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Classification of soil infiltration rate depending on the Hydrological soil group map South East Iraq
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The study area is located in the East of Missan governorate, southeast of Iraq between (32°'29.52" – 32°37'30") latitude and (46°46'21.16" – 47°58'53.52")longitude. It encompasses an area of (1858 ) with elevation ranges from 8 to 165m. Soil is a natural body that exists as part of the pedosphere and which performs four important functions. It is a medium for plant growth and a means of water storage, supply and purification. The spatial mapping of soil usually involves delineating soil types that have identifiable characteristics. The delineation is based on many factors such as geomorphologic origin and conditions under which the soil is formed. Hydrologic soil group (HSG) refers to the classification of soils based on their runoff , producing characteristics and their infiltration rate. Soils are assigned to 4 hydrologic groups namely Group A - high infiltration rate when wet, low runoff potential, Group B - moderate infiltration, low runoff potential, Group C - slow infiltration, higher runoff potential, and Group D - very slow infiltration rate, highest runoff potential. According to the USDA soil classification system, four hydrological soil groups are recognized: A, B, C, and D with 19%, 48%, 32%, and 1%, respectively, the high percentage extension of moderately infiltration group (B and C).

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Publication Date
Fri May 17 2019
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
Features Selection for Intrusion Detection System Based on DNA Encoding
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Intrusion detection systems detect attacks inside computers and networks, where the detection of the attacks must be in fast time and high rate. Various methods proposed achieved high detection rate, this was done either by improving the algorithm or hybridizing with another algorithm. However, they are suffering from the time, especially after the improvement of the algorithm and dealing with large traffic data. On the other hand, past researches have been successfully applied to the DNA sequences detection approaches for intrusion detection system; the achieved detection rate results were very low, on other hand, the processing time was fast. Also, feature selection used to reduce the computation and complexity lead to speed up the system

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Orthogonal Generalized Symmetric Higher bi-Derivations on Semiprime Г-Rings .
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In this paper a Г-ring M is presented. We will study the concept of orthogonal generalized symmetric higher bi-derivations on Г-ring. We prove that if M is a 2-torsion free semiprime    Г-ring ,  and  are orthogonal generalized symmetric higher bi-derivations  associated with symmetric higher bi-derivations   respectively for all n ϵN.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A new Color image Encryption based on multi Chaotic Maps
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     This paper presents a new RGB image encryption scheme using multi chaotic maps. Encrypting an image is performed via chaotic maps to confirm the properties of secure cipher namely confusion and diffusion are satisfied. Also, the key sequence for encrypting an image is generated using a combination of   1D logistic and Sine chaotic maps. Experimental results and the compassion results indicate that the suggested scheme provides high security against several types of attack, large secret keyspace and highly sensitive.   

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Temperature Stress on Physiological and Morphological Traits in Rhizophora apiculata
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Global warming has had considerable effects on vital ecosystems, which has also been caused by increased temperatures and CO2 that follow changes in different abiotic factors, which poses threats to mangrove forests environment. This research was conducted to examine the physiological and morphological characteristics of the Rhizophora apiculata mangrove regarding higher air temperature for the variety of tree species that respond to climate change. Seedlings were cultivated for three months in regulated growth chambers with three varying temperatures of 38°C, 21°C under CO2 at 450 ppm, and ambient CO2 concentration i.e., 450 ± 20 ppm under average temperature at 28°C as the control condition

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fast Fractal Technique using Modified Moment Features on Domain Blocks
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In this research, a new technique is suggested to reduce the long time required by the encoding process by using modified moment features on domain blocks. The modified moment features were used in accelerating the matching step of the Iterated Function System (IFS). The main disadvantage facing the fractal image compression (FIC) method is the over-long encoding time needed for checking all domain blocks and choosing the least error to get the best matched domain for each block of ranges. In this paper, we develop a method that can reduce the encoding time of FIC by reducing the size of the domain pool based on the moment features of domain blocks, followed by a comparison with threshold (the selected  threshold based on experience

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Parametric Study on Unconnected Piled Raft Foundation Using Numerical Modelling
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Piled raft is commonly used as foundation for high rise buildings. The design concept of piled raft foundation is to minimize the number of piles, and to utilize the entire bearing capacity. High axial stresses are therefore, concentrated at the region of connection between the piles and raft. Recently, an alternative technique is proposed to disconnect the piles from the raft in a so called unconnected piled raft (UCPR) foundation, in which a compacted soil layer (cushion) beneath the raft, is usually introduced.  The piles of the new system are considered as reinforcement members for the subsoil rather than as structural members. In the current study, the behavior of unconnected piled rafts systems has been studie

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A study on Soft Pre-Open Sets using γ Operation
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The concept of strong soft  pre-open set was initiated by Biswas and Parsanann.We utilize this notion to study several characterizations and properties of this set. We investigate the relationships between this set and other types of soft open sets. Moreover, the properties of the strong soft  pre-interior and closure are discussed. Furthermore, we define a new concept by using strong soft  pre-closed that we denote as locally strong soft  pre-closed, in which several results are obtained. We establish a new type of soft pre-open set, namely soft  pre-open. Also, we continue to study pre-  soft open set and discuss the relationships among all these sets. Some counter examples are given to show some relations

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hand Written Signature Verification based on Geometric and Grid Features
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The fact that the signature is widely used as a means of personal verification
emphasizes the need for an automatic verification system. Verification can be
performed either Offline or Online based on the application. Offline systems work on
the scanned image of a signature. In this paper an Offline Verification of handwritten
signatures which use set of simple shape based geometric features. The features used
are Mean, Occupancy Ratio, Normalized Area, Center of Gravity, Pixel density,
Standard Deviation and the Density Ratio. Before extracting the features,
preprocessing of a scanned image is necessary to isolate the signature part and to
remove any spurious noise present. Features Extracted for whole signature

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Online Sumarians Cuneiform Detection Based on Symbol Structural Vector Algorithm
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The cuneiform images need many processes in order to know their contents
and by using image enhancement to clarify the objects (symbols) founded in the
image. The Vector used for classifying the symbol called symbol structural vector
(SSV) it which is build from the information wedges in the symbol.
The experimental tests show insome numbersand various relevancy including
various drawings in online method. The results are high accuracy in this research,
and methods and algorithms programmed using a visual basic 6.0. In this research
more than one method was applied to extract information from the digital images
of cuneiform tablets, in order to identify most of signs of Sumerian cuneiform.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Block Ciphers Analysis Based on a Fully Connected Neural Network
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With the development of high-speed network technologies, there has been a recent rise in the transfer of significant amounts of sensitive data across the Internet and other open channels. The data will be encrypted using the same key for both Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), with block cipher modes called cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and Electronic CodeBook (ECB). Block ciphers are often used for secure data storage in fixed hard drives, portable devices, and safe network data transport. Therefore, to assess the security of the encryption method, it is necessary to become familiar with and evaluate the algorithms of cryptographic systems. Block cipher users need to be sure that the ciphers the

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