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Calculation the Venus orbital properties and the variation of its position

Venus orbit around the Sun is an ellipse inside the Earth orbit. The elements of Venus orbit and its position are affected by the gravitational force of near planets therefore the elements were determined with Julian date through ten years 2011-2020. The orbital elements used to calculate Venus distance from the Sun, the heliocentric and geocentric equatorial coordinates. From the results the orbit of Venus and its position were described and show the gravity effect of near planets on it. The results get the values and their variation through ten years for the eccentricity, semi-major axis, inclination, longitude of ascending node, argument of perihelion, mean anomaly and distance from the Sun. The variation is very small through 10 years. The values of eccentricity variation are from 0.0067678 to 0.0067630 and inclination from 3º.39537 to 3º.39529 and argument of perihelion from 54º.634 to 54º.663 and longitude of ascending node from 76º.927 to 76º.899 and the mean anomaly increases at a uniform rate from 0º to 360º every one orbital period which mean value equal to 224.73 days. All variations were calculated through about 16 orbital periods and they are secular variation and may show more value through many hundred years due to perturbation from the Sun and planets especially the Earth, Mercury and Jupiter. The equatorial coordinates show that Venus has apparent retrograde motion as seen from Earth and that is because the Earth and Venus orbital periods around the Sun are different as well as the Venus orbit inside the Earth orbit. The distance between the Sun and Venus is various between minimum value 0.71843 AU and maximum value 0.72822 AU.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Biotreatment of Actual Potato Chips Processing Wastewater with Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cell

This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of treatment actual potato chips processing wastewater in a continuously operated dual chambers microbial fuel cell (MFC) inoculated with anaerobic sludge. The results demonstrated significant removal of COD and suspended solids of more than 99% associated with relatively high generation of current and power densities of 612.5 mW/m3 and 1750 mA/m3, respectively at 100 Ω external resistance.


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Al Wahda Treatment Plant in Baghdad City- Iraq

This study aims to evaluate drinking water quality at the Al Wahda plant (WTP) in Baghdad city. A conventional water treatment plant with an average flow rate of 72.82 MLD. Water samples were taken from the influent and effluent of the treatment plant and analyzed for some physicochemical and biological parameters during the period from June to November 2020. The results of the evaluation indicate that treated water has almost the same characteristics as raw water; in other terms, the plant units do not remove pollutants as efficiently as intended. Based on this, the station appears to be nothing more than a series of water passage units. However, apart from Total dissolved solids, the mean values of all parameters in th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Long Term Exposure to Sodium Nitrite on Gene Responsible for DNA Repair

Objective: The aim of this study is to detect the effect of continuous exposure to Sodium Nitrite on 8-oxoguanine
DNA glycosylase (OGG1) gene which responsible on DNA repairs. DNA repair play a major role in maintaining
genomic stability when DNA exposure to damage. Genomic stability is very important for keeping body cells
healthy and to prevent many types of tumor development. Many genes are responsible for this job; one of them is
OGG1 gene.
Methodology: In current study two groups of mice were chronically exposed to sodium nitrite for six months and
eighteen months while third group was used as a control. Then sizes of OGG1 were estimated.
Results: The results exhibited in the unexposed (control) mice had two dif

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermo Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Rotating Axisymmetrical Bodies Using Modified Von-Mises Yield Criterion

In the present work, the behavior of thick-walled cylinder of elasto-plastic material (polymeric material) has been studied analytically. The study is based on modified Von-Mises yield criterion (for non metallic material). The equations of stress distribution are obtained for the cylinder under general cases of elastic expansion, plastic initiation and elastic-plastic expansion.

        A computer program is developed for evaluating the stress distribution. The solution is carried out for worst boundary conditions when the cylinder is subjected to the combination of pressure load, inertia load, and temperature gradient.

        The results are presente

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Pragmatic Analysis of Illocutionary Act in a Selected Presidential Speech on COVID-19

     This paper aims at studying the illocutionary speech acts: direct and indirect to show the most dominant ones in a presidential speech delivered by the USA president. The speech is about the most critical health issue in the world, COVID-19 outbreak.  A descriptive qualitative study was conducted by observing the first speech delivered by president Trump concerning coronavirus outbreak and surveying the illocutionary acts: directive, declarative, commissive, expressive, and representative. Searle's (1985) classification of illocutionary speech acts is adopted in the analysis.

     What are the main types of the illocutionary speech acts performed by Trump in his speech?; Why does

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
"Words of threat in Hebrew language- Pragmatic study": ביטויי האיום בלשון העברית (עיון פרגמטי)
The present study approaches an analytical and deliberative analysis of the words of threat in number of Hebrew language examples through exploring all the reasons and conditions of threat act. Moreover, and because of the difficulty to make a distinction between the two verbs, the study discusses the use of the verbs “to warn and to threat” as one of the most common types verbs used in Hebrew language that implies internal threat. Threat is one of most prominent speech acts that language users resort to as a means to achieve intended threat goals. In Hebrew, it is expressed in different ways and depends on different aspects, including (internal and external context, circumstances in which the threat is made, the
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Waste as a resource of economic resources: A case study using environmentalthe index MIP

Due to increased consumption of resources, especially energy it was necessary to find alternatives characterized by the same quality as well as being of less expensive, and most important of these alternatives are characterized by waste and the fact that humancannot stop consumption. So we  have consideredwaste as an  alternative and cheap economic resources and by using environmental index the MIP (input materials per unit ,unit / service) is based on the grounds that the product is not the end of itselfit is a product to meet the need  of a product or service, awarded a resource input and output within the five basic elements are the raw materials is ecological, Raw materials ecological, water, air and soil erosion for a

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Measurements with IRI- 2012 Model Predictions Over Athens

Total Electron Content measurements derived from Athens station ionograms (ITEC),
located near Iraq, during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24 (July 2009- April 2010),
according to availability of data, are compared with the latest version of the International
Reference Ionosphere model, IRI-2012 (IRI TEC), using two options (NeQuick, IRI01-
Corr) for topside electron density.
The results obtained from both (ITEC and IRI TEC) techniques were similar, where
correlation coefficients between them are very high. Generally, the IRI predictions
overestimate the ITEC values.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Chlamydia Pneumoniae in Lung Tissues Derived from Lung Tumor-Bearing Iraqi Patients

Chlamydia pneumoniae is an intracellular gram-negative bacteria associated with lower and upper respiratory tract infections. Several studies, mostly achieved by serological assays, proposed a role for this bacteria in lung cancer risk. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of Chlamydia pneuomoniae in fresh lung tissues of a sample of Iraqi patients with lung tumors, utilizing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. . Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA was detected in 86.67% of samples. Besides, DNA sequencing of 16S rRNA gene revealed that our isolate is closely related to Chlamydia pneumoniae TW183 strain. It is concluded that Chlamydia pneumoniae  is found in fresh l

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Solid Particles Residue Collected from Baghdad Street Dust

   The study have been conducted to estimated the  concentration levels of heavy metals  in samples  of solid particles residue which collected randomly from street dust that produced  with neglected municipality wastes  in Baghdad City. Samples were collecting from services and dwelling street in Elmashtal region in Resapha side and Albaya regions in Karkh side at Baghdad City, regions characterized with different activities, a qualities analysis for the compounds doing with the following tests: 1- By using soil sieves was fragmented and limited the particulates of dust especially the dangerous types which associated with dust compounds and air pollution. 2- Digesting and analyzing of samples have been

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