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3D Building Reconstruction Using DEM and Mosaic Model

A digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital representation of ground surface
topography or terrain. It can be represented as a raster (a grid of squares) and it is
commonly estimated by utilizing remote sensing techniques, or from land surveying.
In this research a 3D building of Baghdad university campus have been performed
using DEM, where the easting, northing, and elevation of 400 locations have been
obtained by field survey using global positioning system (GPS). The image of the
investigated area has been extracted from QuickBird satellite sensor (with spatial
resolution of 0.6 m). This image has been geo-referenced by selecting ground
control points of the GPS. The rectification is running, using 1st order polynomial
transformation. Estimation of the ground layer elevation is carried out by spline and
IDW interpolation, the buildings have been delineated as polygons with given real
heights in the second layer. The mosaic algorithm has then been applied between
the two layers to perform the final DEM creation process. Finally, the estimated
DEM have been used to constructing 3-D building.

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