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Heart Disease Classification–Based on the Best Machine Learning Model
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    In recent years, predicting heart disease has become one of the most demanding tasks in medicine. In modern times, one person dies from heart disease every minute. Within the field of healthcare, data science is critical for analyzing large amounts of data. Because predicting heart disease is such a difficult task, it is necessary to automate the process in order to prevent the dangers connected with it and to assist health professionals in accurately and rapidly diagnosing heart disease. In this article, an efficient machine learning-based diagnosis system has been developed for the diagnosis of heart disease. The system is designed using machine learning classifiers such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Nave Bayes (NB), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The proposed work depends on the UCI database from the University of California, Irvine for the diagnosis of heart diseases. This dataset is preprocessed before running the machine learning model to get better accuracy in the classification of heart diseases. Furthermore, a 5-fold cross-validation operator was employed to avoid identical values being selected throughout the model learning and testing phase. The experimental results show that the Naive Bayes algorithm has achieved the highest accuracy of 97% compared to other ML algorithms implemented.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On the Dynamics of Prey-Predator Model Involving Treatment and Infections Disease in Prey Population
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In this paper, a mathematical model consisting of the prey- predator model with treatment and disease infection in prey population is proposed and analyzed. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution are discussed. The stability analyses of all possible equilibrium points are studied. Numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the global dynamical behavior of the system.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Sentiment analysis in arabic language using machine learning: Iraqi dialect case study
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Constructing a Software Tool for Detecting Face Mask-wearing by Machine Learning
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       In the pandemic era of COVID19, software engineering and artificial intelligence tools played a major role in monitoring, managing, and predicting the spread of the virus. According to reports released by the World Health Organization, all attempts to prevent any form of infection are highly recommended among people. One side of avoiding infection is requiring people to wear face masks. The problem is that some people do not incline to wear a face mask, and guiding them manually by police is not easy especially in a large or public area to avoid this infection. The purpose of this paper is to construct a software tool called Face Mask Detection (FMD) to detect any face that does not wear a mask in a specific

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Medical Image Classification for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Using Convolutional Neural Networks
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     The coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause different dangerous diseases that lead to death. Two types of this virus have been previously found: SARS-CoV, which causes a severe respiratory syndrome, and MERS-CoV, which causes a respiratory syndrome in the Middle East. The latest coronavirus, originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, is known as the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a new kind of coronavirus that can harm people and was first discovered in Dec. 2019. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people infected with this serious disease has reached more than seven million people from all over the world. In Iraq, the number of people infected has reached more than tw

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Automated Classification of Mammals and Reptiles Animal Classes Using Deep Learning
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Detection and classification of animals is a major challenge that is facing the researchers. There are five classes of vertebrate animals, namely the Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Fish, and each type includes many thousands of different animals. In this paper, we propose a new model based on the training of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to detect and classify two classes of vertebrate animals (Mammals and Reptiles). Deep CNNs are the state of the art in image recognition and are known for their high learning capacity, accuracy, and robustness to typical object recognition challenges. The dataset of this system contains 6000 images, including 4800 images for training. The proposed algorithm was tested by using 1200

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Techniques
Multifractal-Based Features for Medical Images Classification
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This paper presents a method to classify colored textural images of skin tissues. Since medical images havehighly heterogeneity, the development of reliable skin-cancer detection process is difficult, and a mono fractaldimension is not sufficient to classify images of this nature. A multifractal-based feature vectors are suggested hereas an alternative and more effective tool. At the same time multiple color channels are used to get more descriptivefeatures.Two multifractal based set of features are suggested here. The first set measures the local roughness property, whilethe second set measure the local contrast property.A combination of all the extracted features from the three colormodels gives a highest classification accuracy with 99.4

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
COVID-19 Detection via Blood Tests using an Automated Machine Learning Tool (Auto-Sklearn)
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     Widespread COVID-19 infections have sparked global attempts to contain the virus and eradicate it. Most researchers utilize machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict this virus. However, researchers face challenges, such as selecting the appropriate parameters and the best algorithm to achieve an accurate prediction. Therefore, an expert data scientist is needed. To overcome the need for data scientists and because some researchers have limited professionalism in data analysis, this study concerns developing a COVID-19 detection system using automated ML (AutoML) tools to detect infected patients. A blood test dataset that has 111 variables and 5644 cases was used. The model is built with three experiments using Python's Auto-

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 04 2022
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Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery based on Transfer Learning
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In this article, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect damage and no damage images form satellite imagery using different classifiers. These classifiers are well-known models that are used with CNN to detect and classify images using a specific dataset. The dataset used belongs to the Huston hurricane that caused several damages in the nearby areas. In addition, a transfer learning property is used to store the knowledge (weights) and reuse it in the next task. Moreover, each applied classifier is used to detect the images from the dataset after it is split into training, testing and validation. Keras library is used to apply the CNN algorithm with each selected classifier to detect the images. Furthermore, the performa

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effects of Conductance on Metastable Switches in Memristive Devices Based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) Learning Rules
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     In the last few years, the literature conferred a great interest in studying the feasibility of using memristive devices for computing. Memristive devices are important in structure, dynamics, as well as functionalities of artificial neural networks (ANNs) because of their resemblance to biological learning in synapses and neurons regarding switching characteristics of their resistance. Memristive architecture consists of a number of metastable switches (MSSs). Although the literature covered a variety of memristive applications for general purpose computations, the effect of low or high conductance of each MSS was unclear. This paper focuses on finding a potential criterion to calculate the conductance of each M

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 05 2019
Journal Name
Gen. Lett. Math
Building a three-dimensional maritime transport model to find the best solution by using the heuristic algorithm
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The aim of this research is to construct a three-dimensional maritime transport model to transport nonhomogeneous goods (k) and different transport modes (v) from their sources (i) to their destinations (j), while limiting the optimum quantities v ijk x to be transported at the lowest possible cost v ijk c and time v ijk t using the heuristic algorithm, Transport problems have been widely studied in computer science and process research and are one of the main problems of transport problems that are usually used to reduce the cost or times of transport of goods with a number of sources and a number of destinations and by means of transport to meet the conditions of supply and demand. Transport models are a key tool in logistics an

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