The goal of this paper is to construct an arcs of size five and six with stabilizer groups of type alternating group of degree five and degree six . Also construct an arc of degree five and size with its stabilizer group, and then study the effect of and on the points of projective plane. Also, find a pentastigm which has the points on a line. Partitions on projective plane of order sixteen into subplanes and arcs have been described.
Plane cubics curves may be classified up to isomorphism or projective equivalence. In this paper, the inequivalent elliptic cubic curves which are non-singular plane cubic curves have been classified projectively over the finite field of order nineteen, and determined if they are complete or incomplete as arcs of degree three. Also, the maximum size of a complete elliptic curve that can be constructed from each incomplete elliptic curve are given.
The aim of the paper is to compute projective maximum distance separable codes, -MDS of two and three dimensions with certain lengths and Hamming weight distribution from the arcs in the projective line and plane over the finite field of order twenty-five. Also, the linear codes generated by an incidence matrix of points and lines of were studied over different finite fields.
The purpose of this paper is to give the definition of projective 3-space PG(3,q) over Galois field GF(q), q = pm for some prime number p and some integer m.
Also, the definition of the plane in PG(3,q) is given and state the principle of duality.
Moreover some theorems in PG(3,q) are proved.
The purpose of this paper is to find an arc of degree five in 31 ,29),(2, =qqPG , with stabilizer group of type dihedral group of degree five 5 D and arcs of degree six and ten with stabilizer groups of type alternating group of degree five 5 A , then study the effect of 5 D and 5A on the points of projective plane. Also, find a pentastigm which has collinear diagonal points.
The aim of this paper is to introduce the definition of projective 3-space over Galois field GF(q), q = pm, for some prime number p and some integer m.
Also the definitions of (k,n)-arcs, complete arcs, n-secants, the index of the point and the projectively equivalent arcs are given.
Moreover some theorems about these notations are proved.
The purpose of this work is to construct complete (k,n)-arcs in the projective 2-space PG(2,q) over Galois field GF(11) by adding some points of index zero to complete (k,n–1)arcs 3  n  11. A (k,n)-arcs is a set of k points no n + 1 of which are collinear. A (k,n)-arcs is complete if it is not contained in a (k + 1,n)-arc
MDS code is a linear code that achieves equality in the Singleton bound, and projective MDS (PG-MDS) is MDS code with independents property of any two columns of its generator matrix. In this paper, elementary methods for modifying a PG-MDS code of dimensions 2, 3, as extending and lengthening, in order to find new incomplete PG-MDS codes have been used over . Also, two complete PG-MDS codes over of length and 28 have been found.
In this work, new kinds of blocking sets in a projective plane over Galois field PG(2,q) can be obtained. These kinds are called the complete blocking set and maximum blocking set. Some results can be obtained about them.
The main purpose of this work is to find the complete arcs in the projective 3-space over Galois field GF(2), which is denoted by PG(3,2), by two methods and then we compare between the two methods
The concept of the order sum graph associated with a finite group based on the order of the group and order of group elements is introduced. Some of the properties and characteristics such as size, chromatic number, domination number, diameter, circumference, independence number, clique number, vertex connectivity, spectra, and Laplacian spectra of the order sum graph are determined. Characterizations of the order sum graph to be complete, perfect, etc. are also obtained.