governorate, Southeastern part of Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Oil Fields Relation to the Tectonic Boundaries that inferred from Seismic and Gravity Interpretation in Kut-Hai-Fajir and Surrounding Area, Central Iraq
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The seismic reflection and gravity data were used to detect the tectonic boundaries in Kut-Hai-Fajir and surrounding areas, central Iraq. The depth maps of Dammam, Nhr Umr, and Sulaiy, formations were constructed and used to detect some boundareis in the study area. The residual gravity map and Total Horizantal derivative (THDR) also used to detected the tectonic boundaries. It is obtained that most boundaries or faults found in the deep formations; while some of them showen in the shallow fomations. The faults or boundaries obtained from gravity intrpretation mostly coincied with the deepest formation boundaries. Generally, the grvity anomalies conform the morphological feature locations within the depth maps of the formations. Many lon

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    This paper presents the results of the slope failure analyses from fracture distributions and their relation to tectonic activity; the analytical results have indicated that the phenomena of plane failure, wedge failure and toppling failure can occur at almost of the survey sites within the study area.


    The statistical data show that the fracture orientation mainly develop in the E-W, N-S and NW-SE due to the influence of tectonic activity. The occurrence of them together with the rock slope surface orientation has formed plane failure on the slope surface of the 3B highway in the E-W direction and the types of wedge failure and toppling failure on the slope surface of the highw

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