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Efficient Plain Password Cryptanalysis Techniques
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In this research work, some low complexity and efficient cryptanalysis approaches are proposed to decrypt password (encryption keys). Passwords are still one of the most common means of securing computer systems. Most organizations rely on password authentication systems, and therefore, it is very important for them to enforce their users to have strong passwords. They usually ignore the importance of usability of the password for the users. The more complex they are the more they frustrate users and they end up with some coping strategies such as adding “123” at the end of their passwords or repeating a word to make their passwords longer, which reduces the security of the password, and more importantly there is no scientific basis for these password creation policies to make sure that passwords that are created based on these rules are resistance against real attacks. The current research work describes different password creation policies and password checkers that try to help users create strong passwords and addresses their issues. Metrics for password strength are explored in this research and efficient approaches to calculate these metrics for password distributions are introduced. Furthermore, efficient technique to estimate password strength based on its likelihood of being cracked by an attacker is described. In addition, a tool called PAM has been developed and explained in details in this paper to help users have strong passwords using these metrics; PAM is a password analyzer and modifier.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
2013 Sixth International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering
Ensure Security of Compressed Data Transmission
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Data compression offers an attractive approach to reducing communication costs using available bandwidth effectively. It makes sense to pursue research on developing algorithms that can most effectively use available network. It is also important to consider the security aspect of the data being transmitted is vulnerable to attacks. The basic aim of this work is to develop a module for combining the operation of compression and encryption on the same set of data to perform these two operations simultaneously. This is achieved through embedding encryption into compression algorithms since both cryptographic ciphers and entropy coders bear certain resemblance in the sense of secrecy. First in the secure compression module, the given text is p

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Science
Security In Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Lightweight Algorithms : An Effective Survey
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At the level of both individuals and companies, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) get a wide range of applications and uses. Sensors are used in a wide range of industries, including agriculture, transportation, health, and many more. Many technologies, such as wireless communication protocols, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, mobile computing, and other emerging technologies, are connected to the usage of sensors. In many circumstances, this contact necessitates the transmission of crucial data, necessitating the need to protect that data from potential threats. However, as the WSN components often have constrained computation and power capabilities, protecting the communication in WSNs comes at a significant performance pena

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Secure Enhancement for Encoding/ Decoding data using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
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The Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithm meets the requirements for multimedia encryption since the encipher operation of the ECC algorithm is applied at points only and that offer significant computational advantages. The encoding/decoding operations for converting the text message into points on the curve and vice versa are not always considered a simple process. In this paper, a new mapping method has been investigated for converting the text message into a point on the curve or point to a text message in an efficient and secure manner; it depends on the repeated values in coordinate to establish a lookup table for encoding/ decoding operations. The proposed method for mapping process is&

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Cryptography based on retina information
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The security of message information has drawn more attention nowadays, so; cryptography has been used extensively. This research aims to generate secured cipher keys from retina information to increase the level of security. The proposed technique utilizes cryptography based on retina information. The main contribution is the original procedure used to generate three types of keys in one system from the retina vessel's end position and improve the technique of three systems, each with one key. The distances between the center of the diagonals of the retina image and the retina vessel's end (diagonal center-end (DCE)) represent the first key. The distances between the center of the radius of the retina and the retina vessel's end (ra

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