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Proposed Hybrid Technique in Cryptanalysis of Cryptosystem Based on PSO and SA

     Modern ciphers are one of the more difficult to break cipher systems because these ciphers high security, high speed, non - propagation error and difficulty in breaking it. One of the most important weaknesses of stream cipher is a matching or correlation between the output key-stream and the output of shift registers.

     This work considers new investigation methods for cryptanalysis stream cipher using ciphertext only attack depending on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for the automatic extraction for the key. It also introduces a cryptanalysis system based on PSO with suggestion for enhancement of the performance of PSO, by using Simulated Annealing (SA). Additionally, it presents a comparison for the cryptanalysis system results that were obtained by the proposed technique, which is called Modified PSO (MPSO) with classical PSO and GA. These algorithms can be used for reducing the number of attempts or trials of key space, which are needed to reach to the optimal solution (the exact initial setting of Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)),and increase the speed of the search process to find the best solution. Based on the obtained results, these algorithms were shown to be effective at finding the optimal solution and the MPSO method operates better compared with PSO in the term of time and accuracy. Well known stream cipher systems were attacked by the two soft computing methods as the cases of study, which are Geffe , Brȕer and Shrinking stream cipher systems.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposed Adaptive Bitrate Scheme Based on Bandwidth Prediction Algorithm for Smoothly Video Streaming

A robust video-bitrate adaptive scheme at client-aspect plays a significant role in keeping a good quality of video streaming technology experience. Video quality affects the amount of time the video has turned off playing due to the unfilled buffer state. Therefore to maintain a video streaming continuously with smooth bandwidth fluctuation, a video buffer structure based on adapting the video bitrate is considered in this work. Initially, the video buffer structure is formulated as an optimal control-theoretic problem that combines both video bitrate and video buffer feedback signals. While protecting the video buffer occupancy from exceeding the limited operating level can provide continuous video str

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Acta Polytechnica

In cognitive radio system, the spectrum sensing has a major challenge in needing a sensing method, which has a high detection capability with reduced complexity. In this paper, a low-cost hybrid spectrum sensing method with an optimized detection performance based on energy and cyclostationary detectors is proposed. The method is designed such that at high signal-to-noise ratio SNR values, energy detector is used alone to perform the detection. At low SNR values, cyclostationary detector with reduced complexity may be employed to support the accurate detection. The complexity reduction is done in two ways: through reducing the number of sensing samples used in the autocorrelation process in the time domain and through using the Slid

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The classification of fetus gender based on fuzzy C-mean using a hybrid filter

This paper proposes a new approach, of Clustering Ultrasound images using the Hybrid Filter (CUHF) to determine the gender of the fetus in the early stages. The possible advantage of CUHF, a better result can be achieved when fuzzy c-mean FCM returns incorrect clusters. The proposed approach is conducted in two steps. Firstly, a preprocessing step to decrease the noise presented in ultrasound images by applying the filters: Local Binary Pattern (LBP), median, median and discrete wavelet (DWT),(median, DWT & LBP) and (median & Laplacian) ML. Secondly, implementing Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) for clustering the resulted images from the first step. Amongst those filters, Median & Laplace has recorded a better accuracy. Our experimental evaluation on re

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Design of Efficient Algorithm for Face Recognition Based on Hybrid PCA-Wavelet Transform

In modern times face recognition is one of the vital sides for computer vision. This is due to many reasons involving availability and accessibility of technologies and commercial applications. Face recognition in a brief statement is robotically recognizing a person from an image or video frame. In this paper, an efficient face recognition algorithm is proposed based on the benefit of wavelet decomposition to extract the most important and distractive features for the face and Eigen face method to classify faces according to the minimum distance with feature vectors. Faces94 data base is used to test the method. An excellent recognition with minimum computation time is obtained with accuracy reaches to 100% and recognition time decrease

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Research And Advanced Technology
. Medical Image Compression using Hybrid Technique of Wavelet Transformation and Seed Selective Predictive Method

Publication Date
Tue Aug 10 2021
Journal Name
Design Engineering
Lossy Image Compression Using Hybrid Deep Learning Autoencoder Based On kmean Clusteri

Image compression plays an important role in reducing the size and storage of data while increasing the speed of its transmission through the Internet significantly. Image compression is an important research topic for several decades and recently, with the great successes achieved by deep learning in many areas of image processing, especially image compression, and its use is increasing Gradually in the field of image compression. The deep learning neural network has also achieved great success in the field of processing and compressing various images of different sizes. In this paper, we present a structure for image compression based on the use of a Convolutional AutoEncoder (CAE) for deep learning, inspired by the diversity of human eye

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Construction of Graduation Certificate Issuing System Based on Digital Signature Technique

With the development of computer architecture and its technologies in recent years, applications like e-commerce, e-government, e-governance and e-finance are widely used, and they act as active research areas. In addition, in order to increase the quality and quantity of the ordinary everyday transactions, it is desired to migrate from the paper-based environment to a digital-based computerized environment. Such migration increases efficiency, saves time, eliminates paperwork, increases safety and reduces the cost in an organization. Digital signatures are playing an essential role in many electronic and automatic based systems and facilitate this migration. The digital signatures are used to provide many services and s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Pre-Processing and Surface Reconstruction of Points Cloud Based on Chord Angle Algorithm Technique


Although the rapid development in reverse engineering techniques, 3D laser scanners can be considered the modern technology used to digitize the 3D objects, but some troubles may be associate this process due to the environmental noises and limitation of the used scanners. So, in the present paper a data pre-processing algorithm has been proposed to obtain the necessary geometric features and mathematical representation of scanned object from its point cloud which obtained using 3D laser scanner (Matter and Form) through isolating the noised points. The proposed algorithm based on continuous calculations of chord angle between each adjacent pair of points in point cloud. A MATLAB program has been built t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Printed Arabic Characters Recognition Based on Minimum Distance Classifier Technique

     The printed Arabic character recognition are faced numerous challenges due to its character body which are changed depending on its position in any sentence (at beginning or in the middle or in the end of the word). This paper portrays recognition strategies. These strategies depend on new pre-processing processes, extraction the structural and numerical features to build databases for printed alphabetical Arabic characters. The database information that obtained from features extracted was applied in recognition stage. Minimum Distance Classifier technique (MDC) was used to classify and train the classes of characters. The procedure of one character against all characters (OAA) was used in determination the rate

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Smart Irrigation Technique in the Fixed Irrigation System Based on Soil Moisture Content
Abstract<p>The growing water demand has raised serious concerns about the future of irrigated agriculture in many parts all over the world, changing environmental conditions and shortage of water (especially in Iraq) have led to the need for a new system that efficiently manages the irrigation of crops. With the increasing population growing at a rapid pace, traditional agriculture will have a tough time meeting future food demands. Water availability and conservation are major concerns for farmers. The configuration of the smart irrigation system was designed based on data specific to the parameters concerning the characteristics of the plant and the properties of soil which are measured once i</p> ... Show More
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