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Plasma Properties of a Low-Pressure Hollow Cathode DC Discharge

      The current study involves an experimental investigation of plasma main parameters of a DC discharge with a hollow cathode (HCD) geometry in air using apertures of different diameters from the hollow cathode (1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 cm). A tiny Langmuir probe is used to investigate the plasma properties. The HCD was operated at constant power of 12.4 W and gas pressures ranging between 0.1 to 0.8 torr. It was observed that the operational conditions strongly affect the electron temperature and density, while the hollow cathode diameter has not much influence. The main important observation was that at relatively high air pressure (>0.4 torr) two electron temperatures were obtained, while at relatively low pressure (<0.4 torr), a single electron temperature was found. The results showed that the measured electron temperature decreased nearly linearly with increasing gas pressure.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the optical properties of CuInS2 non stoichiometric thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method

Effect of [Cu/In] ratio on the optical properties of CuInS2 thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis on glass slides at 300oC was studied. The optical characteristics of the prepared thin films have been investigated using UV-VIS spectrophotometer in the wavelength range (300-1100 nm). The films have a direct allow electronic transition with optical energy gap (Eg) decreased from 1.51 eV to 1.30 eV with increasing of [Cu/In] ratio and as well as we notice that films have different behavior when annealed the films in the temperature 100oC (1h,2h), 200oC (1h,2h) for [Cu/In]=1.4 . Also the extinction coefficient (k), refractive index (n) and the real and imaginary dielectric constants (ε1, ε2) have been investigated

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 24 2020
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Assessment of reservoir properties and Buckles model for Rumaila Formation in Ahdeb oil field, Central Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Triterpenoid Saponins Investigation and Pharmacological (Cytotoxic and Antioxidant) Properties of Bacopa monnieri L. Cultivated in Iraq

Bacopa monnieri L. (Scrophulariaceae), synoname is Herpestis monniera that provides bioactive compounds, especially triterpenoid saponins (Bacosides) which exhibits an important biological activities, like hypothyroidism, anticonvulsant, memory enhancing and antistress. Because there are no researches about B. monnieri L. plant that grow in Iraq, and there active compounds especially triterpenoid saponin (TS), and there effects. This study was detected the presence of (TS) in, and examined the cytotoxic and the antioxidant activity of these compounds in vitro. The study was included the extraction and identification of TS from the whole parts of B. monnieri L. by using three methods, and the best yield was analyzed by High Performance Liqui

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and optical properties of CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique

Structural and optical properties of CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin
films were prepared in this work. Cadmium Oxide (CdO) and
CdO0.99Cu0.01semiconducting films are deposited on glass substrates
by using pulsed laser deposition method (PLD) using SHG with Qswitched
Nd:YAG pulsed laser operation at 1064nm in 6x10-2 mbar
vacuum condition and frequency 6 Hz. CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin
films annealed at 550 C̊ for 12 min. The crystalline structure was
studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) method and atomic force
microscope (AFM). It shows that the films are polycrystalline.
Optical properties of thin films were analyzed. The direct band gap
energy of CdO and CdO0.99Cu0.01 thin films were determined from
(αhυ)1/2 v

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 12 2020
Journal Name
Test Engineering & Management
Studying the Optical Properties of CdSe Quantum Dots Prepared by Colloidal Method with Different pH Values

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and optical properties of ZnO doped Mg thin films deposited by pulse laser deposition (PLD)

This paper reports the effect of Mg doping on structural and optical properties of ZnO prepared by pulse laser deposition (PLD). The films deposited on glass substrate using Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) as the light source. The structure and optical properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmittance measurements. The films grown have a polycrystalline wurtzite structure and high transmission in the UV-Vis (300-900) nm. The optical energy gap of ZnO:Mg thin films could be controlled between (3.2eV and 3.9eV). The refractive index of ZnO:Mg thin films decreases with Mg doping. The extinction coefficient and the complex dielectric constant were also investigate.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Extend the shelf life and improving sensory properties of white soft cheese by adding celery... leaves

This study was aime to investigate the effect of addition different concentration of celery leaves to white soft cheese ,Treated cheese between 2018-2019, ,The finely Celery (Apium graveolens) leaves were adding to crude white cheese after texturizing in three leveles included (A,B,C) in addition of control antimicrobial activity of celery treated cheese against total account bacteria and coliform bacteria was estimated during (0, 5, 10, 15, 20) days. The results were shown that the higher concentration of celery in treated cheese, had a lower concentration of protein, lipid and ash content ( 16.81,15.13 and 4.30% respectively, but it had a higher moisture content 59.50%.also the total bacteria counts were decreasing significantly (0.05 P)w

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhancement in Lubricating, Rheological, and Filtration Properties of Unweighted Water-Based Mud Using XC Polymer NPs

In this research, an enhancement in lubricating, rheological, and filtration properties of unweighted water-based mud is fundamentally investigated using XC polymer NPs with 0.2gm, 0.5gm, 1gm, 2gm, and 4gm concentrations. Bentonite, that had been used in the preparation of unweighted water-based mud, was characterized using XRF-1800 Sequential X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, XRD-6100/7000 X-ray Diffractometer, and Malvern Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzer, respectively. Lubricating, rheology and filtration properties of unweighted water-based mud were measured at room temperature (35°C) using OFITE EP and Lubricity Tester, OFITE Model 900 Viscometer, and OFITE Low-Pressure Filter Press, respectively. XC Polymer N

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Optical Properties of Polymer Poly Vinyl Alcohol doped with CuO and Fe2Cl3 Thin films

  In this research we prepared thin films from pure polymer  (polyvinyl alcohol PVA )and doped with CuO with concentration 8% ,and Fe2Cl3 at different concentrations (1,5,8)%.This films were prepared by casting method and placed in Britidish (4cm diameter )with thickness(200±5)μm.Through the investigation of(X-ray )diffraction it is found all that the samples have polycrystalline structure .Also we measurement the optical properties from this films such as absorption ,transmittion spectra ,absorption coefficient ,energy gap ,extinction coefficient ,refraction index ,finesse coefficient ,the dielectric constant with two parts the real and the imaginary and the optical conductivity .  

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Structural and Optical Properties of Cobalt-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Prepared By Spray Pyrolysis Technique

Undoped and Co-doped zinc oxide (CZO) thin films have been prepared by spray pyrolysis technique using solution of zinc acetate and cobalt chloride. The effect of Co dopants on structural and optical properties has been investigated. The films were found to exhibit maximum transmittance (~90%) and low absorbance. The structural properties of the deposited films were examined by x-ray diffraction (XRD). These films, deposited on glass substrates at (400? C), have a polycrystalline texture with a wurtzite hexagonal structure, and the grain size was decreased with increasing Co concentration, and no change was observed in lattice constants while the optical band gap decreased from (3.18-3.02) eV for direct allowed transition. Other parameters

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